ISU (Infinite Spongy Universe) Model - SciForums Update 2018

Since that is directed to a post by paddoboy, I hesitate to answer for him. Paddoboy, you were asked to start you own thread. Let me have mine.
And there's your answer! :D

You see quantum wave, river has a problem.....a problem with anything mainstream, and of course his own phychological delusions with regards to his own capabilities, or actually lack thereof.
The same member that did not know the Moon rotates and believed there was an atomic war on Mars.
Because the waves are moving away from the source , not inwards towards its self .
Not in my model, which is the operative alternative model called the ISU. DID YOU READ THE THREAD LEADING UP TO THIS PART OF THE DISCUSSION? Wave energy is both inflowing and out flowing from mass.
river said:
Because the waves are moving away from the source , not inwards towards its self .

[QUOTE="quantum_wave, post: 3641696, member: 37331" ] Not in my model, which is the operative alternative model called the ISU. DID YOU READ THE THREAD LEADING UP TO THIS PART OF THE DISCUSSION? [/QUOTE]

That gravity waves , from all directions , cause gravity .

Upon what medium allows these waves to propagate ?
[QUOTE="quantum_wave, post: 3641696, member: 37331" ] Not in my model, which is the operative alternative model called the ISU. DID YOU READ THE THREAD LEADING UP TO THIS PART OF THE DISCUSSION?

That gravity waves , from all directions , cause gravity .

Upon what medium allows these waves to propagate ?[/QUOTE]
The medium of space that is filled with gravitational wave energy coming and going in all directions as emitted and absorbed by mass. Since you do not accept the existence of gravitational waves, that will not make sense to you, :( but it is how my model depicts it.
That gravity waves , from all directions , cause gravity .

Upon what medium allows these waves to propagate ?

The medium of space that is filled with gravitational wave energy coming and going in all directions as emitted and absorbed by mass. Since you do not accept the existence of gravitational waves, that will not make sense to you, :( but it is how my model depicts it.

Yes but gravitational wave energy needs a medium upon which it rides , propagates , does it not ?
Yes but gravitational wave energy needs a medium upon which it rides , propagates , does it not ?
I guess you don't see that I call space filled with gravitational wave energy coming and going in all directions a medium, the medium of space. So my stuff won't resonate with you. Since mass both emits and absorbs gravitational wave energy, and to maintain its mass, the inflow and out flow of that energy has to be equal. Since the inflow to a given mass has directional bias, that mass will have to move through space to maintain the equality. That motion is referred to as the effect of gravity.
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Yes but gravitational wave energy needs a medium upon which it rides , propagates , does it not ?

I guess you don't see that I call space filled with gravitational wave energy coming and going in all directions a medium, the medium of space. So my stuff won't resonate with you.

A medium after , but not before .

I can picture what you are thinking no problem .

Is your theory based on BB( big-bang theory ) ?
A medium after , but not before .

I can picture what you are thinking no problem .

Is your theory based on BB( big-bang theory ) ?
Yes. There are two pertinent comments in that regard:
1) In our observable universe, our big bang arena, everything is said to be expanding or in other words, everything is moving away from us in the medium of space, no matter which way we look. That is the effect of our recent local big bang some billions of years ago.

2) The greater universe is infinite, and filled with big bang arenas like ours, that, over time, intersect, overlap, form new big crunches in the overlap spaces, and those crunches accumulate matter until they reach a critical capacity and collapse/bang into a new expanding big bang arenas. It is a perpetual motion machine.
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Start your own thread pad .

I'm sure it will be short lived .
Facts are facts, and evidenced backed scientific theories and models are just that....generally accepted by those with an ounce of common sense.

The alternative, is crazy unsupported nonsensical mythical claims from someone who is entirely ignorant [like not knowing the Moon rotated] :p
river said:
A medium after , but not before .

I can picture what you are thinking no problem .

Is your theory based on BB( big-bang theory ) ?

Yes. There are two pertinent comments in the regard:
1) In our observable universe, our big bang arena, everything is said to be expanding or in other words, everything is moving away from us no matter which way we look. That is the effect of our recent local big bang some billions of years ago.

