Good Resources For Beginner Programmers

I started studying Java, C#, and C++ because I had heard they are good languages for creating games. I have read that object oriented programming is particular useful for making games but I am not sure exactly why. Could somebody fill me in?
My favorite computer language is C# because it is easier than C++. C++ is a more complex and powerful high level and low level language. I believe Java and C# both hail from C++.
Một số ngôn ngữ máy tính tốt cho người mới bắt đầu lập trình để kiểm tra là C, C + +, C #, Java, Python, Ruby, JavaScript và Swift
Some Advice from my brother who is a programmer is give some of your time everyday for coding, if you invest an hour a day for coding in 4 years you’d have more than 1,000 hours worth of experience!
Một số ngôn ngữ máy tính tốt cho người mới bắt đầu lập trình để kiểm tra là C, C + +, C #, Java, Python, Ruby, JavaScript và Swift

Thanks! Those are all good languages for beginners to test. The only thing to add is you need a computer with a Mac or Linux OS to use Swift.
Some Advice from my brother who is a programmer is give some of your time everyday for coding, if you invest an hour a day for coding in 4 years you’d have more than 1,000 hours worth of experience!

Thanks for the advice! If you practiced coding for an hour each day for four years you would have put in exactly 1460 hours of work into learning coding!
My problem with programming was that a simple typo could screw the whole thing, and finding an error could take forever. It was too frustrating for me. I think you need be an obsessive-compulsive individual to be a good programmer.
My problem with programming was that a simple typo could screw the whole thing, and finding an error could take forever. It was too frustrating for me. I think you need be an obsessive-compulsive individual to be a good programmer.

Coding is very detail oriented and it is easy to make mistakes that can throw off your whole project. Realistically being obsessive compulsive would make coding harder because you would get hung up on unnecessary things but I get what you mean.
Coding is very detail oriented and it is easy to make mistakes that can throw off your whole project. Realistically being obsessive compulsive would make coding harder because you would get hung up on unnecessary things but I get what you mean.
Good obsession versus bad obsession. :)
I wonder what the future of programming in the next twenty to fifty years will look like? AI guided coding?
Visual seems like the most user friendly of the modern languages. With the speed of modern computers, other languages do not seem to provide any advantage over it.
Visual seems like the most user friendly of the modern languages. With the speed of modern computers, other languages do not seem to provide any advantage over it.

I have never used Visual Basic but I believe it is fairly popular among Windows programmers. I have used C# which is another language I believe was invented by Microsoft. I think low level languages like C++ or C usually offer more program speed.
Yes Windows is programmed in C++. Simply open notepad and program away, as with web pages. I have a question though. How do I access macros through Excel (usually available with Microsoft Office?) Is it under "view" on the toolbar? I know you must name your subroutine.
Yes Windows is programmed in C++. Simply open notepad and program away, as with web pages. I have a question though. How do I access macros through Excel (usually available with Microsoft Office?) Is it under "view" on the toolbar? I know you must name your subroutine.

To view macros in Excel click the View Macros option on the Macros command button on the View tab.