Gandalf vs. Merlin

Discussion in 'SciFi & Fantasy' started by seekeroftheway, Feb 8, 2006.

  1. seekeroftheway Let go your conscious self... Registered Senior Member

    Now, of course, like Neo vs. Superman, and Star wars vs. star trek, there really isn't a winner to any of these debates, but it's nice to get input. So, gandalf can shoot magic bolts, shield himself with a shiny bubble, shoot lighting out of his sword, istari light, so on and so forth.
    Merlin can conjure up pretty much anything, manipulate his environment, cause storms and shoot fireballs and what not....sadly, no one really knows the full extent of EITHER one's powers, so this is entirely speculative.
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  3. TW Scott Minister of Technology Registered Senior Member

    Gandalf as he is technically a demigod Merlin is just a half demon. Though it would be a cool fight
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  5. shaman_ Registered Senior Member

    Is merlin a wizard or a druid?
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  7. Kunax Sciforums:Reality not required Registered Senior Member

    Was Gandalf not just some entity send to middle earth to aid them in there fight vs Sauron, And was he not just 1 of larger group of entities of which all except him has was corrupted.

    Merlin would win, his also a better character
  8. Communist Hamster Cricetulus griseus leninus Valued Senior Member

    Merlin has dragons. Also, Merlin actually existed while Gandalf is a fictional character.
  9. Roman Banned Banned

    Actually, he's all human. According to medieval christian mythology, succubi aquired human seed, then turned into inccubi and impregnated mortals. Genetically human, yet the proximity to demon flesh and the sinful nature of conception corrupted the child.

    I'd say being a fictional character would be boon rather than a hinderance in a fight.
  10. crazyfreespirit "Custom User Title" Registered Senior Member

    Merlin all the way. Gandalfs cool, but the king he helped be crowned just isn't as cool as King Arthur (the one Merlin helped).
  11. Lil Light Foot Just a fuzzy lil Fyre ball. Registered Senior Member

    Surely the Merlin myths are more pagan than christian, as such the christians will have adapted them to make them more christian, they wouldn't believe in Merlin being half daemon.

    I'm siding with Merlin, from what I've seen Gandalf worked mainly with light magic only, where as Merlin could work with all the elements and adapt the environment and animals around him as well.
  12. seekeroftheway Let go your conscious self... Registered Senior Member


    No, gandalf was an istari, a race of powerful magic users who were not akin to, but sort of adjacent to the Numenor. After he was "killed" by the Balrog, the Valar(created by the Elder, who created everything, they're essentially God's) resurrected him and told him that he wasn't meant to die just yet and that he was destined to aide Middle Earth in the battle against Sauron. And no, the group that was corrupted was the Nazgul, the 9 men who were given rings of power. Gandalf was not one of them.
  13. Roman Banned Banned

    Actually, incubii is a Latin word. Originially believed to cause bad dreams, medieval (at which time, everything was Christian, including paganism) stories changed to define what a succubus and incubus were, which is where we get our current definition. Since these creatures were demons, they lacked reproductive organs. All angels lack reproductive organs, and demons were angels that fell with Lucifer.

    So according to the very stories of Merlin, Merlin could not have been 'half demon', as the stories of Merlin tell us that that is impossible.
  14. Roman Banned Banned

    The Istari were 5 Maiar (on the same order as the Valar, but less powerful. Sauron was a Maiar) sent to ME in the bodies of humans. Saruman the White (and leader of the group), Gandalf the Gray, Rhadagast the Brown, and two blue wizards that traveled east and disappeared.
  15. Hapsburg Hellenistic polytheist Valued Senior Member

    Same thing in old celtic civilization.
  16. seekeroftheway Let go your conscious self... Registered Senior Member

    In my experience Wizards/mages are purely mercurial and see all sides of magic, whereas druids seek magic from nature and have a strong attachment to it.
  17. The Devil Inside Banned Banned

    i pick Raistlin.
  18. Hapsburg Hellenistic polytheist Valued Senior Member

    Merlin- made Arthur into a King, made the Stonehenge, etc.

    Gandalf- dillied and dallied about while the world was collapsing in around him.

    Merlin >> Gandalf.
  19. seekeroftheway Let go your conscious self... Registered Senior Member

    That was bland...

    Yes, Merlin did that, he killed and dragon and defeated mab and so on...

    Well, Gandalf survived hundreds of thousands of orc hordes, the Nazgul, the witch king, shattered the staff of Saruman and slew a balrog. He was recalled from death and returned to be a key in the salvation of Middle Earth against Sauron's horde's and saruman's horde's, and so on.
  20. Hapsburg Hellenistic polytheist Valued Senior Member

    ...and Gandalf most assuredly did not exist...whilst merlin actually could have- just not a wizard, more like a welsh druid...
  21. Roman Banned Banned

    Except the movies about Gandalf are like a million times cooler than the movies about merlin.
  22. seekeroftheway Let go your conscious self... Registered Senior Member

    That's an entirely opinionated statement. Although I personally find lord of the rings better than all the merlin movies (because they don't center around any one character but around an entire cycle of events), We obviously have a lot of people here that like merlin better.
  23. Killjoy Propelling The Farce!! Valued Senior Member

    Gandalf smoked dope, so I gotta side with him.
    ("your love of the halfing's leaf has dulled your mind" - Saruman)

    Musta been his "non-terrestrial" origins which kept him from gettin' the munchies like dem halflings did alla time
    ("What about second breakfast", indeed !)

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