Is the brain necessary for consciousness?

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Is energy intelligent, or is life intelligent? How about a pseudo-intelligent matrix by which physical events may happen. Why should both life and intelligence not be emergent evolutionary expressions of Pure energy, because the mathematical matrix allows for those probabilities to occur.

life is intelligent

what do you mean by pseudo-intelligence matrix ?

Both life and intelligence are expressions of Pure Energy .
life is intelligent

what do you mean by pseudo-intelligence matrix ?
IMO biological life is an emergent fundamentally pseudo-intelligent mathematical self-replicating cellular structures..
Both life and intelligence are expressions of Pure Energy .
I agree, but other than an extra-natural intelligence, what is the only possible pseudo-intelligent platform?

Mathematics. This Function is a result of the universal potentials interacting to form an all-pervasive mathematical network which finally becomes expressed as physical reality.
IMO biological life is an emergent fundamentally pseudo-intelligent mathematical self-replicating cellular structures..
I agree, but other than an extra-natural intelligence, what is the only possible pseudo-intelligent platform?

Mathematics. This Function is a result of the universal potentials interacting to form an all-pervasive mathematical network which finally becomes expressed as physical reality.

why pseudo intelligent platform ?

What Universal potentials ?
Is energy intelligent, or is life intelligent?

Energy is the ability to do work
It does NOT, in an of itself, have a physicality
Physical items do have fundamental units of energy which varies due to numerous factors

Intelligence requires energy. The energy is supplied from electriael and chemical reactions occurring in the brain

No brain - no reactions - no intelligence

You would have to redefine energy and intelligence to define energy as being intelligent

Souls don't exist so nothing there

Let me repeat the question, in case you want to actually answer it: Yes, a brain cavity has intelligence but the question was whether or not it has a "soul" and if so, how do you know?

How SPECIFICALLY, do you know? What information does your intelligence operate on?
Let me repeat the question, in case you want to actually answer it: Yes, a brain cavity has intelligence but the question was whether or not it has a "soul" and if so, how do you know?

How SPECIFICALLY, do you know? What information does your intelligence operate on?

Well , how would intelligence otherwise exist ? Other than manifested because the soul has intelligence in the first place .

Otherwise how do you suggest the brain cavity has intelligence in the first place ?
Well , how would intelligence otherwise exist ? Other than manifested because the soul has intelligence in the first place .
Since there is no evidence that a soul exists, it seems premature to conclude that it's the cause of intelligence.
Otherwisehow do you suggest the brain cavityhas intelligence in the first place ?
Since there is evidence that the brain exists, it seems reasonable to draw a preliminary conclusion that the brain is the origin of intelligence.
Since there is no evidence that a soul exists, it seems premature to conclude that it's the cause of intelligence.

Since there is evidence that the brain exists, it seems reasonable to draw a preliminary conclusion that the brain is the origin of intelligence.

I disagree

The evidence is clear , in an empty brain cavity there is intelligence , hence a soul occupies this cavity .

For most part it is true .

But explain how the empty brain cavity has intelligence .
I told you, we can explain intelligence as a function of the brain. The "soul" is just a made-up story with no connection to reality.

Yet you are wrong .

Since intelligence exists in an empty cavity in which the brain should be , but isn't .

So explain how this is possible , without a soul ?
Otherwise how do you suggest the brain cavity has intelligence in the first place ?
A cavity is a hollow in an object. It may refer to:............
It doesn't. There is no cavity in the brain. It fills the cavity and has thoughts. A complicated electro-chemical process by billions of neurons and microtubulars in the brain-mass.

Thought consists of a three level processing of information. Two of these levels are subconscious, meaning that they think and process information, but are dedicated to motor control functions and share this information with internal regulation processes. These two subconscious levels are what keeps you alive, independent of our third, conscious level of the brain, which allows us to experience emotional responses to stimuli. That happens in the conscious "mirror neuron network", which is cognitive and compares and mirrors the production of emotionally experiential chemical production and interaction.
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Since intelligence exists in an empty cavity in which the brain should be , but isn't .
No it doesn't. Intelligence exists only when a brain is present.
So explain how this is possible , without a soul ?
Non sequitur. You can not show that a soul exists, much less that it has anything to do with intelligence. You can't just say that there must be a soul because there is intelligence. That's the same as saying there must be a Loch Ness monster because there are donuts.
It doesn't. There is no cavity in the brain. It fills the cavity and has thoughts. A complicated electro-chemical process by billions of neurons and microtubulars in the brain-mass.

Point noted

The cavity is in the skull , where the brain would be , should be , but isn't .
Point noted

The cavity is in the skull , where the brain would be , should be , but isn't .
Right , cavity means pure space, the absence of something that fills space.
When speaking of brain or brain function, the term cavity has no relevance. It is merely the space where the brain mass resides.

The skull does have a brain cavity. It is the empty space at the domed top part of the skull. The brain cavity of the skull. Has nothing to do with the presence or absence of thought.
Right , cavity means pure space, the absence of something that fills space.
When speaking of brain or brain function, the term cavity has no relevance. It is merely the space where the brain mass resides.

The skull does have a brain cavity. It is the empty space at the domed top part of the skull. The brain cavity of the skull. Has nothing to do with the presence or absence of thought.

Yet the skull cavity with no brain to occupy this space , empty , has the ability to have intelligence .
Yet the skull cavity with no brain to occupy this space , empty , has the ability to have intelligence .
No, it does not. A physical brain (processor) is required for forming an intelligent neural matrix. Octopi have 9 brains, needing 9 brain cavities.
8 autonomous brains at the base of their tentacles and one central processor. Cuttlefish have three brains, needing three brain cavities.

Interestingly, general anesthesia only affects the third level process of the brain. It leaves the automotor control system in the lower two levels alone. This feat is achieved by using just the right chemicals to render only the conscious level unresponsive. Remarkable.

Interestingly, the specific chemicals employed in general anestesia for humans, work the same for all animals possessing a brain.
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