Israel elects its Bush

Discussion in 'Politics' started by S.A.M., Nov 24, 2008.

  1. S.A.M. uniquely dreadful Valued Senior Member

    Thanks its good to see a real nonpartisan mod.

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    Anyway, my intent was to show the bias in moderation. I think I've done that.
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  3. Mr. Hamtastic whackawhackado! Registered Senior Member

    I hope they do elect netanyahu. It's high time Israel and Iran went at it once and for all.
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  5. S.A.M. uniquely dreadful Valued Senior Member

    I'm waiting to see who comes up in Iran.

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  7. Mr. Hamtastic whackawhackado! Registered Senior Member

    I think they'll have a lovely little nuclear exchange. Fun to watch on TV, anyway...
  8. S.A.M. uniquely dreadful Valued Senior Member

    Is the Israeli election before or after the Iranian one? I think if the Likud comes to power in Israel, it will bring the Hawks back in Iran.
  9. Mr. Hamtastic whackawhackado! Registered Senior Member

    No idea... haven't been hearing much from over there. I thought ahmenijad or whatever was in like flynn, trying to drive the jews into the sea and whatnot..
  10. otheadp Banned Banned

    That may be true. But hopefully Ahmediturd's economic mismanagement of the Iranian economy will be a stronger driver during the elections, as it was in the US. But yeah. I really hope Iran has its elections before Israel does.
  11. S.A.M. uniquely dreadful Valued Senior Member

    Does anyone think of the economy when there is a threat of war? Anyway, the election will be a farce if the contenders are handpicked by the Supreme Yoyollah. So it comes down to what Khameini thinks of the Likud.
  12. otheadp Banned Banned

    The threat of war that Ahmedivomit has brought. The embarrassment he has caused for Iran on the international stage, and the unity that the west now feels against Iran, and more. With Ahmedipissstain gone there will be less belligerence. Besides, if war is coming for Iran, you'd want a capable leader, not someone like him.
  13. S.A.M. uniquely dreadful Valued Senior Member

    If there was a war, he would be a figure head. Khameini does not want war, so his successor is of greater interest to me.
  14. iceaura Valued Senior Member

    Pretty much self-inflicted on the part of the West - the agitprop campaign for war and all the phony panic-mongering. But then Iraq fell apart.

    Sold the anti-missile boondoggle though, so it wasn't completely wasted. And may have been a factor in Israel's new PM, whom somebody must have wanted for some reason.

    Fun to see a bunch of people who wound themselves up into a girl scout panic by misquoting some Iranian politician blame the Iranians, though. I had a cat once who acted like that - she'd wipe out on the waxed floor and slide into the fridge, and then pretend there was something wrong with the fridge.
    Last edited: Nov 24, 2008
  15. quantum_wave Contemplating the "as yet" unknown Valued Senior Member

  16. pjdude1219 The biscuit has risen Valued Senior Member

    if he had any connections to the mossad that would explain it. what do alot of people call those in intelignce agencies spooks
  17. disease Banned Banned

    Neo-Nazi 'curse' infects the modern state:

    AFP reports eight people sentenced by an Israeli court to jail time, of up to 7 years, for a series of attacks on religious Jews and foreign workers that have "shocked the nation".

    "The fact that they are Jews from the ex-Soviet Union and that they had sympathised with individuals who believed in racist theories is terrible", said Judge Tsvi Gurkinkel; he described the attacks as "a grave phenomenon, shocking and horrible".

    At least the Neo-Nazis have a "nation". The fact it is infected with the same racist, uber-menschen theology today as Germany was, should not be "shocking", or even surprising.

    If they were Arabs, would they be looking at a paltry 7 years, of which none of the Jewish "nazis" will serve the full time? How many years do Arabs get sentenced to by Israeli courts for throwing stones, or owning a gun?
  18. spidergoat pubic diorama Valued Senior Member

    It isn't too surprising, neo-Nazis are everywhere. 7 years is not a lightweight jail term, note that these were relatively young people 16-19. I doubt they will have an easy time in Israeli prison, either. It has no bearing whatsoever on the state of Israel.
  19. disease Banned Banned

    That's an interesting stance: "the fact that Israel has neo-nazi youth-gangs, presumably supported by older neo-nazi established groups in Israel and other countries that serve as a source of Israeli nationals when they immigrate, has nothing to do with 'the state of Israel'".

    That's selective blindness for ya, huh? Is half or 2/3 of 7 years, still not lightweight? How many years are Arab dissidents usually given for disputing Israel's 'right' to exist, and place said Arab dissidents in jail? Is it 7 years, or is it usually more than 7?
  20. Challenger78 Valued Senior Member

    Great... Now they can finally get the neutron bomb.
  21. otheadp Banned Banned

    These neo-nazi fucks are kids with 1/4 of Jewish blood in them, which is why they were allowed to make Aliyah, and they or their parents (who no doubt are embarrassed at their kids' behaviour) did to escape whatever FSU country shithole they lived in before. They get teased and rejected by Israeli society so they lash out in the most bitter and hurtful way they can find. Also, you can find douchebags anywhere. Had this been an organized underground movement in Israel as it exists in many countries, I'd be worried. But I doubt that there are any big numbers of these idiots in Israel.
  22. S.A.M. uniquely dreadful Valued Senior Member

    What's "Jewish" blood?
  23. otheadp Banned Banned

    I know and resent the motive of your question. Just as I know that you know what "Jewish blood" means.

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