Impeach Xev?

Should Xev be impeached?

  • Yes Xev is not worthy of being a moderator (impeach Xex)

    Votes: 33 45.8%
  • Yes Xev is a wacko, but still a OK moderator (Do no impeach Xev)

    Votes: 20 27.8%
  • No Xev is alright as a person and moderator (Do not impeach Xev)

    Votes: 19 26.4%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
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Randolfo said:
while you can be anonymous on the net, your preferences are not always so invisible, someone can follow your posts & guess at it, so, by your spelling, I'm guessing that you are Brit (or brit influenced), right or wrong?
LMAO! Way wrong. Way way wrong. Didn't you read before when I stated that I come from French, Dutch and African ancestry. Now how you would have picked me as a Brit is highly amusing.

what? You been following me around? Stalking? me discriminate? Not hardly, is ‘opposing viewpoint’ considered discrimination where you come from? Or do you mean it in a broader way, like not liking pastels or earth colors? Are you gay, why do you care what I say or believe in? Are you muslim?
Following you around? Don't flatter yourself. But I've read enough of your posts to see you discriminate against others. Opposing viewpoint is hardly discrimination. One could also say that Xev's point would be classified as an opposing viewpoint... hmmm?

you apparently don’t. what does racial separation mean to you? you are of mixed heritage, why? What happened to no racial mixing? Naughty, naughty, must not do that! The fuehrer will be mad, all that mating notion
Racial separation to me means more to the fact that some believe that races should not mix. Now you appear to think that I agree with that, I do not. But I also do not think that Xev's comments were racist. Many black people (women especially) dislike it when black men marry white women, because they see it as a dilution of their race. Japanese society is known to have similar beliefs, as are white people, Chinese, etc, etc.

All ethnic groups wish to retain their diversity. Are you telling me that as a Mexican you'd rather not retain your diversity or see the Mexican ethnic group maintain their existence? I know that where I'm from, we cherish our ethnic diversity amongst the masses. I don't disagree with multiculturalism, but I also agree that diversity and racial distinction within all society's are to be respected and enjoyed. How boring and horrible would it be if we were all the same? Hell, even Governments around the world celebrate ethnic diversity of its people. The notion of strength within each race is not racist at all. Black people see it as something to be proud of, their features and culture is a strength to them and they too do not wish that to be lost.

are you really? For all we know, you’re Xev’s boyfriend, from across the street.
And for all I know you're just a mental patient who's been given access to the internet in the mental asylum.

actually, Mexicans can’t be rednecks, both literally & figuratively. I’m overly sensitive about both overt & subtle racism, after living in the US Mid-West
And after coming from a country where people of colour have to sit in the back and have to stand by in any store if a white person walks in first because they must be served first as a general social rule, I too am overly sensitive to racism. However I don't find her comments in this instance to be racist. From what I've read, she's a racial separatist... there's a big difference.

From the Xev thread: Link

I like diversity. Unlike the cocksuckers who celebrate diversity, I actually think that diversity is a good thing.

Xev said:
I'm not a bigot, the Klan strikes me as a group of pathetic Christians trying to recapture their sense of privledge, I abhor Nazism, if I have any sympathy to fascism it's that on the Italian model. That said, I am not a fascist. I am a racist, but I am not a white supremicist and I've known nonwhites whom I considered to be on my own intellectual level.

Now please tell me, where in that comment has she discriminated against another race? Where does she state that the white race is superior to others (in the manner in which BigD has continuously been doing so)? In fact from her statement there she is more on par with you. I happen to like ethnic diversity. I'm proud of my diverse background. Ask anyone of any race and they'd tell you that they are proud of the fact that they have their background. Why do you claim anyone who comments on that racist?
I am a racist, but I am not a white supremicist and I've known nonwhites whom I considered to be on my own intellectual level.

Let us brake this down:


I am a racist:

1.The belief that race accounts for differences in human character or ability and that a particular race is superior to others.
2.Discrimination or prejudice based on race.

