Israeli/Hamas disregard for human life.

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What is your point?

That Iran isn't even close to the technology that the USA had in the 1930s. I.e., Iran is so far behind the US in technology that they had to buy everything from the Russians! ...and the Russians control it, too.

Baron Max
U.N. reports say Israel targeted civilians in Gaza

U.N. reports say Israel targeted civilians in Gaza

GENEVA (Reuters) - United Nations investigators said on Monday Israel violated a range of human rights during its invasion of Gaza, including targeting civilians and using a child as a human shield.

The accusations came in reports to the U.N. Human Rights Council which also called for an urgent end to Israeli restrictions on humanitarian supplies to Gaza and a full international investigation into the conflict.

"Civilian targets, particularly homes and their occupants, appear to have taken the brunt of the attacks, but schools and medical facilities have also been hit," said one report by Radhika Coomaraswamy, the U.N. Secretary-General's Special Representative for Children and Armed Conflict.
A real hard target since according to Israel there are no civilians in Gaza.

using a child as a human shield

Thats old news, we have always known that.


IDF officer: Testimonies of lax moral standards in Gaza are 'exaggerated'

"The reports were exaggerated and any deviations from the IDF's moral standards will be dealt with," GOC Home Front Command Major General Yair Golan said during a panel discussion at the Institute of National Defense Research in Tel-Aviv.

"We were very moral when we poured white phosphorus on those children. after all, they would have grown up to be terrorists, so that makes it okay!"
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GENEVA (Reuters) - United Nations investigators said........
"Civilian targets, particularly homes and their occupants, appear to have taken the brunt of the attacks, but schools and medical facilities have also been hit," .....

And the IDF claims that Hamas fighters with weapons and ammo were using those same facilties from which to fight the IDF.

And since the IDF was there when it was all happening, and the UN investigators only came in weeks afterward, I'd have to give more credence to the IDF.

But see, it's the same in Iraq and Afghanistan matter who is killed by the US/UN forces, the militants will claim they were all civilians. There could be rifles and RPGs and ammo and explosives lying all around the place, but the militants will claim that the place was an innocent civilian home, etc.

We've heard it too many times for it to be important this time. Give me proof or shut the fuck up about it.

Baron Max
And what were the reports when Hamas was launching their rockets into civilian areas inside Israel ?
Hamas uses human shields as well.

This site will not let me post links, so just look up "Hamas human shields" on YouTube, but I'm sure most of you have seen it.

I'm finding harder to sympathize with either side lately. As far as I've seen, both sides are barbarians. Perhaps Israel is entitled to its country. Or perhaps hamas/Palestinians were robbed of their property and are justified in their means.

But if both sides are willing to commit atrocities, what's the difference? Jewish barbarian or Islamic barbarian, is either one any less savage than the other? :shrug:
umm, one gets huge amounts of money and equiptment from other goverments and the other doesnt?

One has illegal nukes and is still treated like the winner of the nobel peace prise and the other gets treated like criminals?
umm, one gets huge amounts of money and equiptment from other goverments and the other doesnt?

One has illegal nukes and is still treated like the winner of the nobel peace prise and the other gets treated like criminals?

So one country has richer, more deceptive barbarians. That doesn't mean the other side is innocent or any less savage. It just means they have less money.
The weapons that killed the Palestinians recently were US weapons. But Im sure the Palestinians wont blame the US for those.
And since the IDF was there when it was all happening, and the UN investigators only came in weeks afterward, I'd have to give more credence to the IDF.
And according to the IDF the USS Liberty was mistaken for an Egyptian ship.
But see, it's the same in Iraq and Afghanistan matter who is killed by the US/UN forces, the militants will claim they were all civilians. There could be rifles and RPGs and ammo and explosives lying all around the place, but the militants will claim that the place was an innocent civilian home, etc.
Like the US air attack on the wedding parties in Iraq and Afghanistan
that slaughtered nearly 200 civilians. Yet America claimed there were shotguns found at the wedding party so then the mass of dead civilians automatically became terrorists.
We've heard it too many times for it to be important this time. Give me proof or shut the fuck up about it.
Give you proof? Fuck off waste my time with you, I couldnt care less what you thought is important or not, Im just glad the ball is rolling against Israel. Your opinion as with the others similar to yours is rapidly becoming superfluous with Americas and Israel’s economic and military demise.
And what were the reports when Hamas was launching their rockets into civilian areas inside Israel ?
Gee you must of miss the daily reports in the lead up to the Gaza invasion, from the pro Zionist US propaganda press about the Hamas ‘missile campaign’. We all know what that propaganda fest was for, justifying an act of murderopus aggression against defenceless civilians.
And the IDF claims that Hamas fighters with weapons and ammo were using those same facilties from which to fight the IDF.

