I Need Advice.

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I reckon prolly the xbox for graphics, but seriously, just use your computer, spend the money on an upgrade instead of a game console and use your computer for games..
When I said upgrade, I didn't mean operating system, I was thinking of graphics card, ram and cpu...

However, if you were to ask for a vote on which game console, for use with only games and not for other functionality, to choose I would vote for the game cube..

Pitty the dreamcast is no longer a contender, or sega at all in the console department!

I still think the pc is a better gaming platform than any console though.
I proffer a very scientific breakdown

This system has a very programmer friendly architecture. By allowing dynamic lighting as a part of the base programming and a good amount of polygon-pushing power, it lends itself well to faster developing times. Whether or not the buyers appear is a big question mark. They were semi-burned by the lack of support for Nintendo's last outing. Don't count out the base support from Super Nintendo loyalists and the target of Nintendo's marketing campaigns, children. At the same time the system is suffering from port-mania. Look for strong Nintendo backup like Rare and a new deal with Capcom for exclusive Resident Evil titles as the hope of this system. Star Wars:Rogue Leader is the star launch title. Miyamoto may find that, at least here in the states, the new cartoonish look of Zelda will not be well received.

This is the biggest gamble in the industry. While it has superior system specifications, speculation about Microsoft's ability to deliver the software is apparent. Complaints are beginning to arise from the size and button placement on the controller. I may have big hands, but personally I could not find these as issues. Clearly this is the most heavily marketed system which may make a diference. So far the titles have been hackneyed with one star product: Halo. This system has one big selling point:the hard drive. Some complain that this makes the system to much like a computer, but the power of such a built in piece is undeniable. Another problem for this system is the fact that it supports only broadband. As most do not use this means of connecting, this will be a problem for mass-marketing. Another error is the need for a seperately purchased remote to use the DVD function.

Playstation 2
The greatest boon for Sony may be the lack of availability of their competiter's systems. 3rd party support is the name of the game for Sony with A-list titles such as Grand Theft Auto 3, Gran Turismo 3, Tony Hawks ProSkater 3, Final Fantasy X, and Metal Gear Solid 2. Sony has also played a safe move in the controller area, keeping the same design from it popular playsation unit. The backward compatability is also a selling point. Unlike XBox this system allows DVD functions through the use of the controller. Many question marks still exist like the USB uses, hard drive peripheral, and modem/broadband support. Sony won the last battle and comes out strong in this fight too. Can it keep the steam when in the face of better graphics? Last time proved that play beat looks, will the same be true?
X-Box: An unstable future, fairly poor release games (except Halo, SSX Tricky and DOA 3) and the bad rep M$ has been getting in the past couple of years make this my last choice.

I don't like the Gamecube, mainly because I don't like Nintendo. I've got a '64 and I haven't played it in months, because there's no good games for it. Most of Nintendo's market are things like Kirby and other games aimed at younger audiences. The only good games I could see for the GC is Super Smash Bros. Melee (hey, it may be corny but it's fun ;P ) and SSX: Tricky (although the PS2 version looks and runs better).

PS2 would be my choice. It has a very solid system that triples as both a DVD player and an internet access port. With many good games including Timesplitters and MGS2 it's definatly worth the price (which has thankfully gone down).

But for now, I shall buy none of these as I need money to do an engine swap in my car :)
Hmmm - pc I think!

I have a P3 500 256mb RAM, and have just installed a 3D GeForce 64mb Titanium Video Card, from the same previous, but 32mb. I am playing Return to Wolfenstein at present (for the 3rd time!) and, apart from some dodgy sound, it is like watching TV. I just wish I could find a way to play again Silent Hunter (1995) which is still the best sub sim around. My son bought me Silent Hunter 2 for Xmas but I suggested he ask for his money back, no way am I going to sink Brit ships with a bloody U Boat. As for Playstation 2, my daughter has one, and that is also extremely good graphics on an ordinary TV. Personal preference - the pc! :rolleyes:
Please answer

What is the difference between GeForce Pro and Titanium?

Please answer as I intend to buy one next week, but have not decidet which.

None too sure. the one I installed 2 days ago is the 3D GeForce2 Titanium 64mb 400mhz DDR AGP TV - whatever all that means!! Now I have to find out if my MB is running at the full 3.3v @ 6 amps, otherwie the card is not realising its full potential. WARNING! After 9installation, I have had to mess around with my desktop, everytime I returned to the desktop it was mashed up, icons all over the place. Received a long list of corrective ideas from Creative (thanks Brenda) and downloaded updated drivers from www.nvidia.com - but it till does it. BIOS tweaking was another option. :mad:
I go with a mix

I have the trusty PS2 for those times when my comp decides to die or those games not made for this medium. But I spend more time with my AMD 1400 PC. Those Geforce graphics are superior. But hey PC developers where are the good games like Grand Theft Auto 3? Oh well I will have to live with this machine as an FPS and RTS plaform.
The only reason I would buy a GameCube is because of "Metroid Prime". I have been a fan of the metroid series ever since the first one. This looks like it could be the best, the graphics look great so far(Real dark, big detailed creatures/bosses etc..).
Well I got an X-box for christmas, and I have to say it's the second best, only to a PC. Of course I'm biased, but this thing rocks. Built in hard drive = no more mem. cards. Built in hard drive = storing your own music on it then LISTENING TO IT DURING A GAME! Yes! as if it was the normal game music. Don't like the track? No problem, press one button on the controller and you've got another :) Plus, you get a DVD player with it as well (for an extra $40 at least, but it's better than $200). Broadband is coming out this summer, so you can play it online with other people.

The graphics are amazing, better than my computer. Of course, it's 2 years old, but anyway.... but please, do yourself a favor, DO NOT get the Gamecube! Seriously, a PS1 would be better than a cube. Their games are horrible (except metroid) and the graphics look like they've been taken from a small child's game. X-Box is sooo much better....

Bottom line, whatever you do stay away from the Gamecube, I have a feeling it will become outdated very quickly, as the N64 did. PS2 would be my second choice, Gamecube would come in somwhere after the first Genesis.

I take back everything I said about it earlier, X-Box all the way. But I'm still a PC fan above all.

if you mean the difference between the geforce 2 pro and the geforce 2 titanium..

then if you can get the geforce 2 pro for cheaper, get it cos its a cheaper card with the same features cos its older..

if you are talking about the geforce 3 titaniums, then they are by far better.. the ti500 specifically... the ti200 is better than the geforce 2 pro..

get the best you can afford for what you will use it for...

thats the best advise I could give..
Wait for GeForce 4. I just saw the specs for that thing. 128MB of mem! It clocks at 300MHZ!
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