Since Xev is such an intellectual (it is suggested by herself in the second part of the message) we have to assume she knows what it means to be a racist. We are however so fortunate that she isn't a fascist! We are a lucky bunch here. Hoorah, she is only a racist and not a fascist!

part 2:

I've known nonwhites whom I considered to be on my own intellectual level.

How adorable. Some non-whites (could that be a reference to race?) can even manage to reach her intellectual level! It is almost the same as seeing a monkey read war and peace. No, that is not racist at all. It is celebrating diversity.

'Celebrating diversity' must be a new euphemism for racism.

No, fuck off with your stupid excuses. She is a fucking racist.
Monkey : Assumption is the easiest thing of all.
Youve read her post yet you're fixated on that one word : racist.
Everything is black and white for you isn't it?
Ever bothered to understand what she says?
Or maybe just jealous?
Or maybe just jobless.
Let us brake this down:

Might help to break it down, too.

Since Xev is such an intellectual (it is suggested by herself in the second part of the message) we have to assume she knows what it means to be a racist. We are however so fortunate that she isn't a fascist! We are a lucky bunch here. Hoorah, she is only a racist and not a fascist!

Since Xev has two neurons to string into a synapse, she knows that words are dynamic creations. 'Racism' means something now than it did forty, fifty years ago. It will mean something different in the next fifty years.
Deal with it.

How adorable. Some non-whites (could that be a reference to race?) can even manage to reach her intellectual level!

Believe me cumdumpster, not most whites can manage that one.
Then again, going by the numbers Northern Asiatics are probably smarter than whites. See why I'm an elitist and not an idiot cumdumpster who cannot comprehend simple matters of language? You've claimed to be white, and yet you're a complete bloody idiot.

No, fuck off with your stupid excuses. She is a fucking racist.

DUH! It's not like my SAYING THAT I AM cleared anything up.
I can't sleep.
Watch, in two posts you'll be screaming something like:

"See! Xev can't sleep, I just proved it!"
spuriousmonkey said:
'Celebrating diversity' must be a new euphemism for racism.
Really? So when you see each culture celebrating their cultural and ethnic diversity, do you go up to them and tell them they're racist? When Governments of mulitcultural countries have special days where ethnic groups within their country are encouraged to share their ethnic difference and diversity with the rest of the population, that's racism? Hell I'll have to remind myself of that next time I go to one of these festivals.

1.The belief that race accounts for differences in human character or ability and that a particular race is superior to others.
2.Discrimination or prejudice based on race.
Has she stated that any particular race is superior to another though? Has she discriminated or prejudiced against others in here because of their race while moderating? I've seen her discriminate against others for all sorts of things while moderating, but never for race. I'm the last person to make excuses for her.. believe me... but I keep asking this question and no one has yet provided an answer. Has she while moderating in her forum discriminated against another member because of their race... has she altered, deleted posts because of the posters race? If yes, then she should not be a moderator. If no, then I guess we're all arguing for nothing.

Look at BigD as an example of racism. He's been sitting and repeatedly posting about how whites are superior to blacks. He I'd call a racist.

So I'm a racist for declaring that I'm proud of my diverse racial ancestry? I'm a racist because I'm happy to be different or that I'm proud of that difference? Give me a break spurious, I always expected better from you. Black women have been accusing white women of stealing black men.. thereby reducing the survival of the African American racial or ethnic group. Are they racist as well or worried that their ethnicity or race is disappearing? Japanese people are indoctrinated with maintaining their ethnicity and diversity, are they racist as well?

Please, I've been the victim of racism all my life and I've studied racism and its effects for a better part of my life. Half the people here wouldn't know racism if it came and bit them on the arse.
Bells said:
Please, I've been the victim of racism all my life and I've studied racism and its effects for a better part of my life. Half the people here wouldn't know racism if it came and bit them on the arse.

