Go West Young Jew

Discussion in 'Politics' started by D'ster, Jul 11, 2006.

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  1. D'ster Registered Senior Member

    This Would Solve the Whole Middle East Problem Once and For All

    Here’s what you do.

    First consider the facts:

    1. Mexico owes the United States gobs and gobs of money and has no intention whatsoever of forking over the cash any time soon.

    2. America spends over $6 billion every year making sure that Israel is armed to the teeth defending itself against an ever-increasing number of hostile Arab boo-bashers.

    3. Israel is mostly desert, or at least it was until the Israelis spruced it up with shrubs, lawn ornaments and barbecue sets.

    4. The Baja Peninsula, just south of California is also mostly desert inhabited by nothing more than a few aging hippies in antique dune buggies.

    Okay, now here’s my idea if you haven’t already guessed it. Mexico pays back its enormous debt to the U.S. by giving them the Baja Peninsula. America gives the Baja Peninsula to the Israelis and the entire Jewish population moves “South of the Border.”

    The Palestinians in turn move into the old Israel, learn to use flush toilets, running water and all the other neat stuff left over by the departing Israelis.Everyone lives happily ever after.

    The Israelis are happy because they are close to all their friends in America. There’s a large fairly ignorant population of Mexicans accustomed to the exploitation of domestic labor to replace the large fairly ignorant population of Palestinians exploited back home. The Israelis will have a fresh virgin desert to rehabilitate, a nice ocean for beachfront condos and plenty of blistering Middle Eastern-style sunshine.

    The Palestinians are happy because Israeli fighter jets will no longer be within striking distance of targets inside Palestine and those pesky Hasidic settlers will stop taking pock shots at them each time they herd their goats too close to their settlements. The Palestinians will finally have a homeland (which they didn’t want when it was desert, but now that its all fixed up they suddenly want it back again).

    America is happy because for a fraction of what they spend in a single year in foreign aid to Israel they can instead send over airline tickets and Hartman luggage to help all the Jews move to Baja.

    The Mexicans are happy because the Americans will finally stop making them feel like deadbeats for always sneaking across the border looking for a free meal and a hand-out.

    Obviously the whole operation will need to be handled with unprecedented diplomatic finesse and covert chicanery. The Jews, being somewhat attached to the “Holy Land”, might need some coaxing from the CIA. Agents could easily plant a forged “Gulf of California Sea Scrolls” among the ruins of some archeological site. Written in Aramaic it would translate into modern Hebrew as “Ye wandering Jew shall wander to the Baja Peninsula” or in the vernacular, “Go west young Jew”.

    There it is…problem solved, peace in the Middle East.

    I like it!
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  3. otheadp Banned Banned

    or how about we use one of dem crystals from Superman Returns to make an island in the Mediteranean, and put all the "Palestinians" there...

    or how about we carve out 80% of the land that was supposed to be a home for Jews and give it to the Arabs..
    oh wait.. we've done that already! it's called Jordan.. and they weant the other 20%!!
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  5. Neildo Gone Registered Senior Member


    I don't want any Israelis over in these parts. Keep em away.

    - N
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  7. Fraggle Rocker Staff Member

    Isn't that why they're in "Israel" in the first place? The surviving European Jews would have been delighted to simply be allowed to go back to Vienna, Warsaw, Amsterdam etc. They were Europeans and those were their homes.

    It would be cool to have them in Baja, considering what they've done with the desert they were given. What an economic powerhouse Mexico would be today. Americans would be sneaking across the border to get jobs and health care.
  8. spidergoat pubic diorama Valued Senior Member

    Many Jews today won't even buy a German car, much less move back to Germany or Poland, ect...
  9. Michael 歌舞伎 Valued Senior Member

    We invent a virus that makes one feel a bit sick every time one thinks of monotheism. Just enough nausea so they know how I feel when I think about it

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    Soon enough no more monotheism!
  10. Brian Foley REFUSE - RESIST Valued Senior Member

    Mexico is paying its debt back at interest rates , US banks are making a profit from it , and the US makes buckets and buckets of cash out of exploiting cheap Mexican labour and cheap dumping ground for industrial waste so it’s a very lucrative deal for the US .
    And in return Israel has never paid back 1 cent of the $1 trillion in aid that the US has given Israel and in return Israel has caused trouble in the region . And today the US is having to spend another forecasted $1 trillion on a war in the mideast started by Israel to eliminate Israels enemies . And another war Israel is pushing America intro is an attack on Iran very costly and dangerous .
    Paid for by the US taxpayer , the exorbitantly costly barbecue sets the US taxpayer gave over to Israelis are essential part of the Israeli welfare lifestyle so they can sit on their Zionist ass’s and laugh at hardworking Americans stupid enough to hand over more of their wealth .
    In other words having Fucked over the Palestinians the Jews now realize that time is now limited in Israel and all that awaits them are pissed off Arabs and that it is now is the time to move .
    Note the operative Israeli welfare words there “ gives the Baja Peninsula to the Israelis “ , in other once again Americans are expected to just simply give up more of their wealth so another Zionist welfare state can be created .
    Great cant wait for it to happen .
    Yeah the Israelis are happy it simply means the US welfare office is across border and instead of the usual annual visit around Hannukah to the US to collect their welfare cheques it simply means it will be sent to them !!!!! Joy all around !!!!
    This means American taxpayers will foot the wage bill to pay the Mexicans to turn the region into a paradise of orchards and condo’s for the Jews .
    Oh fuck I forgot the US taxpayer must spend more money to fly the welfare cheats over as well !!

