Hindu concept of creation -new

Thank you....The situation happened long a .. for a modern version...please go for it....I have some knowledge for it is too much...
You are a staff member. I think what you have written here is in joke, since it has nothing to do with Hinduism.
Hinduism has a thousand sects and philosophies. This is a link to one of them.
Now I know, where Indians got the 330 Million Gods number from....
That is quite simple. Advaita considers that each person is the whole of Brahman, which is what exists. Around the year 1900, India's population was some 330 million, therefore, 330 million Gods and Goddesses. Do you know about an important verse in Hinduism which goes like this:

"Purnamadah, purnamidam, purnat purnamudachyate;
purnasya purnamadaya, purnameva vasishyate."

(That is whole, this is whole, from that whole arises this whole;
adding this whole to that whole, the result still is the whole.)
I always had trouble, where gods are and why is it Indian have multiple gods but Buddhists did not have any and Western point is different and hence I came up with this answers.

Then comes the question. What happened to life forms that got developed since 10 Billion Years ago? Where are they in the Universe?
kmg, this is because you do not know Hinduism. Actually, I am an Atheist Advaitist Hindu.

That is a simple question. The forms that you see are just illusions. What is behind all these illusions is just one entity, Brahman, which is the sole constituent of all that exists in the universe.
That is quite simple. Advaita considers that each person is the whole of Brahman, which is what exists. Around the year 1900, India's population was some 330 million, therefore, 330 million Gods and Goddesses. Do you know about an important verse in Hinduism which goes like this:

"Purnamadah, purnamidam, purnat purnamudachyate;
purnasya purnamadaya, purnameva vasishyate."

(That is whole, this is whole, from that whole arises this whole;
adding this whole to that whole, the result still is the whole.)
Glad you joined. Better than SC?
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To follow up...on my thoughts...

The Talmud and Cabala teach the same thing. In the Talmud it is said that Abel's soul passed into the body of
Seth, and then into that of Moses. Along with the spread of the Cabala this doctrine (which was known as
Transmigration and Metempsychosis) began to take root in Judaism and then it gained believers even among
men who were little inclined towards Mysticism. Juda ben Asher (Asheri) for instance, discussing this
doctrine in a letter to his father endeavored to place it upon a philosophical basis. (Jewish Encyclopedia,
Vol. XII, p. 232.) We also read, The Cabalists eagerly adopted the doctrine on account of the vast field it
offered to mystic speculations. Moreover it was almost a necessary corollary of their psychological system.
The absolute condition of the soul is, according to them, its return, after developing all those perfections, the
germs of which are eternally implanted in it, to the Infinite Source from which it emanated. Another term of
life must therefore be vouchsafed to those souls which have not fulfilled their destiny here below, and have
not been sufficiently purified for the state of union with the Primordial Cause. Hence if the soul, on its first
assumption of a human body and sojourn on earth, fails to acquire that experience for which it descended
from heaven and becomes contaminated by that which is polluting, it must reinhabit a body till it is able to
ascend in a purified state through repeated trials. This is the theory of the Zohar, which says: All souls are
subject to transmigration; and men do not know the ways of the Holy One, blessed be He! They do not know
that they are brought before the tribunal both before they enter into this world and after they leave it; they are
ignorant of the many transmigrations and secret probations which they have to undergo, and of the number of
souls and spirits which enter into this world and which do not return to the palace of the Heavenly King. Men
do not know how the souls revolve like a stone which is thrown from a sling. But the time is at hand when
these mysteries will be disclosed. (Zohar, II, 99 b.)"

Thank you...
kmg, this is because you do not know Hinduism. Actually, I am an Atheist Advaitist Hindu.

That is a simple question. The forms that you see are just illusions. What is behind all these illusions is just one entity, Brahman, which is the sole constituent of all that exists in the universe.

I am with you until say 350 years from now...we can talk then....thank you....(Look me up in the spirit world...say 30 years from now...you will find me...)

Because I am a Moderator, I will refrain some ideas I got recently...like praying to God and the Energy Dimension etc...it is not necessary...I better stick to my Engineering...and save the Planet...Thank you....
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In the energy dimension there is no need to pray. Praying does not influence any form of energy. Thirty years is a long time in today's world. I wont be there. But I do not know if humans will be able to solve the existence/non-existence problem by that time. However, please help keep the planet safe for our coming generations.
In the energy dimension there is no need to pray. Praying does not influence any form of energy. Thirty years is a long time in today's world. I wont be there. But I do not know if humans will be able to solve the existence/non-existence problem by that time. However, please help keep the planet safe for our coming generations.

Energy Dimension that is called Fourth Dimension (from now on) by people from Andromeda - when you pray, the idea goes to your ancestors and good friends....so, may be they can do something....

Oh...in 30 years if you are at 4th Dimension, you can look me up...Once you learn something, it works very well. They run with quantum Computer type system. Just ask my name and use Sciforums as the Google type search, you will find me. By the way, my friends who passed on are watching my Facebook there. I have a pretty good idea, but can not say....

I know something about the existence/non-existence but can not say...we are too backward...and I will get kicked out. In my last birth , the Vatican wanted to kick me out too....so, there you have it....

