I began to take MSM back in 1999...

Dennis Tate

... and it seems to have greatly boosted my immune response to various viruses.

Technically MSM is nutritional sulphur.. it is actually food.... not a chemical.


The only negative is that it causes our cells to detoxify and some of the side effects can be annoying.
In 1996 I had pneumonia for about a month around August - September.

In 1997 and 1998 I had bronchitis at the same time of the year with all the same symptoms as the pneumonia in one lung that I had in 1996.

In 1999 I began to take MSM and never again had either pneumonia or bronchitis.
In 1996 I had pneumonia for about a month around August - September.

In 1997 and 1998 I had bronchitis at the same time of the year with all the same symptoms as the pneumonia in one lung that I had in 1996.

In 1999 I began to take MSM and never again had either pneumonia or bronchitis.

it sounds interesting
keeping in mind you may have made slight variations in diet to adapt to a over all higher quality of diet which has also helped to promote your natural immunity to some things.

some of the side effects can be annoying.
it sounds interesting
keeping in mind you may have made slight variations in diet to adapt to a over all higher quality of diet which has also helped to promote your natural immunity to some things.


Yes... I think that I personally was very lacking in nutritional sulphur in my diet so I noticed the positive differences within days.

Lately I also added zinc, vitamin C and D3 in order to further boost my immune system for when I may be exposed to COVID 19.

I did not like the test that I had to take in July of 2020 so I boosted my intake of MSM in order to see if I could avoid taking another test.. .and so far so good....
no cold or flu symptoms in these last eight months.
I'd never heard of this stuff. It seems fairly harmless.
Neither had I

Googled it

Looks like a miracle cure for everything but very little research into any particular cure

Filed away with homeopath and placebo under the main heading WOO WOO MEDICAL

Neither had I

Googled it

Looks like a miracle cure for everything but very little research into any particular cure

Filed away with homeopath and placebo under the main heading WOO WOO MEDICAL

It is the oxidation product of DMSO. Seems stable and fairly inert. It seems unclear whether it does any good as a dietary supplement. I have severe difficulty believing anyone is short of sulphur, for example. Looks to me like just another health gimmick.
It is the oxidation product of DMSO. Seems stable and fairly inert. It seems unclear whether it does any good as a dietary supplement. I have severe difficulty believing anyone is short of sulphur, for example. Looks to me like just another health gimmick.

Made me look a bit further


Seems there is a INDUSTRIAL version of DMSO

Hope no-one is making medical MSM from INDUSTRIAL DMSO????

Didn't go to deep but apparently there are adverse affects on the eyes :(

Made me look a bit further


Seems there is a INDUSTRIAL version of DMSO

Hope no-one is making medical MSM from INDUSTRIAL DMSO????

Didn't go to deep but apparently there are adverse affects on the eyes :(


Personally.... I found since 1999 that MSM seems to have done such a good job of boosting my immune response that
after having my first COVID 19 test in July of 2020 I boosted my intake of MSM up to 8 to twelve grams daily in an effort to
attempt to decrease my need to take another annoying Covid test. So far... .so good..... no more incidence of sore throat which brought on my first
COVID 19 test!

I actually take MSM for horses because it is powdered and thus easier to ingest plus... .it is actually vegetarian grade. When I began to take MSM back in 1999
it was usually derived from the bark of trees. Although I take high levels of it my eyes are doing fine....that is about all that I can tell you about that possible negative
side effect.

I did go through the usual symptoms of detoxification back in 1999 when I first began to take it.. .but the positive effects far out weighed the negative. I feel that my own
immune system seems to be working better now at sixty one than it was back in 1998 when I was thirty nine!
I actually read that as "the oxidation product of DHMO".

And, frankly, that tracks just as true. :D

I am merely a janitor and all that I know is that everything in the book by Stanley Jacob M. D. proved out to be true....
not only for me but also for my wife and her sister and her mom and several friends who tried it as well.



I had two hernia operations in the past decade and after my last operation I took only MSM as a pain killer... .because I never again wanted to take the pain killer that I had been given after my first hernia operation.
It sounds like you're advertising for Stanley Jacob, Dennis. It's not only in this thread that you're trying to promote MSM, either. Please stop that, or we might have to treat your posts as spam.
It sounds like you're advertising for Stanley Jacob, Dennis. It's not only in this thread that you're trying to promote MSM, either. Please stop that, or we might have to treat your posts as spam.
He's also advertising for Chaim Tejman "MD". :biggrin:
He's also advertising for Chaim Tejman "MD". :biggrin:

On the plus side... I don't have any shares in any MSM producer...

Nor do I have any shares in Dr. Tejman's website.... but Darwinian style Evolutionary Theory is dead.... and may as well be buried.........! String Theory must be factored into a logical variation of Evolutionary Theory.
On the plus side... I don't have any shares in any MSM producer...

Nor do I have any shares in Dr. Tejman's website.... but Darwinian style Evolutionary Theory is dead.... and may as well be buried.........! String Theory must be factored into a logical variation of Evolutionary Theory.
Don't you mean String Theory is to replace Darwinian Theory?
Don't you mean String Theory is to replace Darwinian Theory?

Actually.... that is an interesting way to look at it.

But at minimum a more Theistic Evolutionary Theory that factored String Theory, the Cyclic Model and Multiverse Theory into the formula would fit with the accounts of invisible dimensions as testified to by volunteers who go into an Extreme Gravity device such as in the James Winnery research.

The Trigger of Extreme Gravity:
Dr. James Winnery's Near-Death Experience Research


The only negative is that it causes our cells to detoxify and some of the side effects can be annoying.
For example............................................................................................................?

from web md
In some people, MSM might cause nausea, diarrhea, bloating, fatigue, headache, insomnia, itching, or worsening of allergy symptoms.
For example............................................................................................................?

from web md
In some people, MSM might cause nausea, diarrhea, bloating, fatigue, headache, insomnia, itching, or worsening of allergy symptoms.

Yes.. .but taking smaller amount of MSM at first lessens the symptoms....
as well as drinking extra water so that the toxins are urinated.....
which by far the easiest way to get them out of our bloodstream once they are released from cells....
and in my case the positive effects were more important to me by far than those negatives from the first day.

I was continually having a cold or a flu or allergies since I was a kid....
now I almost never have a cold or flu or allergies.....

I was one of those people who felt an increase in energy very quickly as well...
which was also more important than the relatively minor detox symptoms...