Hello losers.

Discussion in 'Free Thoughts' started by Bebelina, Jan 17, 2004.

  1. outlandish smoki'n....... Registered Senior Member

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  3. Mrs.Lucysnow Valued Senior Member

    No bebe the gendy isn't the nazi she's the one sporting a martini and elton john glasses.
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  5. Dr Lou Natic Unnecessary Surgeon Registered Senior Member

    Haha hey wraith, how was your weekend at BURNies? hahaha
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  7. thefountainhed Fully Realized Valued Senior Member

    Why are you always mentioning my name and making silly comments about me? Perhaps there is something you desire from I? If not, can you please leave the silliness to when I initiate it-- which shall be never?

  8. Rappaccini Redoubtable Registered Senior Member

    ... "from I"?

    You're joking, right?

    ... stupid shit.
  9. thefountainhed Fully Realized Valued Senior Member

    Perhaps you'd like to clarify to us all what the joke is, and how the joke is stupid and waste? I gather however, that you merely a member with more than one nickname, wandering around trying to perhaps annoy? Sorry man, you picked the wrong guy.
  10. Rappaccini Redoubtable Registered Senior Member

    I'm telling you that you're a cretin for typing that I.


    No? Yes?

    Doesn't matter, I guess.
    Anyone who writes us all in a forum where me would've been more appropriate is guaranteed to be a totally supercillious dick.
  11. sargentlard Save the whales motherfucker Valued Senior Member

    Some of you take this place too seriously.
  12. thefountainhed Fully Realized Valued Senior Member

    the hed supercilious? I see.

    How does referrig to myself in the 3rd person make you feel? In any case, you may right, I may be disdainful, or even arrogant. I nevertheless miss the aim in your post.
  13. Joeman Eviiiiiiiil Clown Registered Senior Member

    Xev and Bebelina don't see eye to eye. They had catfights in religion forum about a year and half ago. Personality clash happens. Personally I think it's misunderstanding. I just leave those two at it.

    Bebelina is nice enough. For everyone else who has a problem with her, I think that's because their anus is getting looooser. (Joeman's theorum: Having too much anal sex makes you anal.) Perhaps Bebelina's title for this thread is no coincidence.

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  14. outlandish smoki'n....... Registered Senior Member

    explain please. :bugeye:
  15. orthogonal Registered Senior Member

    "Some human beings are monsters, in this sense: their deeds and their characters are so foul that there rightly appears no space in the characterization of their lives and feelings in which one could imagine remorse to grow. It is a mistake to think that there must be something in their lives and characters which a psychologist or novelist could show to be the reason why we should acknowledge them as fully our fellow human beings." Raimond Gaita, A Common Humanity

    This past week, Xev bragged to me of her pleasure in hurting people. When gendanken recently came from nowhere to deliver an insult, I simply reminded her that her insult is more telling about her than me. Her response: "Eat my shit."

    A horrible scene comes to mind from the film Pasqualino's Seven Beauties, where Pasqualino is degraded by an obese female Nazi concentration camp commandant. We're led to understand that prior to her appointment as commandant this creature was a social outcast. Having been previously shunned by men, she now uses her position to humiliate and torture them. Similarly, Xev and gendanken rarely miss an opportunity to degrade and humiliate others. Xev appears to take a particular delight in insulting a man's masculinity. These two wallow in obscenity and openly fantasize about murder and mutilation.

    But the virtue of toleration in no way requires us to tolerate having good people routinely driven away by these two snarling attack dogs. Their apologists claim that people wishing to belong to this community ought to be able to stand the abuse by Xev and gendanken. In other words, a prerequisite for the pleasure of discussing topics of science and philosophy is that we should be capable of absorbing unwarranted and boorish insults from these two. Am I alone in thinking this is an unreasonable demand?

    In his Nicomachean Ethics, Aristotle wrote that "the well-tempered man is angry at the right things and with the right people, as he ought, when he ought, and as long as he ought." I'm saying that we ought to be angry that these two diseased souls continue to use this forum to hurt, to humiliate, to violate and degrade.

  16. Dr Lou Natic Unnecessary Surgeon Registered Senior Member

    I like thinking of creative ways to remind people that they just got burned.
  17. spookz Banned Banned

    i requested, at one time, an attempt towards peace and equanamity and other good stuff

    *i suggest you step back and reevaluate.
    *stop being so bratty and start being part of the community.
    *you would do well to take a leaf out of the hed's book
    *there is no shame. you will not lose face

    i will not be so diplomatic again.
    nothing is up for discussion

    *pretend ignorance and you will lose face
    *you have great potential. dont waste it
  18. outlandish smoki'n....... Registered Senior Member

    what the fuck??!!......

    step back from what?
    re evalutae what?

    what?? Are you drunk man?
    Bratty? show me where? When? And in anycase who the fuck died and made you my father??
    Part of the comm? rrrright, a member gets flak from the scifor nazi brigade, I stick up for them...yet I'm still not part of the community??

    what the hell has HED got to do with:
    1) me
    2) this entire fucking thread?

    what leaf out of what book? I dont take leafes out of anyone's books.

    ignorance regarding what? Where have I pretended to show such ignorance?

    spookz that was the most surreal post I've had against me, I'm still trying to figure the fucker out, just where did all that shit come from?
  19. outlandish smoki'n....... Registered Senior Member

    exaclty how did I allegedly get burned??
  20. spookz Banned Banned

    while you figure it out, i'll give you a clue. i am not against you
  21. outlandish smoki'n....... Registered Senior Member

    I know you're not "against" me for christ's sake man, this isn't a gradeschool playground, and in anycase even if you were it'd be no skin off my nose.

    you know, you can be extremely patronising and condascending at times.
  22. sargentlard Save the whales motherfucker Valued Senior Member

    yeah..and why wouldn't you hug me....you hug the mailman so why wouldn't you hug me.....

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  23. outlandish smoki'n....... Registered Senior Member

    ok...maybe it's me, but noone is making any bloody sense around here.

    spookz do me a favour and explain the points I raised earlier:

    1) Bratty: where? In what way?
    2)re evaluate: what? Why?
    3) take a leaf out of hed's book: well what the hell did hed do exactly, that warrants such lauding? Why should I follow hed's example? example of what?

    and again, who the fuck died an put you in charge.

    what is this wraith hunting season?

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