And since the IDF was there when it was all happening, and the UN investigators only came in weeks afterward, I'd have to give more credence to the IDF.

But see, it's the same in Iraq and Afghanistan matter who is killed by the US/UN forces, the militants will claim they were all civilians. There could be rifles and RPGs and ammo and explosives lying all around the place, but the militants will claim that the place was an innocent civilian home, etc.

We've heard it too many times for it to be important this time. Give me proof or shut the fuck up about it.

Baron Max

Unfortunately for you, the evidence is still mounting and the IDF now has the nefarious distinction of creating a BRAND NEW war crime.

You and your PROOF.

Israel accused of 'new Gaza crime'

A senior UN official has suggested that Israel should be held accountable for a "new crime against humanity" during its January assault on the Gaza strip.

Richard Falk, the UN's special rapporteur on human rights in the Palestinian territories, said Israel had confined Palestinian civilians to the combat zone in Gaza, a unique move which should be outlawed.

"Such a war policy should be treated as a distinct and new crime against humanity, and should be formally recognised as such, and explicitly prohibited," Falk said in a report to the UN Human Rights Council in Geneva on Monday.
So what, Israel used one human shield boo hooo, Hamas has used a few thousand yet none of you whine about that. Israel targeted a civilian boo hooo, what do you think the Qu sam rockets are aimed at?
So what, Israel used one human shield boo hooo, Hamas has used a few thousand yet none of you whine about that. Israel targeted a civilian boo hooo, what do you think the Qu sam rockets are aimed at?
No one is defending or exonerating Hamas of their crimes. Are you stating because Hamas commits so many war crimes that Israel should be free of accusations? This thread is based on the war crimes of Israel, not the apology of Hamas.
No my problem is that people insult and complain about a few of Israel's war crimes when they don't say anything about Hamas.

It's like taking a piece of bubble gum from a store and your parents spank you and send you to your room when your brother held a gun to the cashiers head and robbed the cashier. And they do nothing.
No my problem is that people insult and complain about a few of Israel's war crimes when they don't say anything about Hamas.

It's like taking a piece of bubble gum from a store and your parents spank you and send you to your room when your brother held a gun to the cashiers head and robbed the cashier. And they do nothing.

Actually it would be the other way around. Hamas would be taking the gum while Israel would be pulling the gun.
Really, so you think that Hamas has not been firing rockets into Israel? That it hasn't kidnapped Israeli civilians? That it has not been blowing up school buses? That it doesn't create car bombings?

You are pathetic.
Really, so you think that Hamas has not been firing rockets into Israel? That it hasn't kidnapped Israeli civilians? That it has not been blowing up school buses? That it doesn't create car bombings?

You are pathetic.

Israel has been doing all of those things [besides car bombing] 1000 x more than Hamas. So who is the real criminal? The one which has one kidnapped Israeli soldier, or the one which has tens of thousands of Palestinian civilians rotting in its jails.
And your sources of that are from what? Your imagination? In my imagination there is no more Gaza and west bank because the world would be so much better off without them.
And your sources of that are from what? Your imagination? In my imagination there is no more Gaza and west bank because the world would be so much better off without them.

well at least your not ashamed of your bigotry:rolleyes:
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