Hate Speech on Sciforums

Discussion in 'About the Members' started by S.A.M., Nov 9, 2008.

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  1. Mr. Hamtastic whackawhackado! Registered Senior Member

    See? I've just got no game with the whole hate speech thing.
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  3. Simon Anders Valued Senior Member

    Oh, don't try that humbler than thou stuff on us.....
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  5. Mr. Hamtastic whackawhackado! Registered Senior Member

    I could talk about black people, there exists quite a bit of hatred for them in this region. I like most of them myself, though. I've met more useless white people than useless black people, however, black useless people tend to have more firearms and tend to travel in groups.
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  7. Simon Anders Valued Senior Member

    Their might be a causal relation between your two observations.
  8. Mr. Hamtastic whackawhackado! Registered Senior Member

    It would be a sound tactic if considered as two carnivores in the same territory.
  9. Simon Anders Valued Senior Member

    What is the animal equivalent to police?
  10. Mr. Hamtastic whackawhackado! Registered Senior Member

    Scavengers, probably. Maybe Vultures.
  11. Roman Banned Banned

  12. Mr. Hamtastic whackawhackado! Registered Senior Member

    I dunno, though. Consider the Lion and Tiger scenario. Police are made of a mix of both, while overseen by Vultures and Jackals, while the innocent Antelope wander about. Then there's me, I've always been the Rhinocerous with diarrhea. Charging from food to watering hole to poo spot, smashing the occasional Antelope, Lion, or Tiger that gets in my way.
  13. Roman Banned Banned

    Blind and irritable?
    The problem with rhinos is their inability to distinguish between food, watering hole, and poo spot.
  14. Mr. Hamtastic whackawhackado! Registered Senior Member

    It is only a problem if they are not in a straight line, with food and poo spot on opposite ends. When you're expecting some yummy clots of chocolate pudding and get... Do I really need to go there?
  15. DiamondHearts Registered Senior Member

    Yes SAM, I have noticed exactly the same thing. I reported hate-filled posts against Muslims and I was criticized by a moderator for this even. I think fill someone calls for the nuking of all Muslims in the world or shooting people belonging to a 'religion of peace' for example, this qualifies for a ban.

    Because SAM, we Muslims have a 'persecution complex' because we report posts which advocate the murder of our people. I assume the moderators feel the same way as they allow this hatred to permeate this forum.

    I feel the same way. I have continually stated this. not only this, but there is a lot of racism against black people on this forum as well.

    The moderators of this forum favor atheists and disapprove of religious people. I believe Christians and Muslims have faced the brunt of the hatred and vilification on this forum.

    Yes, I am also attacked everywhere I post. At one point it seemed that after one of my posts, nearly five posts by the same group of posters were issued to alter the meaning of my posts to feed their hatred of me. I stated one time 'peace bro' to another poster, and they stated things like 'he doesn't really believe that,' 'he's a liar,' 'he's a violent Muslim,' etc. This was allowed by the moderators for months.

    I know exactly how you feel. Stand tall and don't cower to these haters.

    I agree 100%. This forum is a haven for unclouth racists and haters.

    LOL, completely missed the point AGAIN. I'm sure you know what we want. More fair moderation for certain groups and a firmer stance against promotion of violence against other posters. Certain moderators even debate posters, and ban the very posters who they are debating. All this must end.
  16. (Q) Encephaloid Martini Valued Senior Member

    Here is the "verb" I quoted:

    "Funny how I am attacked everywhere I post"

    That's exactly what I did. Why are you not paying attention?
  17. (Q) Encephaloid Martini Valued Senior Member

    So, then your comments on Australia would be as ill-informed and irrelevant as most everything else you post. At least we know the full extent of your knowledge sources.
  18. (Q) Encephaloid Martini Valued Senior Member

    Perhaps, but you also complain when Islam itself is attacked, which is not the same thing at all. You need to distinguish ideologies from people, they are two distinctive things, not one and the same.

    And, there is a lot of racism from you and other Muslims. I'm not saying that's OK, but you are a hypocrite for complaining about it.

    Rather over-exaggerated, but you can move on to a Muslim forum where people there will appreciate your bigotry, hatred and racism.

    And, that concept doesn't seem to raise any flags with you, other than feeling the victim?

    Your posts validate those claims.

    Why not just go away, instead, and save yourself the trouble?
  19. Simon Anders Valued Senior Member


    What I found was a post where you linked to Mr. G's comments, but not one where you put these next to equivalent quotes of SAM's.

  20. (Q) Encephaloid Martini Valued Senior Member

    Ah yes, I left it up to the peep to drill down to that post, my apologies for not making the example clear cut. Good catch.
  21. Stryder Keeper of "good" ideas. Valued Senior Member

    Unfortunately Roman you should know there are people out there always trying to play the angles, to write stuff in stone allows for "loopholes". Even with law it's a "Practice" where the law has to be interpreted based upon the proceedings at the time and the history of outcomes that have occurred prior.

    "With practice makes perfect."

    This is why the interpretation of what is hate speech will have to be handled as and on a relevance basis.
  22. sniffy Banned Banned

    Listen you noobs. You didn't allow women to do anything. Women got fucked off with the shitty end of the stick and fought for their emancipation. Men didn't 'allow' nothin'!

    /wanders off mumbling
  23. Simon Anders Valued Senior Member

    I prefer to think of Asguard in the singular, even if D.I.D. is somehow an issue. If not, it is simply more ad hom., and beneath you.
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