Is it right for homosexuals to be able to adopt??

should it be?

  • Mum and dad?

    Votes: 12 66.7%
  • Dad and Dad?

    Votes: 4 22.2%
  • Mum and mum?

    Votes: 2 11.1%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .

At least in foster care you will not be under any illusions concerning your situation and left to make your own mind up concerning the world.

If you were adopted by a gay couple suddenly you find yourself forced into accepting a whole raft of politically and socially inspired ideas and possibly having to physically defend those ideas.

Should a child be burdened with that?

The same could be said for interracial adoption. Is that grounds to disallow it?

At least in foster care you will not be under any illusions concerning your situation and left to make your own mind up concerning the world.

If you were adopted by a gay couple suddenly you find yourself forced into accepting a whole raft of politically and socially inspired ideas and possibly having to physically defend those ideas.

Should a child be burdened with that?

so, a couple can only adopt a child who's skin color and religion are the same also.
Kids don't care as long as they are loved!
Were the popular kids gay then ?

Well some of them were. I can only think of one gay person that was not in the popular click at my school, and he is one of my best friends.

Not that many people in a westcoast highschool will give aperson crap about being gay.
so, a couple can only adopt a child who's skin color and religion are the same also.
Kids don't care as long as they are loved!

With this comment you've demonstrated that what we are discussing here is not just the question of gay adoption in isolation but Western civilization and its obsession with erasing all differences and promoting sameness.

And of course, the concept of 'love' is invoked. Isn't it always in these situations when the defenders of Western liberalism run into a wall with their thoughts?
The obsession isn't with erasing all differences. It's with tolerating all differences.
i mean evading excessive bullying

Ohh so the way society is going to work now is when a group of people treats another roup of people unfairly we are just going to take away the rights of the abused? That is moronic. Hey, women who get raped late at night are more likely to get raped because they shouldnt be out that late right? So dont punish the men who raped them, take away a womens right to walk alone at night!

Ohh so the way society is going to work now is when a group of people treats another roup of people unfairly we are just going to take away the rights of the abused? That is moronic. Hey, women who get raped late at night are more likely to get raped because they shouldnt be out that late right? So dont punish the men who raped them, take away a womens right to walk alone at night!

its not the gays being abused but the children.
its not the gays being abused but the children.

Did you really go through school without suffering from any kind of abuse? Hey I had a gay friend, people could have givin me shit for that. Should I have been banned from having gay friends to save myself from abuse?
or to save my others friends from getting bulleyed for knowing a guy who has a gay friend?
your taking this too personally - you need to look at it with the aims of adoption in mind, on a macro-level and why it is inadvisable to encourage gay adoption - im not saying it should be outlawed and i wouldnt be outraged if it happened but if given the choice i would encourage hetrosexual adoption.
your taking this too personally - you need to look at it with the aims of adoption in mind, on a macro-level and why it is inadvisable to encourage gay adoption - im not saying it should be outlawed and i wouldnt be outraged if it happened but if given the choice i would encourage hetrosexual adoption.

I asked DeepThought about this before; what is the solution to a non-white student suffering from stigma associated with his/her skin color? Should we not let non-whites in a white school, or should we work to get rid of the stigma?
your taking this too personally - you need to look at it with the aims of adoption in mind, on a macro-level and why it is inadvisable to encourage gay adoption - im not saying it should be outlawed and i wouldnt be outraged if it happened but if given the choice i would encourage hetrosexual adoption.

Well if being gay occurs naturally in humans, then how can we "encourage" hetrosexual adoption and call ourselves a free society. If two groups of adults one gay and the other straight want to adopt a child and both can provide a reasonable standard of living and a good enviroment for a child, then why shouldnt they both have an eqaul chance to adopt said child?

In this case you would give the hetrosexual couple the child just because they were not gay?

Would you do the same thing in the work place, if a straight man and a gay man were equally qualified for the same position?
I asked DeepThought about this before; what is the solution to a non-white student suffering from stigma associated with his/her skin color? Should we not let non-whites in a white school, or should we work to get rid of the stigma?

work to get rid of the stigma - but at the cost of how many screwed up children?
work to get rid of the stigma - but at the cost of how many screwed up children?

Do you think when black children were first integrated into white schools that didnt produce some messed up kids? Should we have just not allowed the parents to integrate their kids to protect them?