2) The greater universe is infinite, and filled with big bang arenas like ours that, over time, intersect, overlap, form new big crunches in the overlap spaces, and those crunches reach a critical capacity and collapse/bang into a new expanding big bang arena. It is a perpetual motion machine

BB loses Energy in the end . It dies . Hence something becomes nothing . And nothing can never become something . Therefore energy and matter die out . Never to become something . Therefore all existence , ceases , in any dimension . Infinitely .
Since you do not accept the existence of gravitational waves, that will not make sense to you, :( but it is how my model depicts it.
I wonder what the now few dozen gravitational wave discoveries by aLIGO and Virgo were?:rolleyes:
Nothing wrong in being ignorant like river...but there is plenty wrong with being willfully ignorant like river.
BB loses Energy in the end . It dies . Hence something becomes nothing . And nothing can never become something . Therefore energy and matter die out . Never to become something .
No, in my model, the universe is characterized by the Three Infinities, space, time, and energy. Hence something never becomes nothing, everything has always existed, no beginning, no creation, just an infinite and eternal universe.
No, in my model, the universe is characterized by the Three Infinities, space, time, and energy. Hence something never becomes nothing, everything has always existed, no beginning, no creation, just an infinite and eternal universe.

Two real infinities , space and energy .

The phony infinity is time . Since the absence of time , does not mean that movement , action is or has or will take place , will not happen .
BB loses Energy in the end . It dies . Hence something becomes nothing . And nothing can never become something . Therefore energy and matter die out . Never to become something . Therefore all existence , ceases , in any dimension . Infinitely .
Number one prize for gobbledygook river.:D that the expansion,Big Chill or Big Freeze.

Observations suggest that the expansion of the universe will continue forever. If so, then a popular theory is that the universe will cool as it expands, eventually becoming too cold to sustain life. For this reason, this future scenario once popularly called "Heat Death" is now known as the Big Chill or Big Freeze.[1]

If dark energy—represented by the cosmological constant, a constant energy density filling space homogeneously,[2] or scalar fields, such as quintessence or moduli, dynamic quantities whose energy density can vary in time and space—accelerates the expansion of the universe, then the space between clusters of galaxies will grow at an increasing rate. Redshift will stretch ancient, incoming photons (even infra-red rays) to undetectably long wavelengths and low energies.[3] Stars are expected to form normally for 1012 to 1014 (1-300 trillion) years, but eventually the supply of gas needed for star formation will be exhausted. As existing stars run out of fuel and cease to shine, the universe will slowly and inexorably grow darker.[4][5] According to theories that predict proton decay, the stellar remnants left behind will disappear, leaving behind only black holes, which themselves eventually disappear as they emit Hawking radiation.[6] Ultimately, if the universe reaches a state in which the temperature approaches a uniform value, no further work will be possible, resulting in a final heat death of the universe.[7]
Because the waves are moving away from the source , not inwards towards its self .
Where did you dig that nonsensical bit of information from river?
Gravitational waves extend outwards from the source in all directions, much as water waves extend outwards when one throws a pebble into a lake.
Number one prize for gobbledygook river.:D suggest that the expansion,Big Chill or Big Freeze.

Observations suggest that the expansion of the universe will continue forever. If so, then a popular theory is that the universe will cool as it expands, eventually becoming too cold to sustain life. For this reason, this future scenario once popularly called "Heat Death" is now known as the Big Chill or Big Freeze.[1]

If dark energy—represented by the cosmological constant, a constant energy density filling space homogeneously,[2] or scalar fields, such as quintessence or moduli, dynamic quantities whose energy density can vary in time and space—accelerates the expansion of the universe, then the space between clusters of galaxies will grow at an increasing rate. Redshift will stretch ancient, incoming photons (even infra-red rays) to undetectably long wavelengths and low energies.[3] Stars are expected to form normally for 1012 to 1014 (1-300 trillion) years, but eventually the supply of gas needed for star formation will be exhausted. As existing stars run out of fuel and cease to shine, the universe will slowly and inexorably grow darker.[4][5] According to theories that predict proton decay, the stellar remnants left behind will disappear, leaving behind only black holes, which themselves eventually disappear as they emit Hawking radiation.[6] Ultimately, if the universe reaches a state in which the temperature approaches a uniform value, no further work will be possible, resulting in a final heat death of the universe.[7]

To your last statement , then what ?