Claiming personal authority doesn't make you right.
"You are just pathetic. It is about time you realize it yourself. '

Compared to a weakling like you? A Christian? Good one.
Xev stays moderating is still winning by 5 votes, still have 55 more votes to go, those of you that really want it try just a little harder. Xev try to look nicer and sane, your position is on the line.
Xev looks only like everything she is meant to block...

useless posts that only insult.
Direct offences at religions...
Abusive and unconstructive critisim...

It all seems like a pretty pathetic discussion.
Actually I think the 2nd poll choice is unnecessary and inherently biased, so I would ignore it completely. So Xev is actually losing by 6 votes.
If one the 100 votes have come in and Xev remains because of the 2nd vote option, but would have lost if it was not their then we can let Porfiry decide. I don’t see what bias about it, she might be crazy but I have seen her being a very good moderator at times.
On the grounds that it attempts to manipulate the voter wth the subtle suggestion, "She's a OK moderator", and on the grounds, there are two options for her non-impeachment.

It's irrelavant to the central question, if we think she's a wako.

The designer of the poll is clearly biassed to Xev, and is trying to make sure, she wins.
WellCookedFetus said:
If one the 100 votes have come in and Xev remains because of the 2nd vote option, but would have lost if it was not their then we can let Porfiry decide. I don’t see what bias about it, she might be crazy but I have seen her being a very good moderator at times.

I guess that is fair enough. However what makes you think there will be 100 votes? There should be a time limit on the poll, rather than a vote count.
Bells said:
Really? So when you see each culture celebrating their cultural and ethnic diversity, do you go up to them and tell them they're racist? When Governments of mulitcultural countries have special days where ethnic groups within their country are encouraged to share their ethnic difference and diversity with the rest of the population, that's racism? Hell I'll have to remind myself of that next time I go to one of these festivals.

I think he was referring to "celebrating diversity" in a "separate but equal" sort of manner. I have seen that phrase used many times in such a context. I can provide examples if you wish.

Bells said:
Has she while moderating in her forum discriminated against another member because of their race... has she altered, deleted posts because of the posters race? If yes, then she should not be a moderator. If no, then I guess we're all arguing for nothing.

The answer to your question is no, not to my knowledge. However, I believe the issue is of moderators representing the site by their own actions. Moderators like Congrats, goofyfish, James R., stryderunknown, tiassa, Tristan, wet1 are people who properly perform their moderation duties and generally serve as examples of exemplary conduct. As was mentioned earlier, it is relatively easy to moderate posts, as such, one of the few traits to evaluate a moderator by is their conduct.

Bells said:
So I'm a racist for declaring that I'm proud of my diverse racial ancestry?

No. Reread the definition. Do you believe that your race makes you a person of superior character or ability when compared to other racial groups, and is this decision made solely upon the basis of race? If not, you're not a racist according to the definition.

Bells said:
I'm a racist because I'm happy to be different or that I'm proud of that difference? Give me a break spurious, I always expected better from you.

See above. Also, try to stop interpreting statements in such a negative manner.

Bells said:
Please, I've been the victim of racism all my life and I've studied racism and its effects for a better part of my life. Half the people here wouldn't know racism if it came and bit them on the arse.

Half the people here most likely have never been subject to negative racial stereotypes.
Randolfo raise two questions for me, "is she sane?" and "should she be moderator"? So I merged both. I guess I should have had 4 questions to make it even.
1."Yes, Impeach her, she is crazy"
2."Yes, Impeach her she is not crazy, just a jerk"
3. "NO, do not Impeach her. She a good mod, just crazy"
4. "NO, do not Impeach her. She alright as a person and a moderator"
That that would also be unnecessary -

The question is rather simple:

Do you want Xev to be impeached?

1: Yes, Xev is not fit to be a moderator
2: No, Xev is a OK moderator

That would be a completely fair and sensible poll. In fact, we could have still have that poll, by just ignoring option 2.
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