I Got Drunk!!!!!!

Discussion in 'The Cesspool' started by TruthSeeker, Dec 13, 2004.

  1. TruthSeeker Fancy Virtual Reality Monkey Valued Senior Member

    Btw.... can we just get back to the discussion of alcohol?
    Yes, the girl is gorgeous, very nice and intelligent. But that's not the point of the discussion...

    Yeah, whatever.... I got my question answered anyways....
    There's no point in discussing more...

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  3. Dreamwalker Whatever Valued Senior Member

    Well, it's not like you are going to die sooner just because you get drunk now and then. Especially when you are young, damage to your tissue can be repaired much faster than that of an older person, as a result, permanent liver damage would be very unlikely.
    And you have to drink a lot of wine to damage your body, and more than once a week.
    Alas, strong spirits like vodka contain certain elements that can harm the nervous system or negatively influence the growth of a young person (as long as you still grow). So I would not advise those. But there is nothing wrong with some beers or a bottle of wine now and then.

    Anyway, I have to agree with Xev, you sound pretty idiotic, at least in this thread. Anyway, I hope you enjoy the one or two years extra you may get because you never touched drugs.

    EDIT: But there is also the fact that every alcoholic drink lowers the risk of heart attacks and similar illnesses. But of course it has to be ingested measured.
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  5. Nuttyfish Guest

    "Paris, Texas", probably. It came free with some newspaper I bought once.
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  7. TruthSeeker Fancy Virtual Reality Monkey Valued Senior Member

    Yeah, yeah I know that. That's why I got drunk just once so far. But the guy I was talking to obviously have had much more than just one glass of wine per week. And he was calling me dumb when it is obvious that he was the one being dumb and wasting his health away...

    Obviously! I had naver been more stimulated in my entire life!

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    Still, not more idiotic than the stupid remarks of those people with extremely low self-discipline....

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    Yeah... just one or two years....

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    Duhh that's obvious. That's why I alwaysdrink in moderation. It wasn't the first time I drank wine, it was the first time I got drunk.
  8. TruthSeeker Fancy Virtual Reality Monkey Valued Senior Member

    No, not that one. It had a pretty long title. It's an old movie. I think from the 80s....

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  9. Xev Registered Senior Member

    Yes, that's it. I'm emotionally distraught, in fact, to learn that I have competition for your heart. I told you I love you, right?

    Because he may or may not drink daily?
    Actually, drinking semi-daily can decrease your risk of stroke and heart disease.

    You WEREN'T DRUNK, FOOL! Feeling lightheaded and silly is not the same as being drunk. Being drunk involves the inability to walk in a straight line and making out with other chicks before climbing a tree and singing that you are a little bird.

    Or humiliating people you have done.....EGAD! Beer goggles!

    I've never managed to get drunk on wine. Makes me too sleepy and reflective to continue drinking.
    Last edited: Dec 15, 2004
  10. Roman Banned Banned

  11. patcho Registered Senior Member

    is this guy for real?
  12. Roman Banned Banned

    Yes, I'm afraid he is.
  13. Roman Banned Banned

    Does sake count as wine?
  14. Xev Registered Senior Member

    It's fortified rice wine, the Asian answer to port and sherry.

    Can't say I've ever been "drunk" on it, they don't serve it in quantity.
  15. TruthSeeker Fancy Virtual Reality Monkey Valued Senior Member

    Awwwwwww.... that's sweet of you...
    I'm sorry to dissapoint ya

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    Ahhh... yeaaaaah...

    Huuuummm.... prove it! Evideeence!

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    Yes! I couldn't do that!

    Not that tough....

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  16. Roman Banned Banned

    The American Heart Association says alcohol is more likely toharm than help.

    And TruthSeeker, getting drunk for the first time. Wow, that's like losing your virginity or something.
  17. TruthSeeker Fancy Virtual Reality Monkey Valued Senior Member

    Well.... maybe not....

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    But don't worry, I'm determined to find that out by the end of the year....

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  18. apendrapew Oral defecator Registered Senior Member

    Does it depress anyone else to open their mail and see "sciforums.com Mailer: Reply to post 'I Got Drunk!!!!!!'"?
  19. TruthSeeker Fancy Virtual Reality Monkey Valued Senior Member

  20. guthrie paradox generator Registered Senior Member

    Welcome to the world inhabited by the rest of us who drink/ have drunk. Your obviously a late starter.
    (Youve been on sciforums for 2 years, and can apparently argue intelligently and never been drunk? Wow. Makes a change I suppose.)
    Now, you could start a scientific experiment based upon learning your own alcohol tolerances. Drink different spirits, neat and mixed. Drink beer, wine, mead, whatever. See how drunk and how quickly each drink makes you, then consider the effects of having eaten before hand or not. And see how fast you can get the room to spin around you, its great fun.
  21. Dreamwalker Whatever Valued Senior Member

    Oh yes, a receip for a good drink: Get yourself a teapot, or a flowerpot, doesn't really matter, pour equal quantities of vodka, whiskey and rum in it until it is full. Drink it down as fast as you can. I needed 15 minutes, beat that.

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  22. sargentlard Save the whales motherfucker Valued Senior Member

    Well you made me laugh for the first time today.


    I am starting to find that you get some sort of joy out of being laughed at. Being humiliated and mocked gets you off some how, not boner wise perhaps, but there is some sort of sick joy there.
  23. Xev Registered Senior Member

    Ah, the eternal Truthseeker questions.

    Truthseeker has been here longer than I have. While my attitudes and opinions have changed due to life's circumstances, his have not. He still posts like this, still proclaims his love for everyone, still cannot understand why he is mocked.

    Frankly, in some perverted way, it's touching. Truthseeker lives in a lake of placid ignorence, with unchanging ideas. He LOVES.

    If it wasn't for my pride, and my unwillingness to undergo the humiliation - I'd like to have some of whatever drugs he's on.

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