Is Being Theistic a Strength or Weakness?

Discussion in 'Religion Archives' started by PsychoticEpisode, May 27, 2006.

  1. Diogenes' Dog Subvert the dominant cliche... Registered Senior Member

    It's a bit of a daft question - like saying "Is being a liberal a strength or a weakness?" It very much depends on the person and why they believe what they believe. Certainly here in the UK (as Gordon says) to be a theist is to go against the current of opinion.

    Many people do find God in their darkest hour - probably as a last resort. However, if through religion they then find the strength to overcome whatever took them there e.g. depression, alcoholism, addiction etc., is that weakness or strength?

    There is evidence that in extreme situations such as Aschwitz, people with a strong religious conviction fare better psychologically than those without. I hate to go Biblical on you but this problem was addressed in the parable of the house built on sand vs the house built on rock. We may all think we are strong and capable most of the time, but we can all be brought down. When that happens, people find strength through religion.

    Quote from Wikipedia:
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