    Nah there wouldn’t be any coaxing , it would be simple once America cuts off the welfare cheques , 5 million Jews will simply arrive in America claiming refugee status claiming they are escaping Anti-Semitic persecution and expect money and houses . Any American questioning this will be called either a Nazi or Anti-Semite .
    Of course you would , you are an Israeli you need your welfare hand outs .

    Here is an after thought has Israel ever thanked America for all its help ?
  11. crazy151drinker Registered Senior Member

    I say let them move to Austrailia. Far more land.
  12. D'ster Registered Senior Member

    What do you think it should cost to have a piece of America in the middle east?

    That is what Israel is.

    The Israelis are a brave and strong people, it would be so easy for Jews to just abandon Israel and move to America.
    Do you even think for a moment that the Jews would abandon Israel for Mexico, they would rather die.

    That is something a ball-less "American" like you could never understand.

    Whatever America has "givin" Israel it is still not enuff.
  13. Brian Foley REFUSE - RESIST Valued Senior Member

    Thats the whole thing , America and Americans never owed the Jews anything in the first place and what Israel has extorted from America will never be enough for this parasitic nation . And not one word of thanks from that nation to America , the sooner HAMAS wins and destroys Israel by building a new Palestine the better .
  14. Buffalo Roam Registered Senior Member

    Foley if HAMAS ever wins, the rest of the arab countries will be all over them like vultures on a dead carcass rotting in the sun.
  15. Zephyr Humans are ONE Registered Senior Member

    Interesting solution. About as likely to work as returning occupied Australia to the aborigines, while giving the Australians a sparsely populated corner of Europe to return to

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  16. spacemansteve Not enough brain space Registered Senior Member

    Zephyr: lol, yeah fat chance, bloody Abo's.... get a job! (please don't get offended i'm only joking)

    Foley: What do you care? i thought u were Australian? If US keeps giving there money away then let them do it.

    D'ster: You raise a very good point that people who are anti-israel forget, the only reason Palestinians are pissed is because Israel managed to make the land workable. They didn't want it in the first place and now they want it back. They're not even natives to the area.
  17. Zephyr Humans are ONE Registered Senior Member

    The Palestinians certainly 'wanted' the area since they were living and farming there (albeit with less aid from technology), and most of them had been living there for centuries if that counts as 'native'.

    As I understand it, the main reason Palestinians are pissed is that they didn't appreciate the immigrants; they fought the immigrants; the immigrants fought back; the immigrants won ... and at the end of all that, the immigrants weren't in a hurry to let a potential fifth column back into the country. The Palestinians were left to the mercy of the Arab countries they'd sided with, only they (apart from Jordan) didn't want refugees either and didn't offer them citizenship, at least until very recently.
  18. spacemansteve Not enough brain space Registered Senior Member

    Zephyr my point is that they are not Native to the land... technically speaking no race is, but if you want to go back to who has rights over it............ I'll leave it there before i start another debate.
  19. Brian Foley REFUSE - RESIST Valued Senior Member

    What a ridiculous assertion , on one hand you continually boast how Arab nations arm and support HAMAS against Israel and now you are claiming these same Arab nations want to destroy HAMAS .
    Again Israel was formed literally over a matter of a few decades by dispossesing an entire people , all that it would take is an over night transition and that would be giving all Palestinians living in the occupied territories equal citizenship and allowing all Palestinians in neighbouring nations the right of return . That way there would be a free open and popularily determined election . It happened precisely that way in South Africa your nation , overnight Blacks were given the vote and the rest is history , there was no mass murder whites as was predicted . The same is applicable in the Zionist case .
  20. Buffalo Roam Registered Senior Member

    Yes the Arabs supply Hamas right now because it serves their purpose, but once that purpose would be served and hamas was no longer needed, they would carve up Palestine for themselves, and devil take the hind most. Foley you seem to have a problem realizing that all countries do things to suite their political purposes first last and always, that is the first law of politics, me first , my country second, and screw everybody else, devil take the hind most.
  21. Zephyr Humans are ONE Registered Senior Member

    Foley: it would be great in theory, provided that the framework of a good liberal democracy was strong enough that it could guarantee separation of religion and state, equal rights to all citizens etc, and if Israelis and Palestinians were prepared to forgive and stop killing each other.

    In practice, I don't know if all those conditions could hold. It would take a miracle.
  22. Guru Registered Senior Member

    I think to solve all problems all the countries should start returning the wealth and land grabbed to the natives of those lands ...how about that
    Americans - to American Indians + Mexico
    Pakistan/Bangladesh - India
    Tibet - Independent
    Gitmo - Cuba
    Puerto Rico - Idependent
    Australia - Natives

    you guys can keep on adding to this list .. once this happens then we can move Jews to the rightful place in their homes in Europe and ask them to vacate the occupied land.
  23. Brian Foley REFUSE - RESIST Valued Senior Member

    Absolute rubbish , it worked well in South Africa I well remember the arguments put forward that if Blacks ever got the vote they would murder every white they could lay their hands on . Time has revealed that whites have kept their money their jobs and above all their lives . Peace sharing is working in Northern Ireland overnight the parties agreed in 1994 the IRA layed their weapons down Ireland will be re-united .

    The fact is you are a racist defender of Zionist diktat pure and simple and it is in your interests to keep and preserve a Jewish dominated state that is why you persist in this racist/phobic line of " the great coming Arab Holocaust " against the chosen people . The Palestinians are human beings and have a right to live a life unhindered by some fuckhead who thinks he is Gods chosen one and the real estate is Gods gift to him .
    I take it from you that this is an admission that Israel does indeed belong to the Palestinians and the Palestinians are the true indigenous people . And as for Australia no Aborigines are asking for the return of the Europeans to their homeland just equal economic rights .
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