GOP is to blame ? No we all are.

Discussion in 'Business & Economics' started by jpappl, Aug 14, 2010.

  1. Doreen Valued Senior Member

    But since this 28% will be in control of most media and thus getting their version of reality banged into people's heads more than any other version, I can't see some we forming out of the rest of the population. Always the 'public' will be presented with two choices - as if these were the only ones - so they will run around hating the other potential half of any we. This has been working for a long time.
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  3. iceaura Valued Senior Member

    The Bachmann/Palin Underclock does not control their media - the corporate ruling class does.
    Eternal vigilance is the price.

    The still running machine, hiccup running and backfiring and all, hit ignition in 1980. It has not always been running thus, and its future is not sure - even its existence: Reality delivers consequences, not even the corporate elite is immune. We will have opportunities.
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  5. Doreen Valued Senior Member

    not sure what that Underclock is, but Palin, for example, is like an actor who does not realize she is playing a role.

    I am not saying there is no hope. I just don't quite see where an effective challenge will come from.

    I suppose I think it is important to point out what seems unlikely to be the source of a challenge or the root of it.

    Hence my distaste, and possible yours, for hallucinated we s.
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  7. Billy T Use Sugar Cane Alcohol car Fuel Valued Senior Member

    Perhaps, but the smartest ones would accept the trouble of learning Portuguese and move to Brazil. Every natural resource Canada has Brazil does too, except snow, and most in greater quantity as is not yet well explored. Brazil has a 12 month per year growing season instead of snow half the year.
    Last edited by a moderator: Aug 19, 2010
  8. jpappl Valued Senior Member


    I agree and they are part of we.

    It's an excellent response Iceaura. So to be clear, the we I am talking about is all of us. Those that are trying and those that are not. I do not wish to separate them because all that is left is finger pointing and that hasn't gotten us anywhere.

    Do I think that we will make the changes needed ? No, there is nothing that makes me believe that we will. We haven't yet.

    Do I think it will have to get really really bad before enough wake up and demand the changes ? Unfortunately, that is a yes.

    Exactly. Which is why it can be done. Just isn't currently.

    Right now we are the slowly boiled frog. Unless the heat gets turned up enough to piss us off we aren't jumping.

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