First Race-Specific Medication

Discussion in 'Science & Society' started by J.B, Jan 26, 2006.

  1. D'ster Registered Senior Member

    Sounds like a personal problem.
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  3. Oniw17 ascetic, sage, diogenes, bum? Valued Senior Member

    There are different raes because of selective breeding. Just like every other species. And just like with dogs, there are inherent health differences. It really has little to do with their mindsets. Environment has a lot more to do with that. For example, most non-American people who are from "civilized"(not 3rd world, ect.) countries are smarter than the average American. Why? The public schools. Also about the black athletes/musicians who don't give back to their communities, what about Kordell Stewart? Can you name anyone who grew up in the ghettos of Beijing who donated money to the community? Budapest? Any part of China? Any part of Eastern Europe? People are selfish in general, it has nothing to do with race.
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  5. TimeTraveler Immortalist Registered Senior Member

    If you look at the crime statistics, most crime is white on white, or black on black. 90% of the time, the guy next door is the guy who robs you. 90% of the time, the con-artist looks just like you, and is a slick talker.

    If you know anything about social engineering you know it works best on people who are naive, and who think "Oh, he looks like I do, I'll be safe...." WRONG. Then after the crime they act like "Oh he was such a nice guy, these things don't happen in places like this! This can't happen!".

    I'm saying, don't trust people period, but if you do, the people who look like you are to be trusted the least. That is rational, a machine could crunch numbers and tell you that. Most of the harm done to you, is done by people of your own race, and while you might not like people in the third world, or people in ghettos, the people in ghettos and people in the third world arent running the show, arent your boss, arent bullying you or robbing you. When you got into that bar fight last night over the girl, that guy looked like you didnt he?
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  7. D'ster Registered Senior Member

    It must be nice to just make shit up in your little world.

    Let a black man give you the real crime statistics instead of your make belive shit:

    Authorities record over one million interracial crimes per year, 90 percent involving white victims and mostly black perpetrators. How many are "hate crimes"? Apparently, not many, given the meager 4,831 tally. Apparently, few black criminals mug whites out of "hate." But the other way around, well, that's different.

    U.S. Department of Justice statistics, blacks commit 54 percent of murders, 42 percent of forcible rapes, 59 percent of robberies and 38 percent of aggravated assaults . . . In the case of interracial violent crime, blacks are 50 times more likely to commit violent crimes against whites than whites against blacks."
    In one recent year, the FBI recorded 1.7 million violent acts -- murder, manslaughter, rape, and aggravated assault -- of interracial crime. Of that figure, nearly 1.2 million involved black-white crime. Ninety percent of these cases involved a black perpetrator and a white victim. Thus, blacks, while comprising 12 percent of the population, committed over one million acts of violent crime against whites. On the other hand, whites, while comprising 70 percent of the population, committed about 100,000 acts of violent crime against blacks. Look at hate crime. In 1995, the FBI recorded 7,947 incidents of hate crimes. But blacks, again while comprising 12 percent of the population, committed 27 percent of hate crimes. Whites, 70 percent of the population, committed 59 percent of hate crimes. And of the nearly one million black violent acts against whites, how many were driven by racial animus?
  8. TimeTraveler Immortalist Registered Senior Member


    We werent debating "Violent" crime. I said crime, and you digged up statistics on inter-racial violent crime. What I said is that most crimes which will be commited against you, will be by someone who looks like you do. Hate crimes are a completely different branch of crime. When your computer gets hacked, when you get pick pocketed, robbed, blackmailed, or if a female, raped, it's usually not an inter-racial crime. I guess you also ignore all the white collar criminals. So yeah, I guess if you only look at certain kinds of crimes that happen to be the sort of crimes that are hate crimes then you'll get the answers you are looking for.

    Look up some data on white collar criminals. Look up the rape statistics, in specific the date rape statistics, and the fact that most date rapes arent reported. Who do you think is doing most of the date rapes? Who do you think the white collar criminals are? Who do you think are the ones who commit the big crimes? Did you forget about the mafia and organized crime? Your views are so biased that you are focused only on the small criminals, and thats not who I was talking about at all. You ignore the fact that most serial killers look like you, that most organized criminals look like you, that most white collar criminals look like you, that most rapists(and pedopphiles), look like you and might even live next door to you. Thats the point I'm making, yes you do have inter-racial tensions, and violence, but those crimes are not planned out murders, serial killings, or the type of crimes that require any stealth, those crimes are random acts of violence.

