God as One

Perhaps the following might be of service jan:

Q: Does the CTMU allow for the existence of souls and reincarnation?

A: From the CTMU, there emerge multiple levels of consciousness. Human temporal consciousness is the level with which we're familiar; global (parallel) consciousness is that of the universe as a whole. The soul is the connection between the two...the embedment of the former in the latter.

In the CTMU, reality is viewed as a profoundly self-contained, self-referential kind of "language", and languages have syntaxes. Because self-reference is an abstract generalization of consciousness - consciousness is the attribute by virtue of which we possess self-awareness - conscious agents are "sublanguages" possessing their own cognitive syntaxes. Now, global consciousness is based on a complete cognitive syntax in which our own incomplete syntax can be embedded, and this makes human consciousness transparent to it; in contrast, our ability to access the global level is restricted due to our syntactic limitations.

Thus, while we are transparent to the global syntax of the global conscious agency "God", we cannot see everything that God can see. Whereas God perceives one total act of creation in a parallel distributed fashion, with everything in perfect superposition, we are localized in spacetime and perceive reality only in a succession of locally creative moments. This parallelism has powerful implications. When a human being dies, his entire history remains embedded in the timeless level of consciousness...the Deic level. In that sense, he or she is preserved by virtue of his or her "soul". And since the universe is a self-refining entity, that which is teleologically valid in the informational construct called "you" may be locally re-injected or redistributed in spacetime. In principle, this could be a recombinative process, with the essences of many people combining in a set of local injections or "reincarnations" (this could lead to strange effects...e.g., a single person remembering simultaneous "past lifetimes").

In addition, an individual human sublanguage might be vectored into an alternate domain dynamically connected to its existence in spacetime. In this scenario, the entity would emerge into an alternate reality based on the interaction between her local level of consciousness and the global level embedding it...i.e., based on the state of her "soul" as just defined. This may be the origin of beliefs regarding heaven, hell, purgatory, limbo and other spiritual realms.


thanks for the explanation and the link. It's a lot to take in so I have bookmarked it, and will look at it.

I though, am of the opinion that topics of matter and spirit should able to be discussed at every level of human cognition, because every human has the capacity to become God-conscious.

It is pointless to ask ''where did I come from'' if one doesn't know who and what he is. We can know that we have a physical designation (body) and we identify with that designation, and we can know that there are other designations (other bodies) who we relate to/with.
We know that the designation cannot observe itself. So who is it that knows and observes this designation? This has to be the most important question if you really think about it, and one that is totally within the grasp of any human who sincerely asks that question of himself.


Hmmm! Interesting.
You ask: ''Are you the same person if they cut your head off?''. I reply: ''In order to answer that question we need to decide if we are the body.''
And your response is this?...

Get your head cut off and find out?

John the Baptist had his head cut off. Is he going to return before the Day of the Lord?

Explain what ''the Day of the Lord'' then take it from there.


So this is the day of the Lord....

For, behold, the day cometh, that shall burn as an oven; and all the proud, yea, and all that do wickedly, shall be stubble: and the day that cometh shall burn them up, saith the Lord of hosts, that it shall leave them neither root nor branch.

...and your question was: ''John the Baptist had his head cut off. Is he going to return before the Day of the Lord?''

My answer is, I don't know.
Do you think he is?

What does this have to do with anything I'm saying?

So this is the day of the Lord....

...and your question was: ''John the Baptist had his head cut off. Is he going to return before the Day of the Lord?''

My answer is, I don't know.
Do you think he is?

What does this have to do with anything I'm saying?

For thousands of years the Christians have been waiting for Jesus to return, but before Jesus returns a forerunner returns (a person like John the Baptist).
Now is it Dr David Edward Owuor or is it someone else. This name keeps on popping up in the comments on the above YouTube, and only in the last 24 hours have I ever heard of this guy. Is he the one as he claims or not?
That is not true...^^
Adding on to more of the nonsense of the Bible with more nonsense?
That is not true...^^
Adding on to more of the nonsense of the Bible with more nonsense?
Do the Catholics not believe that Christ is going to return? I have always had it in my spirit that Jesus will be returning soon.
I have no idea what that really means but a man/woman like Jesus appearing today, what with the internet and TV, there could be really powerful message sent out.
Catholics consider themselves Christians.
They believe that Jesus will return...but talking about a fore runner and that other person (that dr) is painting an inaccurate picture of Christianity.

One of the problems with Christianity is it bases most of its notions of God off the bible. If you cherry pick what you wish to believe in the Bible, why call yourself a Christian? That's what I wonder and why I don't follow it and haven't followed it for a while. You may say you don't take this or that literally, but then you take other parts literally. You can believe what you like, but pruning the bible to your satisfaction isn't Christianity. That's all I'm saying.

To each his own. :eek: