If UFOs are real, this is really a positive thing

UFO's are real , not phenommena . UFO's are real flying objects .
All true so far.
That can not be explained by publicly known physics , nor material science . Speeds , material heat created , aerodynamics , at even 2000mph , nevermind speeds much greater.
We have flown manned vehicles in the atmosphere at 17,500 miles per hour. We have unmanned aircraft flying around in the lower atmosphere at 7000 MPH. None of them disintegrated.

There are plenty of UFO's out there; I've seen them. But just because they are unidentified doesn't mean they are space aliens.
That can not be explained by publicly known physics , nor material science . Speeds , material heat created , aerodynamics , at even 2000mph , nevermind speeds much greater.

We have flown manned vehicles in the atmosphere at 17,500 miles per hour. We have unmanned aircraft flying around in the lower atmosphere at 7000 MPH. None of them disintegrated.

Sure , but they can't hover nor suddenly have fantastic acceleration .

Sure , but they can't hover nor suddenly have fantastic acceleration .
Plenty of aircraft can hover. Plenty have fantastic acceleration (several G's.)
Not All . Some Are though .
They could also be magical unicorns, or Dementors, or Santa Claus, or Satan himself. But they are most likely just unidentified ordinary objects.
You have Alot to Learn about UFO's .
So does everyone. Which is why they are called "unidentified." I've seen one myself while I was flying; never figured it out. But given the two options:

1) It was another light aircraft with unusual nav lights or
2) It was a space alien disguised as a light aircraft

the smart money is on 1).
So does everyone. Which is why they are called "unidentified." I've seen one myself while I was flying; never figured it out. But given the two options:

1) It was another light aircraft with unusual nav lights or
2) It was a space alien disguised as a light aircraft

the smart money is on 1).

Why unusual nav lights , by a light aircraft ? What was unusual about the navigation lights .
Orange/blue instead of red/green for the wingtip lights.
I find it interesting that a simple small rotation of the colour wheel will turn red into orange and green into blue.

How confident are you that the orange you saw was ... er ... objectively orange, and the blue was objectively blue?
For example might you have been standing near a sodium streetlight or LED headlights or somesuch, which would affect your colour perception?
How confident are you that the orange you saw was ... er ... objectively orange, and the blue was objectively blue?
For example might you have been standing near a sodium streetlight or LED headlights or somesuch, which would affect your colour perception?
I was flying a plane about 1000 feet above the other plane. Other aircraft nav lights looked normal (I checked because for a second I thought 'wait - those ARE supposed to be green and red, right?') but his looked different.

It could have been a very odd layer of haze, but the rest of what I could see beneath the other plane looked normal. Never figured it out. Best guess is that it was someone who was making creative repairs to their airplane, found some lights and said "eh, close enough."
I find it interesting that a simple small rotation of the colour wheel will turn red into orange and green into blue.

How confident are you that the orange you saw was ... er ... objectively orange, and the blue was objectively blue?
For example might you have been standing near a sodium streetlight or LED headlights or somesuch, which would affect your colour perception?


Or not .
Plenty of aircraft can hover. Plenty have fantastic acceleration (several G's.)

Any of those that are totally silent and can take off suddenly and stop abruptly on a dime?
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Any of those that are totally silent |
Totally silent you say?

No UAPs are known to be totally silent. Because no one has been close enough to any to say more than 'it was miles away and yet I heard nothing'. That's a far cry from 'is totally silent'
Another example of nonsense thinking.
Not all ufos are "miles away". Many encounters are much closer, and still there is no noise. If it were a plane or helicopter it would be heard.
I think several of the UFOs observed are natural objects which behave in a weird manner due to the circumstances.

An old video taken from space showed an object in direction to earth but changed it's course and went fast to the outer space again.


In the video, when one observes the angle of the camera with respect to the object in question, one realizes that the speed of the object trying to enter thru the atmosphere of earth, being rejected and going in a different direction in a faster speed, is nothing but the angle of perception of the event. That actually the object was traveling at the same speed all the time. It was a meteor perhaps, which by approaching earth bounced on the atmosphere and continued its way.

Lets say you observe the object from inside the atmosphere. And from your position you see the object moves slowly or/and even it's stationary at one spot, but actually the object is coming towards you. But, the object is coming in such an angle, lets say 15 grades and at the time of colliding with the atmosphere rather than getting inside it just bounces and goes in a different direction. From your location the object will appear that has changed its direction at a faster speed. The optical illusion caused by distance and motion will make you think the object was going slow first and that changed its speed later.

The colour of the objects in space is also a common optical illusion.

There are several witnesses who have observed similar phenomenon in space, but mostly from far away distances. However, the best reports of closer encounters with objects which belong to heavenly people come from religion, like the Kebra Nagast, when is mentioned the existence of heavenly wagons which travel from place to place at very fast speeds. The story includes people using those wagons or traveling inside them.

