Is it right for homosexuals to be able to adopt??

should it be?

  • Mum and dad?

    Votes: 12 66.7%
  • Dad and Dad?

    Votes: 4 22.2%
  • Mum and mum?

    Votes: 2 11.1%

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I grew up in a straight household and I'm straight. If a gay couple raises their kid to be gay (which is ridiculous), so what?
What's so wrong with being gay?
Most doctors/psychologist agree that homosexuality is not a choice. But for your sake lets just say it is, and that kid ends up gay, should we not allow children to be adopted my muslims because the majority of our population is not muslim? We do seem to have a fear of muslims as well as homosexuals prevalent in our society right now, so why should we let these poor children be subjected to and influenced by these awful choices? Furthermore what is actually wrong with being homosexual? besides the fact that certain religious groups view it as wrong. They also view false prohpets as wrong, so no adopted kids for Mormons as well!

I mean if homosexuals cant adopt children because interaction could cause the children to be gay, then why not jsut ban homosexuals from having any contact with children?

I'm not just talking about the possibility of the kid ending up gay. Just imagine the amount of hardship the kid would go through if s/he had homosexual parents. The link provided by Faerynght suggests that homosexuals at max. make up only 3.1% of the general community. That is an extremely small percentage. Now we know homosexuals are not completely accepted by everyone, there is still a lot of hostility towards them - they still have to deal with verbal/physical abuse. Homosexuals can still be regarded as a small and marginalised fringe within society. Is it fair for a child to be given to this marginalised fringe? It will have vast repercussions for the child. I would not wish that sort of hardship and confusion on a young child.

An older child would be better suited to deal with such a situation.

Furthermore what is actually wrong with being homosexual?

That is irrelevant.

Your Muslim analogy doesn't hold water. Religion can be changed at the drop of hat. A person can be a Muslim in the morning, a Christian by lunch, a Hindu by dinner and then a Muslim again before the day is done. People can and do change their beliefs, some people go back and forth. I don't think sexuality is like that at all.

I mean if homosexuals cant adopt children because interaction could cause the children to be gay, then why not jsut ban homosexuals from having any contact with children?

You cannot compare the odd interaction with homosexuals here and there to being raised by a homosexual couple.
I'm not just talking about the possibility of the kid ending up gay. Just imagine the amount of hardship the kid would go through if s/he had homosexual parents. The link provided by Faerynght suggests that homosexuals at max. make up only 3.1% of the general community. That is an extremely small percentage. Now we know homosexuals are not completely accepted by everyone, there is still a lot of hostility towards them - they still have to deal with verbal/physical abuse. Homosexuals can still be regarded as a small and marginalised fringe within society. Is it fair for a child to be given to this marginalised fringe? It will have vast repercussions for the child. I would not wish that sort of hardship and confusion on a young child.

An older child would be better suited to deal with such a situation.

having Interacial parents can also cause a child to be abused in school, Should we not allow those people to adopt children either?

That is irrelevant.

Your Muslim analogy doesn't hold water. Religion can be changed at the drop of hat. A person can be a Muslim in the morning, a Christian by lunch, a Hindu by dinner and then a Muslim again before the day is done. People can and do change their beliefs, some people go back and forth. I don't think sexuality is like that at all.

It holds water under the premise that being a homosexual is a choice. If the religion you choose can be changed at the drop of a hat then why not your sexuality? If you choose it.

You cannot compare the odd interaction with homosexuals here and there to being raised by a homosexual couple.

Why not? God forbid some of the childs schoolyard friends see him talking to his gay relative, they might abuse him and call him gay. That would really mess a kid up man. Big time. :rolleyes:
I grew up in a straight household and I'm straight. If a gay couple raises their kid to be gay (which is ridiculous), so what?
What's so wrong with being gay?
Well,clearly it creates difficulties with reproduction, significantly increases your risk of AIDS (at least for males), and leads to problems due to intolerance.

But I wonder if being raised by homosexuals would really make one more likely to turn out gay? Clearly it would make you more open to the idea, perhaps more willing to experiment. But could it really alter your basic sexual orientation?
homosexuals want a child

Men and women have children as a natural consequence of sexual activity. It's not a want or desire.

Homosexuals want children because they fantasize a world in which their biology is the same as straights and all the persecution and harassment they suffer doesn't exist - in effect, they don't exist.

The minds capacity for self-delusion is huge.
But could it really alter your basic sexual orientation?

