God is "dead"

Discussion in 'Religion' started by Saint, Dec 3, 2013.

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  1. Fraggle Rocker Staff Member

    That's true only if faith, trust, devotion and whatever are redefined narrowly as faith in God, trust in God, devotion to God and whatever in/to/about/for God.

    I have faith in quite a few mortals I know, as well as in civilization itself and the Laws of Nature. I trust my dog (as well as quite a few humans but I thought that would perk up the discussion

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    ). I am devoted to music. Are these virtues?

    Faith, trust and devotion are not only religious virtues. They are simply virtues.

    In fact it can be argued (especially in a religion-hostile place like SciForums) that since God is imaginary, and therefore those who have faith, trust and devotion to him are deluded, their faith, trust and devotion are not virtues at all, but evidence of incompetence on the part of their parents at best, or symptoms of mental illness at worst.

    Welcome to the weird, wacky world of weligion. Scary, ain't it?
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  3. Mazulu Banned Banned

    In the long run, atheists will probably be ignored, except in the Middle East where they'll be thrown in jail and abused. Most people won't understand the implications of QM & GR, and will make up there own fantasies about it. In the end, God will claim the benefits of civilization and atheists will still go to hell.
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  5. Mazulu Banned Banned

    Once Islam realizes that atheists are a threat, then you will see atheists in Muslim countries being thrown in jail. In fact, atheists in America might get shipped of to the Middle East and thrown in jail.
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  7. billvon Valued Senior Member

    Your trolls are getting weaker and weaker. You're not even trying any more. What happened to throwing some multisyllable words in there to make yourself sound more authoritative? That got people going.
  8. lightgigantic Banned Banned

    If you characteristically attempt to renegotiate the definition of key terms, whether out of feigned or genuine ignorance, how is that not an accurate definition of your approach?
  9. Syne Sine qua non Valued Senior Member

    That definition is typically used as a pejorative for an adult.

    So you think children are just naturally rotten? Again, no real surprise considering your lifestyle.
  10. Syne Sine qua non Valued Senior Member

    [Mod note: Responding to trolls will be taken as tactic consent that their contribution is desired. Ignored trolling will be more harshly dealt with.]
  11. Syne Sine qua non Valued Senior Member

    Then you are only justified in speaking for yourself, unless you can provide statistics to support your characterization of an entire group.
  12. Mazulu Banned Banned

    As it should be. I do not wish to be ignored.
  13. spidergoat pubic diorama Valued Senior Member

    To become like a child means that we give up all we think we know now, all our conditioning and preconceptions, and see the world as if it was "young as when the world was new", to quote Wrath of Khan. It's a metaphor. It doesn't mean we should forget English and crap our pants.
  14. spidergoat pubic diorama Valued Senior Member


    It is patronizing and hugely passive aggressive though.

    Your loving sun,
  15. Syne Sine qua non Valued Senior Member

    A religion-hostile environment does not make God imaginary, especially considering that a very small minority are overrepresented in such an environment. You should also provide studies or statistics to support claims of delusion or mental illness, otherwise these claims are bare assertions, at best, and ad hominems, at worst.
  16. Magical Realist Valued Senior Member

    Exactly, as in adults trying to use children as rolemodels. "Except ye become as little children.."

    No..I think children are just naturally childish..

    Reported for homophobic insult against my "lifestyle."
  17. Magical Realist Valued Senior Member

    It's a fanciful idealization by someone who doesn't live with kids 24/7.
  18. kx000 Valued Senior Member

    Well the imagination is quite powerful. So one would say God is imagined like the rest of us.
  19. Magical Realist Valued Senior Member

    I think you mean "tacit" not "tactic". Here's a dictionary to help you out:

    http://www.thefreedictionary.com/tacit consent
  20. spidergoat pubic diorama Valued Senior Member

    It's not about kids Mr. Literal.
  21. Syne Sine qua non Valued Senior Member

    There is nothing "homophobic" about surmising that someone whose lifestyle does not readily avail itself to procreation may not have the best outlook on children. It is similar to the same sort of assumption often made of someone in their 40's or 50's without children.

    This study supports my assumption:

    Overall, heterosexuals have more certain positive childbearing intentions and
    show more favorable attitudes towards children. However, the picture is less clear for sexual minorities.
    While many do intend having children and most show positive attitudes towards children, the proportions
    that are positive are smaller and there is more variation in the results. It appears to be the case that sexual
    minority women, compared to heterosexuals, have slightly less positive attitudes towards children and are
    less sure about their intentions to have children, although differences exist between those in unions and
    those who are single. Single sexual minority men have very much the same intentions and attitudes
    towards children as single heterosexual men but, again, the proportions in these groups are smaller.
    Sexual minority men in unions appear to have fewer intentions to have children and less positive attitudes towards children than anyone else.
    - http://paa2008.princeton.edu/papers/81513

    Warning: "homophobic" is an ad hominem, and will be treated as such in the future unless there is clearly hate-speech.
    Last edited: Dec 18, 2013
  22. Syne Sine qua non Valued Senior Member

    Yes, it was a typo. Pedantic much?
  23. Magical Realist Valued Senior Member

    Ad homs will not be tolerated. You slur my sexual orientation again and you will be reported again. This forum will not tolerate homophobic insults.
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