How quantum is wave-particle duality of Couder's walking droplets?

Discussion in 'Physics & Math' started by Jarek Duda, Apr 3, 2012.


What does wave-particle duality mean?

  1. Particle is simultaneously wave and corpuscle

    1 vote(s)
  2. Particle have only one of these natures at the time

    1 vote(s)
  1. Jarek Duda Registered Senior Member

    There are getting popularity great Couder's experiments about classical objects having wave-particle duality: oil droplets on vertically vibrating liquid surface - constantly creating periodic waves around - interaction with these waves allows to observe 'quantum effects':interference pattern in double-slit experiment, tunneling depending on practically random hidden parameters or orbit quatization condition - that particle has to 'find a resonance' with field perturbations it creates - after one orbit, its internal phase has to return to the initial state.
    It's difficult to find good intuition about these experiments from only static pictures - the first time I had occasion to see videos was on recent congress on emergent quantum mechanics where Couder had the opening lecture and most of speakers were excited about these experiments. Fortunately I've recently found youtube video of these experiments:

    The main qualitative difference with physics is that while Couder uses external clock, particles should rather have internal one - such understanding of wave-particle duality was started by de Broglie in his doctoral thesis:
    that with particle's energy: E = mc^2
    comes some internal periodic process: E = hf
    It is reminded in very interesting Hestenes paper, in which there is also described recent experimental confirmation of this effect (called e.g. zitterbewegung):
    Such internal periodic motion creates periodic wave-like perturbations of surrounding field - giving localized entity also wave nature ... localized constructions of the field are called soltions, so it suggests to search for particles solitons models, which often have such internal periodic motion, like breathers.

    What do you think about these experiments? About such understanding of wave-particle duality?
    Have particles both natures simultaneously, or maybe only one of them in one time?
    In such case when and how it is switched? What about Afshar experiment?
    Last edited: Apr 3, 2012

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