The Universe is big and we do what we must...my job is to keep the planet safe due to coming climate change...Thank you.
Of course, ancestors help. Is Google/Bing available in the 4th dimension? If that is so, it will be a pleasure to post in Sf from there and continue exchange of views. No, don't annoy the Pope. He is the official representative of the All Mighty. These climate changes are a nuisance and make people leave their homeland. My ancestors are supposed to have lived in the Arctic circle. Later we settled in Kashmir before coming to Delhi. Generally it is too hot for us here, but presently the weather is nice.
Of course, ancestors help. Is Google/Bing available in the 4th dimension? If that is so, it will be a pleasure to post in Sf from there and continue exchange of views. No, don't annoy the Pope. .

Yes, they can access Google. The problem is they can not enter data for 3rd Dimension use. We do not know how to connect to that wi-fi signal. May be someday, I will figure out. But, yes, my folks do see my posts here and Facebook and can directly contact if it is important....I have a long way to go understanding the mechanism of the 4th Dimension.....the problem is the western society could not understand and hence no material to pick up the basics for the present technology.

I tried to connect to a few Indian Ashrams and people...but they did not want to connect to me....like Rajiv Malhotra who wrote a book on Indra's Net but did not talk about the Net....and his Ashram...same issue. Everyone is making money saying all the great things but when it comes to real work...people are out of the picture...

I heard that Lord Rama civilization stopped in about 100,000 years ago and they all left to Mizar Star System along with Hanuman....But could not get the verification from India. Same issues during Lord Krishna time in 12,350 years ago. I think we had Red Skin Reptilians making a war with us both times...but not sure. I thought ig Nazis got so much sh*t from India, we should have detail stuff...Oh. well...(By the way, my new age lady said that I was Indian then with super smartness then with a blonde lady as my girl friend...amazing)

By the way, Lord Rama people used clean energy...what that is...I have no idea...I was told that I was a Chief Engineer in one of the space ships...took over from the then Leonardo Da Vinci....I do not remember that....means we need to get in to this area...but not likely now. May be next birth...or back in 4th Dimension...

Thank you for reading this. Rest, consider this useless....
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Amar Nathji, Kmguru's posts are to be enjoyed, not taken seriously. More or less a Bollywood film.
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I found it...http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Turiya
"Turiya is not that which is conscious of the inner (subjective) world, nor that which is conscious of the outer (objective) world, nor that which is conscious of both, nor that which is a mass of consciousness. It is not simple consciousness nor is It unconsciousness. It is unperceived, unrelated, incomprehensible, uninferable, unthinkable and indescribable. The essence of the Consciousness manifesting as the self in the three states, It is the cessation of all phenomena; It is all peace, all bliss and non—dual. This is what is known as the Fourth (Turiya). This is Atman and this has to be realized"

However, after talking to a senior guy, I was told that Human beings are designed with two conscious systems like two Hemisphere of the brain. One is the walking state and the other one is the cloud system where the spirit hangs around next to the body which is entirely separate which I may call subconscious. Because the Hindu issues are between last major space fairing civilization and Now, the items listed in the puranas are not exactly what it is supposed to be.

It is the same issue with Gita. The items were described by Lord Krishna verbally via subconscious (the wi-fi route) to whoever wrote the story and not direct contact. That is because, I think, direct contact at 12,300 years did not have a mechanism to transcribe it - while he was there. Besides, at the time, Krishna group were fighting the alien beings. That is the whole story about Mahabharata.

Best way to find out is to wait till Lord Krishna comes back in about 300 years. Then it can come down to us from the mountain. This is a future projection like everything in the Universe happens...quantum probabilities.

I figure and put it somewhere in sciforums is that we are a four dimensional being. That is what the Universe does to have a better survival and growth. You know, there are many Universes and they each last about a Trillion Years. So, it is better to be a four dimensional than 3 dimensional. It sounds logical and someday science will verify that. Sanatana Dharma did figure that out.

By the way, our ancestors do visit Facebook and Google and read books and watch current Movies....there are ways to find out yourselves....Thank you.
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a great book i stumbled across:
"greatest story never told", by lana cantrell.

from the forward:
I used to be rather undecided until, as a student of pathology and other natural sciences, I started reasoning that if all of what the Ancient Astronaut proponents said occurred were
true, then there should be biological evidence of it. Taking the old texts and
scriptures at face value is not enough; there has to be other evidence to collaborate,
it and I believe I have found it.
As I began reading the histories of Egypt, Sumer, India and Hebraic peoples, I began
getting a pattern of history that no one seems to have recognized because we have
allowed the Bible to influence our research through the ages.
Best way to find out is to wait till Lord Krishna comes back in about 300 years. Then it can come down to us from the mountain. This is a future projection like everything in the Universe happens...quantum probabilities.

I figure and put it somewhere in sciforums is that we are a four dimensional being. That is what the Universe does to have a better survival and growth. You know, there are many Universes and they each last about a Trillion Years. So, it is better to be a four dimensional than 3 dimensional. It sounds logical and someday science will verify that. Sanatana Dharma did figure that out.

By the way, our ancestors do visit Facebook and Google and read books and watch current Movies....there are ways to find out yourselves....Thank you.
Sorry Lord Krishna does not come until 427,000 years from now. Why stop at just four dimensions? Science is thinking of many more.


I will enjoy the books and films after I join the ancestors. At the moment more mundane things will do.