In your opinion, scariest horror movie?


Matter and Pixie Dust
Valued Senior Member
It’s that time of year, when Halloween is fast approaching. I’m not really into the horror genre, but…in honor of the season, I’ll make an exception.

For me, nothing compares to the terror factor of the film franchise Paranormal Activity. I know I’ll cover my face with a pillow like I do every year when watching this yet again, but it’s just one of those “must-watch traditions.”

It’s a chilling tale about a family who is “visited” by an evil spirit, and they decide to place surveillance cameras all over the house to see what lurks about, in the middle of the night. That’s all I’ll share, just in case your dare to watch it.
Paranormal Activity was indeed scary. That scream by the woman near the end gave me the willies. But for overall horror and suspense I think Exorcist takes the cake. We are used to it by now, but when it first came out people were leaving the theaters. It took horror to a whole new level imo.
Paranormal Activity was indeed scary. That scream by the woman near the end gave me the willies. But for overall horror and suspense I think Exorcist takes the cake. We are used to it by now, but when it first came out people were leaving the theaters. It took horror to a whole new level imo.
Watched that movie for the first time ten years ago and it was terrifying! For an older movie, it’s still got that fear factor. When she crawls down the stairs backwards, eek!! Maybe starting this thread wasn’t such a good idea. I don’t want these images in my mind. lol

“The Ring” is another terrifying movie, that is the American adaptation of the Japanese original, “Ringu.”
I'm not really into horror movies but the only one that I've seen that was actually "scary" at the time was "The Texas Chainsaw Massacre".

This was a long time day when I was in college and a friend and I went to see that in the theater and the consensus that it was scary. It was so scary that when we went back to the dorm and told our friends about it they all wanted to go so much that they wanted us to go back with them and they paid for our ticket price. They agreed that it was scary as well.

Otherwise, I generally can anticipate what is going to happen and it's just not that scary and that's not the genre of movies that I enjoy anyway. This seemed "different" IMO.
I'm not really into horror movies but the only one that I've seen that was actually "scary" at the time was "The Texas Chainsaw Massacre".

This was a long time day when I was in college and a friend and I went to see that in the theater and the consensus that it was scary. It was so scary that when we went back to the dorm and told our friends about it they all wanted to go so much that they wanted us to go back with them and they paid for our ticket price. They agreed that it was scary as well.

Otherwise, I generally can anticipate what is going to happen and it's just not that scary and that's not the genre of movies that I enjoy anyway. This seemed "different" IMO.
I think it’s based on a true story?
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There is a short on YouTube which talks about 6 machines manufactured to run on biological fuel

Someone's idea of how to clean up a battlefield

That's scary. Make a movie about the concept to take scary movie to the next level

But for overall horror and suspense I think Exorcist takes the cake. We are used to it by now, but when it first came out people were leaving the theaters. It took horror to a whole new level imo.

The Exorcist is, by far, one of the best movies ever made, even to this day. In 1973, they didn't have any computer generated imagery (CGI), so the special visual effects were made mechanically. Yet, it is a masterpiece of special effects.

Watched that movie for the first time ten years ago and it was terrifying! For an older movie, it’s still got that fear factor. When she crawls down the stairs backwards, eek!!

That scene was not included in the original release. It had been cut in the editing room. They put it back in for the Director's Cut Edition, after the screenwriter insisted that certain deleted scenes should have be included.

I'm not really into horror movies but the only one that I've seen that was actually "scary" at the time was "The Texas Chainsaw Massacre"

From the title, I had always assumed that movie would be a blood-bath, with people being sawed up, which is something I would not want to see. But when I actually saw some of it, it seemed to be just the saw guy chasing the girl, without ever getting her. Thankfully.
From the title, I had always assumed that movie would be a blood-bath, with people being sawed up, which is something I would not want to see. But when I actually saw some of it, it seemed to be just the saw guy chasing the girl, without ever getting her. Thankfully.

It wasn't a bloodbath but everyone died except one girl as I recall. It wasn't about watching blood flow though. It was the set-up, timing and the "horror" of the situation rather than having to watch gore.

What I don't like (other than gore as you suggest) is something too predictable...the bad guy chasing the girl though the woods, she falls, etc. Or someone pushes him over a 100 ft cliff and he is finally dead, or is he? He is bashed up and then at the end you see his arm move..cue closing credits and we are now set up for "Freddy 4" :)

Most things that happened in Texas Chainsaw were sudden, without warning. There was no (as I recall) scary music, predicable chasing, etc. I'm also talking about the original movie (1974). I haven't seen the remake.
As a child I could get scared and walk out of theatres on Spielberg films. As an adult I admire the creativity in them. If the brain is not fully developed until the age of 25, a better question would be the scariest movie from 25 onward.

Anyway, I don't remember how old I was when I first saw it but, the movie that gave me the most nightmares was the action horror: ALIENS.

Another action horror movie that also gave me nightmares...

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Many horror films scared me during childhood and perhaps adolescence. It's such a smorgasbord that I can't really single out a winner -- especially with my [retrospective] critical disillusionment of today, regarding some of them, sort of circling overhead like a vulture.

Beyond those years there were just historic and contemporary "landmark" cinema releases that grossed me out initially (I'm not going to mistakenly conflate one feeling with the other, as I may have done in the past).

Surprisingly, a few years back -- even the dated 1977 Italian movie "Ultimo mondo cannibale" (uncensored version), managed to accomplish such nauseation due to the real scenes of animals being tortured and butchered alive, and the organ-extracted body of the character Pulan being turned into some kind of Dutch oven (albeit the inferior FX of those days compromised it a bit).

