Impeach Xev?

Should Xev be impeached?

  • Yes Xev is not worthy of being a moderator (impeach Xex)

    Votes: 33 45.8%
  • Yes Xev is a wacko, but still a OK moderator (Do no impeach Xev)

    Votes: 20 27.8%
  • No Xev is alright as a person and moderator (Do not impeach Xev)

    Votes: 19 26.4%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
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I have no clue what the result is, as I have said before I fuck up this poll!
Persol said:
You don't necessarily need a replacement when you impeach someone.
not necessarily, but in this case, somebody has to do the job.
You are contemplating impeaching a person. Thers is no point in impeaching the person if there is nobody else to do the job.
Unless you would rather have nobody do it than ther person.
But I don't think this is the case.
Are you saying that somebody should race the racist?

Should there always be a stand-in moderator if the original moderator can't do its job, be sick for example? Who should this be?
Sounds like a good idea that some of the other moderators can volunteer to temporarily moderate another forum too, while the rearrangement takes place.
I am seriously people this poll is over! this thread should be closed and a new one more serious should be started that ask yes/no should Xev be impeach. Once the vote comes in there then it should be decided what to do.
cool skill said:
Thers is no point in impeaching the person if there is nobody else to do the job.QUOTE]Impeahing someone doesn't mean that they can't continue to do the job...
impeachment is just the process of bringing the whole thing to a vote. A president can be impeached but not removed from office. Don't know how this relates to moderator impeachment.
Well, I think WCF did that on purpose knowing that at worst this vote would result in new vote...
I personally think this poll is a waste of space. Nothing is going to be done, even if 52 members do not consider her to be a good moderator, and 32 want her to be "impeached" democracy is almost always a sham :)
even if 52 members do not consider her to be a good moderator
The aliens haven't taught you how to count yet?
Hoth said:
WANDERER... you project me into such a larger-than-life role in your personal world, as though I'm somehow controlling your whole life. Apparently the concept of me is haunting you somehow despite of my lack of interest in doing so.

HothYea, you are the center of my universe, fatso.

Ah, no worries, WANDERER... the feeling is apparently mutual:

Paul said:
While WANDERER is the one I was least certain about banning (if he hadn't expended so much effort on attacking Sharif I might've left him alone), he's got me convinced now:

Enjoy. Funny in the train wreck kind of way, but hardly conductive to a discussion.
cool skill said:
Thers is no point in impeaching the person if there is nobody else to do the job.QUOTE]Impeahing someone doesn't mean that they can't continue to do the job..."
Didn't we already go over this?
Why have we restated a point that has already been responded to?

I personally believe the forum is better off with Xev the racist as moderator than none at all.
Therefore, unless there is a person to do it, there is really no point in discussing impeachment.
The problem is, that you are asking to impeach somebody without a replacement.

I can be a replacement, and I am serious. I haven't been around this place for as long as some other people, but I get the idea about how things work. The reason why I have little posts is because I was away for a long time. I am back, and I am staying.
I think that I can be a reallt good mod, I am not a racist, but I can see the problems in cultures. I usuallty have a problem with sitting on the fence when it copmes to most issues, so I don't really easily offend people. Lately, I have read some of Xev's posts and I can see why people would want to impeach him/her. I have to sit on the fence on this topic (what a suprise). If it makes me a new mod, then I say Xev goes :)
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