List Your Favorite PC Games

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The 7th Guest
Doom 2
Tie Fighter (the memories)
The Elder Scrolls: Oblivion
Rise of the Triad
Duke Nukem 3D
Fallout 3
"X-Com: Enemy Unknown" - classic game, still great fun.

Of the more modern games, probably "Call of Duty" series.

X-Com: Enemy Unknown is great, usually have a game in progress.
X-Com: Terror From the Deep is maybe even better.
X-Com: Apocalypse isn't bad, but I prefer the first two.
Master of Orion is an oldie that holds up even though very dated.

Microprose in it's prime was quite an outfit. ;)
My favorites are probably KOTOR, Hearts of Iron 3, Victoria, Mount and Blade Warband, and the Mass Effect games.
Playing Rift now. It's basically a way cooler WoW that is pretty polished for a new MMO, lots of little things bug me a bit, but man it's pretty.
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