1980's similarly exploitive "Cannibal Holocaust" (uncensored version) had less impact, perhaps due to the viewer being prepared in advance. Says a lot that it was the lead actor who worked part-time in the porn industry who was the only one sickened and shocked by what they did to the turtle that he literally did throw up (that wasn't planned or staged). "Ruggero Deodato had promised me that they weren't going to do the animal cruelty stuff in this film".

Although the "serial killer" trope had become completely exhausted and monotonous by 2013-2015, I nevertheless felt that the TV-series "Hannibal" was a more creatively and atmospherically interesting than the Hannibal movies. Too bad it was cancelled on a cliffhanger.

Outside of still scaring the inexperienced or "yet to encounter it all" younger set, I feel that the horror genre has kind of had to relegate itself from engendering fright to being whimsical and sometimes self-parodying in ingeniously inventive ways, like what the show "Evil" delightfully exemplifies.
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In terms of serial killer series and films, Netflix seems to be obsessed with this genre. The plots tend to circle around the criminal investigations of various serial killers who have either died, or are incarcerated now, and they can be somewhat interesting. But, there are also those that feel the need to go into excruciating details about how they torture their victims. To me, these series/movies aren’t as much horrific as they are nauseating and grotesque. Thankfully, there are audience/critic reviews that help those of us who dislike that kind of thing, stay far away.

Who finds this entertaining? -_-

Disgustingly graphic content can ruin an otherwise exciting storyline, in my opinion.
Many horror films scared me during childhood and perhaps adolescence. It's such a smorgasbord that I can't really single out a winner -- especially with my [retrospective] critical disillusionment of today, regarding some of them, sort of circling overhead like a vulture.

Beyond those years there were just historic and contemporary "landmark" cinema releases that grossed me out initially (I'm not going to mistakenly conflate one feeling with the other, as I may have done in the past).

Surprisingly, a few years back -- even the dated 1977 Italian movie "Ultimo mondo cannibale" (uncensored version), managed to accomplish such nauseation due to the real scenes of animals being tortured and butchered alive, and the organ-extracted body of the character Pulan being turned into some kind of Dutch oven (albeit the inferior FX of those days compromised it a bit).

1980's similarly exploitive "Cannibal Holocaust" (uncensored version) had less impact, perhaps due to the viewer being prepared in advance. Says a lot that it was the lead actor who worked part-time in the porn industry who was the only one sickened and shocked by what they did to the turtle that he literally did throw up (that wasn't planned or staged). "Ruggero Deodato had promised me that they weren't going to do the animal cruelty stuff in this film".

Although the "serial killer" trope had become completely exhausted and monotonous by 2013-2015, I nevertheless felt that the TV-series "Hannibal" was a more creatively and atmospherically interesting than the Hannibal movies. Too bad it was cancelled on a cliffhanger.

Outside of still scaring the inexperienced or "yet to encounter it all" younger set, I feel that the horror genre has kind of had to relegate itself from engendering fright to being whimsical and sometimes self-parodying in ingeniously inventive ways, like what the show "Evil" delightfully exemplifies.
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In terms of serial killer series and films, Netflix seems to be obsessed with this genre. The plots tend to circle around the criminal investigations of various serial killers who have either died, or are incarcerated now, and they can be somewhat interesting. But, there are also those that feel the need to go into excruciating details about how they torture their victims. To me, these series/movies aren’t as much horrific as they are nauseating and grotesque. Thankfully, there are audience/critic reviews that help those of us who dislike that kind of thing, stay far away.

Who finds this entertaining? -_-

Disgustingly graphic content can ruin an otherwise exciting storyline, in my opinion.

Aside, I just scrolled by this:

And this: dahmer netflix got wrong&rlz=1C1UEAD_enCA1004CA1004&oq=jeffrey dahmer netflix got wrong&aqs=chrome..69i57j69i61.17371j0j15&sourceid=chrome&ie=UTF-8

Reminded of my professors praise of Wiki for information. :O

In terms of serial killer series and films, Netflix seems to be obsessed with this genre. The plots tend to circle around the criminal investigations of various serial killers who have either died, or are incarcerated now, and they can be somewhat interesting. But, there are also those that feel the need to go into excruciating details about how they torture their victims. To me, these series/movies aren’t as much horrific as they are nauseating and grotesque. Thankfully, there are audience/critic reviews that help those of us who dislike that kind of thing, stay far away.

Who finds this entertaining? -_-

Disgustingly graphic content can ruin an otherwise exciting storyline, in my opinion.
I agree. I like the "police thriller" shows that show a quick crime in the first 30 seconds with little actual gore and then the rest of the show is just about the investigation.

A horror movies like CC was describing wouldn't be something I'd rather anymore than I'd watch a snuff film.

I trust the butterflies will come back after Halloween?:)
I'd have to say the first Friday the 13th movie.

If you saw it first before all the sequels and the plethora of similarly themed horror movies you'd agree as the ending just sneaks up on you.

I agree. I like the "police thriller" shows that show a quick crime in the first 30 seconds with little actual gore and then the rest of the show is just about the investigation.
Agree. Watching how detectives piece together all of the many clues in the investigations is interesting.

I trust the butterflies will come back after Halloween?:)
Yes - I'd actually Googled gothic/dark/macabre-esque butterfly images, but none were worthy. :wink:

I'd have to say the first Friday the 13th movie.

If you saw it first before all the sequels and the plethora of similarly themed horror movies you'd agree as the ending just sneaks up on you.
I believe this movie too, was based on a true story, of teenagers murdered by a crazy stalker. That makes it all the more chilling.
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