Well, do you think having straight parents can alter the sexual orientation of the child so they are not homosexual? Do you think if a heterosexual couple adopt a child, that child's sexual orientation will change to match the parent's? Personally I don't think so, especially when one looks at the fact that straight couples do have homosexual children.
Men and women have children as a natural consequence of sexual activity. It's not a want or desire.

Homosexuals want children because they fantasize a world in which their biology is the same as straights and all the persecution and harassment they suffer doesn't exist - in effect, they don't exist.

The minds capacity for self-delusion is huge.

I know a lesbian couple who are trying to get pregnant. Because they would love to have children. Not some fantasy of being heterosexual. You clearly have no notion what you are talking about.
I'm not just talking about the possibility of the kid ending up gay. Just imagine the amount of hardship the kid would go through if s/he had homosexual parents.....

and why do those kids have that hardship?
because they get crap from other kids who's parents are hypocrites judging other's sex lives? (?? did that make sense?)

And seriously, when haven't kids picked on kids.
they fantasize a world in which ... all the persecution and harassment they suffer doesn't exist

The persecution and harassment based on sexual orientation shouldn't exist and by suggesting that homosexuals shouldn't have children, you continue to let them exist.
I am not sure how many of you have school aged children, my child has two friends one male from a male homosexual adoption and one female from a lesbian couple which did IVF. Both of the children are well adjusted, extremely intelligent, emotionally sound and socially accepted by all the other parents/guardians and their peer group. They are treated the same way any other teenager is treated and neither of the children are homosexuals, not that their sexuality would matter to me or my child. I find it interesting that anyone would sacrifice a child having a caring, loving, stable environment based on a parents sexuality when their are plenty of abusive, unstable, heterosexual couples that fail miserably at being adequate parents. This is my opinion based on the literature (peer reviewed journal articles, psychology books, etc.) I have read and my own personal experience, I am sure many will disagree and I would like to know the reasoning behind the disagreement and what it is based upon (i.e. religion, personal experiences, etc.).

Faerynght...yes the children look well adapted, but the results of the scars from homosexuality show up after a lifetime...when they end their lineage or do divorces.

Its too early to judge their angelic lifes.
I agree it is too early to determine conclusive results in these relationships, my child has a large group of peers and these two children happen to have a very close relationship with my child which allows me to observe them frequently. I am fortunate to be able to interact often and closely with my child's peer group and I can identify many children from heterosexual couples that are already showing signs of mental, emotional, and physical abuse both by self and members of their family unit. It is concerning to me and after discussions with the parents (heterosexual couples) of the/these child(ren) regarding acceptable behaviour and the safety of their child I understand why the child(ren) exhibit these tendencies and behaviours.

Many people are divorced and emotionally "scarred" that come from heterosexual parents. I would estimate that eighty percent of my peer group is divorced and they all came from heterosexual parents.

dragon-Could you please identify the "scars" of homosexuality and how you formed this conclusion?

Thanks Orleander!
Because they would love to have children.

I see.

Let's change the word want to love which will make the whole thing sound more natural - naturally.

Love doesn't create children S.A.M. As a biologist I thought you would know that.

Not some fantasy of being heterosexual.

The fear of being different from the crowd determines most of our lives in the Modern world. It's certainly strong enough to overcome such weak ideas as 'love'. You only have to witness on these forums the terror that is invoked at the mere mention of the word race and any differences it might imply. I know you argued quite categorically against such ideas and yet you quite easily and openly accept the existence of gays. Well, I won't demand of you genetic evidence proving their existence S.A.M., but simply suggest that there is a lot more going on in your mind than what you would refer to as 'objective science'.

For gay couples a baby is simply a product - an object - which will complete their fantasy of 'sameness' with heterosexual's. The homosexual is just as ruthless as any animal in its desire to escape annihilation. To do this it must conceal the very qualities which make it different. It's great weakness is in its inability to reproduce and modern society allows it to hide that weakness through adoption.

One of your lesbian friends is trying to get pregnant - presumably by a man - who then becomes the natural father. And yet the child will be raised as if it has two mothers. This is typical of the way the modern world defiles nature by projecting artificial sets of relationships over it. The social belief in 'rights' are an excellent example of that.
dragon-Could you please identify the "scars" of homosexuality and how you formed this conclusion?

The persecution and harassment based on sexual orientation shouldn't exist and by suggesting that homosexuals shouldn't have children, you continue to let them exist.

And volcanoes and earthquakes shouldn't exist and life should be like a Mary Poppins film.