    Random violence, like when you go into an all black or all white neighborhood and get beat up. Or if you are driving while black and get harassed by the police because of racial profiling, or if you are a woman and get sexually harassed at the job. These crimes are crimes, but they are the typical random type of crimes, done by idiots, not hardened criminals, and not usually smart criminals.
  9. D'ster Registered Senior Member

    In the U.S., Blacks are less than 13% of the population but have 50% of all arrests for assault and murder and 67% of all arrests for robbery. Fifty percent of all crime victims also report their assailants are Black, so the arrest statistics cannot be due to police bias.

    Blacks make up a large share of those arrested for white-collar crimes. About 33% of persons arrested for fraud, forgery, counterfeiting, and receiving stolen property, and about 25% of those arrested for embezzlement are Black. Blacks are under-represented only in offenses, such as tax fraud and securities violations, that are committed by individuals in high status occupations.
  10. James R Just this guy, you know? Staff Member

    Overpolicing of the black community and underpolicing of white people.

    Did you know that white collar crime is much more harmful to far more people than street crime? Yet you choose to ignore the white guys stealing millions and concentrate on the black guy stealing 50 dollars.

    Sure they can. Moreover, crime victims may be more likely to report assaults when committed by black people. I'm sure you can't imagine why that might be.

    "A large share". Interesting. A majority? I don't think so.

    Is this from a site with an agenda?

    Overpolicing of black people. Underpolicing of white people.

    Thank goodness for affirmative action.
  11. G. F. Schleebenhorst England != UK Registered Senior Member


    James R, you are a racist piece of shit. You think that black people can do no wrong, and every negative thing to do with black people is the fault of the white man. You are keeping the black man down.
  12. James R Just this guy, you know? Staff Member

    'fraid not.

    Coming from you, that's a compliment, I'm sure. Not that I want to be part of your gang.

    Black people are people, just like everybody else. No person can do no wrong. What a stupid thing to say.

    How? By failing to discriminate on the basis of skin colour? How does that work?
  13. G. F. Schleebenhorst England != UK Registered Senior Member

    By instantly blaming all their problems on someone else.
  14. D'ster Registered Senior Member


    African-Americans have real concerns regarding the economic vitality of
    their communities. Specifically, they blame the lack of jobs and
    economic development in their areas for a variety of social problems
    such as crime, gangs, a lack of respect for the community, and the
    neighborhood social structure.

    Contributing to these problems is their perception of a pervasive
    inequality or racism within society. They point to the flight of jobs
    and corporate downsizing as affecting their communities
    disproportionately. They experience a lack of support or response to
    their area by sectors such as police, social services, and government.
    They describe it as:

    "They never come, the police never come."

    "I notice in white neighborhoods that if a robbery occurs there are 500
    police officers easy, two ambulances, one fire truck and the mayor."

    "Things that are blown off in the African-American community are treated
    differently in white communities."

    "The system doesn't work for African-Americans."
  15. James R Just this guy, you know? Staff Member

    You're generalising. Which problems? Every individual has problems. You're assuming you can take a huge, diverse group of people and they will all have the same problems, and all the problems will have just one cause. That isn't the case.
  16. James R Just this guy, you know? Staff Member


    And your point is...?
  17. D'ster Registered Senior Member

    Your white ass from Victoria, Australia said that African Americans are overpoliced,

    and African Americans are complaining that there underpoliced.
  18. James R Just this guy, you know? Staff Member

    Have you considered that there may be variation depending on whether the person is the victim or the supposed perpetrator?

    (Who said I was white, by the way?)
  19. D'ster Registered Senior Member

    Are you white?
  20. TimeTraveler Immortalist Registered Senior Member


    Read the URL. Just because blacks are arrested more often, does not mean they commit all the crimes. White collar crime is commited by CEO's usually, and people in the upper levels, and these people arent usually black or female. Someone like you would take the fact the Martha Stewert were arrested, and twist it around to make it look like only women commit that crime.
  21. TimeTraveler Immortalist Registered Senior Member

    All problems are human problems, but you told me it's us vs them so I guess blacks arent human.
  22. TimeTraveler Immortalist Registered Senior Member

    People want the ability to police themselves. Why don't you support the African Union?
  23. D'ster Registered Senior Member

    Who does'nt want blacks to police themselves?

    Can they?

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