Happy Birthday!

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Gone 4ever
Registered Senior Member
Exactly 100 years ago, on 14th December 1900, Max Planck published an article that would later form the base for the current theory of Quantum Mechanics. (no article on this Dave ?)

I personally think that QM is the most important evolution in Physics of the 20th century (even while technically speaking, the foundations were laid in the 19th century (1900)).

Anybody wants to share his thoughts on this ?



"The best thing you can become in life is yourself" -- M. Eyskens.
This returns me to wonder if our universe is with or without boundry. Weather we are trying to prove the existance of particles that may make up Quirks, and smaller ones that may make up those,or trying to measure enormous energy generated long ago at unthinkable distance,we etch in stone as fact,rules and laws and principals that may or may not remain constant throughout this incredible and posibly infinite range.
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