And the King asked the people, saying, "When did my son leave you?" And they answered and said unto him, "He left us three days ago. And having loaded their wagons none of them travelled on the ground, but in wagons that were suspended in the air; and they were swifter than the eagles that are in the sky, and all their baggage travelled with them in wagons above the winds...

... And the ambassador of PHARAOH answered and said unto the King, "O King, live for ever! My lord, King PHARAOH, sent me unto thee from ALEXANDRIA. And behold, I will inform thee how I have come. Having set out from ALEXANDRIA I came to KÂHĔRÂ (CAIRO), the city of the King, and on my arrival these men of ETHIOPIA of whom thou speakest arrived there also. They reached there after a passage of three days on the TAKKAZÎ, the river of EGYPT, and they were blowing flutes, and they travelled on wagons like the host of the heavenly beings. And those who saw them said concerning them, 'These, having once been creatures of earth, have become beings of heaven.' Who then is wiser than SOLOMON the King of JUDAH? But he never travelled in this wise in a wagon of the winds. And those who were in the cities and towns were witnesses that, when these men came into the land of EGYPT, our gods and the gods of the King fell down, and were dashed in pieces, and the towers of the idols were likewise broken into fragments. And they asked the priests of the gods, the diviners of EGYPT, the reason why our gods had fallen down, and they said unto us, 'The Tabernacle of the God of ISRAEL, which came down from heaven, is with them, and will abide in their country for ever.' And it was because of this that, when they came into the land of EGYPT, our gods were broken into fragments.
I think several of the UFOs observed are natural objects which behave in a weird manner due to the circumstances.

An old video taken from space showed an object in direction to earth but changed it's course and went fast to the outer space again.


In the video, when one observes the angle of the camera with respect to the object in question, one realizes that the speed of the object trying to enter thru the atmosphere of earth, being rejected and going in a different direction in a faster speed, is nothing but the angle of perception of the event. That actually the object was traveling at the same speed all the time. It was a meteor perhaps, which by approaching earth bounced on the atmosphere and continued its way.

Lets say you observe the object from inside the atmosphere. And from your position you see the object moves slowly or/and even it's stationary at one spot, but actually the object is coming towards you. But, the object is coming in such an angle, lets say 15 grades and at the time of colliding with the atmosphere rather than getting inside it just bounces and goes in a different direction. From your location the object will appear that has changed its direction at a faster speed. The optical illusion caused by distance and motion will make you think the object was going slow first and that changed its speed later.

The colour of the objects in space is also a common optical illusion.

There are several witnesses who have observed similar phenomenon in space, but mostly from far away distances. However, the best reports of closer encounters with objects which belong to heavenly people come from religion, like the Kebra Nagast, when is mentioned the existence of heavenly wagons which travel from place to place at very fast speeds. The story includes people using those wagons or traveling inside them.

And the King asked the people, saying, "When did my son leave you?" And they answered and said unto him, "He left us three days ago. And having loaded their wagons none of them travelled on the ground, but in wagons that were suspended in the air; and they were swifter than the eagles that are in the sky, and all their baggage travelled with them in wagons above the winds...

... And the ambassador of PHARAOH answered and said unto the King, "O King, live for ever! My lord, King PHARAOH, sent me unto thee from ALEXANDRIA. And behold, I will inform thee how I have come. Having set out from ALEXANDRIA I came to KÂHĔRÂ (CAIRO), the city of the King, and on my arrival these men of ETHIOPIA of whom thou speakest arrived there also. They reached there after a passage of three days on the TAKKAZÎ, the river of EGYPT, and they were blowing flutes, and they travelled on wagons like the host of the heavenly beings. And those who saw them said concerning them, 'These, having once been creatures of earth, have become beings of heaven.' Who then is wiser than SOLOMON the King of JUDAH? But he never travelled in this wise in a wagon of the winds. And those who were in the cities and towns were witnesses that, when these men came into the land of EGYPT, our gods and the gods of the King fell down, and were dashed in pieces, and the towers of the idols were likewise broken into fragments. And they asked the priests of the gods, the diviners of EGYPT, the reason why our gods had fallen down, and they said unto us, 'The Tabernacle of the God of ISRAEL, which came down from heaven, is with them, and will abide in their country for ever.' And it was because of this that, when they came into the land of EGYPT, our gods were broken into fragments.

What is that passage from that you quoted?
What is that passage from that you quoted?
In the short version found in the book by Gerald Hausman, it appears in VISION.

If you look for the complete book to read online, then look in chapters

I must tell you the collection of these stories is assumed to come from ancient times, but they have been written very recently. It is a must you first check how the stories were collected and who and when become a book.

From my part I can say the way of describing the events fits with old styles of telling stories. Also the knowledge of places and distances appear to fit well if you compare them with maps made portraying ancient locations. Of course this is not an indication of veracity of the statements in the book but I find them very interesting.
