
What do you think a hacker is?

  • A vicious selfish person thats goal is too spread viruses and create chaos for cooperations and home

    Votes: 2 15.4%
  • Someone that knows programming language(s) and wants to explore electronics and seeks information o

    Votes: 4 30.8%
  • Anyone interested in electronics, computers, phones, etc

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Gamer

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Option 2 & 3

    Votes: 6 46.2%
  • All of the Above

    Votes: 1 7.7%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
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None of the above. A hacker is a highly-skilled, highly-trained programmer who is capable of reducing small nations to tears through the sheer glory of his coding brilliance. This is no average phreaker or script kiddie (aka 1337 h1xho+z). Nor is he your average geek or hardware pimp. The hacker is the grandmaster in a world teeming with mediocrity. <pomposity>You are not hackers, though someday I might be.</pomposity>
i never said i was a hacker

but anyways, a hacker can be anybody, as long as they want to learn more about something (mainly comptuers)

a hacker can alos be someone that is deeep intno programming, though if they are super good, i would call them a guru.

as for a hacker, it is not what the media supports, somone who breaks into a computer system and changes anything, or evan breaks in is a criminal.

anyways, our definition of a 'hacker' might differ, but thats alright, no one is the same.

I have had hackers do some pretty messed up stuff to my computer and web site's. I have even been suspicioned of being one myself. The truth is I have never "Hack anything"! I have used my natural intuition to just know things! I have relation that program. Im sure they could put a "haymaker" on about anything electronic . Lucky for us they are not into any of that!

Wrong Bobby Lee....

Wrong Bobby Lee....

A hacker is not someone that randomely does things like that, i.e. messing up your website or computer. What they did was called laming and vandalism and should not be, and is not considered hacking. People like that just hack things too hack stuff because they suck and just go for the easist target wtih the lowest security are called activist. And should not be considered hacking. The "hacker" you are refering to is the one portrayed by the media....

..... A vicious selfish person thats goal is too spread viruses and create chaos for cooperations and home computer users

Hardware pimps!!! I love it!!!

Now I have to find that time use that phrase.


There is no "code" amogst so called "hackers". The glitzy and glamarous image "hackers" spoon feed to every by the media is false.
Response to poll: "WHAT DO YOU THINK A HACKER IS????"

Response to poll:<FONT SIZE="4"> "WHAT DO YOU THINK A HACKER IS????"</FONT SIZE>

option seven: NONE OF THE ABOVE!!!!!!!

No insults intended brothers & sisters.
reple to 666

<b>In response too 666</b>

<i>There is no "code" amogst so called "hackers". The glitzy and glamarous image "hackers" spoon feed to every by the media is false.</i>

The image portrayed by the media is false, it is a glamourous virii spready one that is portrayed and taken from non-elite lamers (or coders!) that have choosen to make a virus.

And there is code involved with "hackers" thats where the term "code hackers" or "code" hacking came from.

I was driving one day alone, when I saw a hitchhiker holding a sign that said Heaven. So I hit him!

I used to have a friend a few years ago, who was a hacker, by my definition. He knew what he was doing. He had all of the equipment and everything.

I remember when he was teaching another friend of mine how to hack. He was telling him that it would take three years to become good.

Oneday, this particular friend hacked into the FBI, he got a mighty shock when a message came up on his screen telling him to get off, other wise they would charge him.

Then again, this guy was a real psycho. He used to ask me if I wanted to kill anyone, and said that he would do it for a hundred dollars. Thats $50 US. But back then it would have really been about $75 US because the Australian dollar has really taken a hit.

His house got raided once because someone at our school tipped them off about his illegal weapons. He used to go around and ask people if they wanted to buy a WWII bomb that hadn't gone off yet. Or grenades that he had disarmed.

Anyway, he now lives in the States, working for Playboy.

Now that I think about it, this guy wasn't a hacker, he was what you would call your typical everyday Psycho.
Hacker/virus writers

For a little history…
Russia basically stole the computer/pc technology from us. It was a fine thing for the party official to have a computer on his desk. That’s not to say he knew how to use it. It was a status symbol.
The Hungarians were the super duper programmers. Through pirate programs, which could return machine language to programming language, they broke down programs such as Windows and other popular programs and then reprogrammed them in to their language.
But the Hungarians were never recognized for their computer expertise or programming ability. Nor were they financially rewarded for their work. After a while they had a lot of dissatisfied programmers on their hands. Soon after the first viruses started showing up. It started with the simple ones that played a tune such as Yankee Doodle. (Yankee Doodle virus) After a while they became more sophisticated and also more malicious. Damaging hard drives and crashing them to the annoyance of the user. The problem was that they had to design the virus to attach to some file on a computer they knew nothing about. Viruses have to have a target to hit or they don’t function. The first ones attacked the config.sys file, as every dos operated machine had to have that file. The protection was to look at how large your config.sys file was. If it was larger than normal and you hadn’t installed anything then chances were good it was infected. Later other files were found as the config.sys file was easy to fix and spot. Then came stealth viruses. The stealth virus could literally jump between memory and the hard drive files. You could erase the offending file and later it would be back as it would rewrite before shutdown. The ideal virus was one that wold stay resident in your computer and not effect anything right away so you could not trace where it came from. Then after whatever was the trigger, say the 100th reading of the hard drive, it would activate. Today’s virus are much more complicated then those simple days. But they are indeed still with us. Last estimates I had was that about 100 new virus show up on the Internet every day.

This ends it.

Hacker /n./1. A person who enjoys exploring the details of programmable systems and how to stretch their capabilities, as opposed to most users, who prefer to learn only the minimum necessary. 2. One who programs enthusiastically (even obsessively) or who enjoys programming rather than just theorizing about programming. 3. A person capable of appreciating hack value. 4. A person who is good at programming quickly. 5. An expert at a particular program, or one who frequently does work using it or on it; as in `a Unix hacker'. (Definitions 1 through 5 are correlated, and people who fit them congregate.) 6. An expert or enthusiast of any kind. One might be an astronomy hacker, for example. 7. One who enjoys the intellectual challenge of creatively overcoming or circumventing limitations.
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