Libertarianism and Communism: two sides of the same coin.

Discussion in 'Politics' started by pjdude1219, Jun 16, 2014.

  1. Michael 歌舞伎 Valued Senior Member

    You're babbling again. I asked you to restate your question. You didn't, so you got the answer to the only viable question anyone could decipher from the ramblings you posted.

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  3. joepistole Deacon Blues Valued Senior Member

    Lol, no Michael you are obfuscating again.
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  5. Michael 歌舞伎 Valued Senior Member

    Could you be ANY more vague?
    "How, do you explain the authors of the US Constitution?"

    How do I explain them, what?
    - They were beaten, they created a Constitution where some humans could own and beat other humans. Where some humans were more equal than other humans and could beat those, lesser, humans. How do "I" explain that? I explain it by their child-rearing. They were beaten, they normalized to being beating, they grew into adults who beat people - including their own children.

    You make it sound like the US Constitution, where White Privileged Land Owners were enshrined in Law, is some magical document that floated down from the sky. To 'explain' it's origin, one would need to step back in time to the Atomists and Pythagorean's and develop and understanding towards their influence on Plato, who was mentored by Socrates, and finally Aristotle. A comparison of two types of 'deep thinkers' would emerge (at least according to Bertrand Russel). Those who are inclined towards Mathematics (see: Plato) and those that are inclined towards Empiricism (See: Aristotle). Then we'd need to fast forward and read (and maybe understand): Descartes, Locke, Berkeley, Adams, Hume - I think Spinoza would have been of great influence to at least some of the people who wrote the US Constitution. Along with MANY more. Many more. A lot more.

    Is that what you're looking for Joe? Or are you looking for a quick sound bite? If the later, then we can explain the US Constitution quite clearly, it was "Change You Can Believe In".
    Hope and Change, Joe. Hope and Change. The American Framer's Hoped really really really hard and then change magically emerged from their collective anuses as the US embodiment of the US Constitution. See, that's how things get done in the real world. But pulling the magic "Vote" lever to the Right or Left, and then hoping really really hard. *POOF* instant change.
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  7. joepistole Deacon Blues Valued Senior Member

    LOL, keep wiggling. You are the one who tried to pass off the founding fathers as paragons of libertarian virtues and non violence. Did you forget? I wonder what the British thought about those non violent founding fathers.

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  8. Michael 歌舞伎 Valued Senior Member

    Sounds to me like you utilized corporal punishment against your children.

    I never stated that the Founding "Fathers" were paragons of anything. The US Constitution was a massive step forward in securing freedom FROM Government, which at that time, was a ruling Constitutional Aristocracy - IF you were a White land-owning male. One wonders how they justified beating their wives, children and Slaves WHILE at the same time holding 'these truths to be self-evident'.... You asked me for my answer, I told you, they were probably beaten as children, they learned the language of violence and that spilled over into the great flaws of the US Constitution. Such as legalized human ownership.

    Given more Blacks are being raped in prison today, than there were Slaves then.
    Given that in many Government Schools, the percentage of literate blacks is lower NOW compared to over 100 years ago, in 1910.
    Given the State now records all of our personal communications.
    Given the State owns and controls the distribution of our money as fiat currency.
    Given the State decides through State regulation and State licences, which 'free' Citizens are allowed to transact with which other "free" Citizens.
    Given the State makes up phony reasons to go to war (ex: WMD) and murders unknown numbers of women and children.
    Given that the State can sell Labor-Bonds on the unborn.... and if those children refuse to pay their Bonded Labor they had no say in, as adults? Then the State will coerce them at the point of a gun and either force them into a State-run rape-cage or someone from it's militant arm will shoot them in the head. Works wonders at keeping all the other Tax-Chattel in line.

    I'd say we've returned to the historic trend line - hell, we have LESS civil rights now than under the King George. Yeah, that's right, British Citizens living in the American colonies were FREER then, compared with us today! Land of the "Free" alright, complete with illegal NSA spying, secret arrest warrants, illegal taxes that dwarf the pathetic Stamp Act of 1765 and illegal paramilitary-style SWAT "No Knock Raids" often ending in the State murdering innocent civilians. What an f*cking joke America is, or I should say, Amoorikkka, "Land of Waddle" has become.

    And, this is what "The" Amoorikkkan people want.

    They want to be hyper-regulated Labor-cogs waddling around inside a Corporate-owned, Government-run, Tax Pen, stamped with a Citizenship ID informing them of their State ownership number. Amoorikkkans love their State "Leaders", their Political Masters. They LOVE their Central Planners, planning and regulating their lives for them. It makes Amoorikkkan's feel happy knowing they're safe from the big bad free-markets, that is to say: Freedom to voluntarily trade with one another with sound money using law that protects property rights and contract.

    Nope, f*ck voluntarism. That's Libertarian gibberish. We Amoorikkkans opt instead for violent solutions to any and every of life's problems. Amooorikkkan's love using violence against the innocent and - in turn, having it used against them. It's the language they speak and sounds something like this: moo mooy moo moo.

    It's why 85% of the Chattel Class turned out to wave their Chinese made silly flags and support Idiot Bush Jr and War-criminal Cheney and watch cheerleaders like Sell-Out Hillary cheer lead us into killing women and children in the ME and poisoning their land with radioactive dust (coincidentally the exact same number of Americans who are hit as children). To fulfill American blood-lust at vengeance. Which hasn't ended yet. Nope. Many many more women and children must be raped and murdered in the ME before Amoorikkkan's will have had their fill of violence. We're just getting warmed up. Expect much more War and violence across the coming decades.

    Note: Most Americans hit their children as a form of 'discipline' - almost 1000 times a year per child, enough to cause PTSD. The lucky ones, who escape their parents hitting, spend their childhoods in Day Supervision Factories, where a scrapped knee or cut or bruise is greeted, not with a hug from mother and a pat on the forehead, but a palm in the face and the words "Stop. You are OK. You do not need to cry."** There these children stand, sometimes peeing themselves, surrounded by a multitude of other children - who likewise will never know what it's like to grow up with a mother at home.

    But hey, at least we have the Central Planners "Saving" the world economy for the top 0.01%. At least they're safe knowing their lives are hyper-regulated. At least there's the endless Wars we lose. So, that means they'll have a job as cannon fodder once they graduate as a functional illiterate like the 1 in 5 other Government Schooled Amoorikkkans.

    ** A friend of mine recently passed her "State" requirements and was hired at a Day "Care" Center. These are the exact words she was told to say. For, you see, if you treat the children with kindness, they'll never leave you alone. See, they're that desperate for love. If you instead point your palm in their face, slowly they 'learn' there is no one there to give them a hug, and stop wanting one.

    SO, thank you once again to all you little Progressive Liberals for turning the violence and bringing us generational Welfare slums and Day Supervision Centers. Thank you for supporing the Central Planners and bailing out the richest Americans with Central Bank issued generational debt. Yes, let's see how this works out for us.
    Last edited: Jul 3, 2014
  9. joepistole Deacon Blues Valued Senior Member

    LOL, I don't care how you THINK I may have diciplined my children. That really isn't relevant. You cited our slave holding founding fathers as less violent and more libertarian, because they wanted "limited" government and didn't create a central bank - never mind the fact they wrote the Constitution to create more government.

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