Facebook Timeline question...


Valued Senior Member
I've looked around and I haven't been able to find the solution to a Facebook Timeline problem.

I'm fine with any friend posting on my Timeline meaning if they post something on their page and then it ends up on my Timeline...cool. If all they do is make political posts I might "snooze" them for 30 days or even "hide" them but for the most part I'm fine with seeing posts that friends make on their FB page.

What I'm trying to eliminate is when they "comment" on a 3rd party FB page and then it shows up on my Timeline. You can snooze or hide that 3rd party page but maybe they post on a different 3rd party page every day. How do I stop this?

Specifically what I'm trying to block is when some comments on 3rd party pages like "Only a genus can correctly respond to this question..."Can you name a fruit that starts with "A"?

Some people comment on multiple "stupid" 3rd party pages everyday and then they end up on my Timeline. "What is something that someone who grew up in the 50's would recognize that someone who grew up today would not recognize?" and on and on.

Any help would be appreciated.
I guess "Timeline" is what I post so "Newsfeed" is probably the correct term for what I'm talking about.
You can ''unfollow'' such posts by selecting the ''unfollow'' option on the top right of those posts. Or you can also go to your privacy settings and change it from there according to your preferences.
You can ''unfollow'' such posts by selecting the ''unfollow'' option on the top right of those posts. Or you can also go to your privacy settings and change it from there according to your preferences.
The only problem is that I have to do it every time. They won't post on the same site again. Next time it will be another site "Only a genius can answer this question: 1*3 = A 3 B 13 C 1/3"

Is there some option where I can just block 3rd party pages?
The only problem is that I have to do it every time. They won't post on the same site again. Next time it will be another site "Only a genius can answer this question: 1*3 = A 3 B 13 C 1/3"

Is there some option where I can just block 3rd party pages?
You should be able to ''unfollow'' all those posts, under your security/privacy settings for ''news feed preferences.'' You'll see a dropdown for friends only. Choose that option, and that should work.
I go to Facebook almost every year and I can never find anything there. I'd swear they deliberately obfuscate everything so you have to spend 24/7 there - like Walmart. Then I spend the next year cursing Facebook.
I enjoy FB.
Today we were able to reunite a dog with her owner.
Yesterday it was a rabbit that escaped it's enclosure.
It is all in how you use FB.
I have an extension (Facebook Purity) that keeps the ads off and it has other controls as well. I just snooze people for 30 days if they are posting too much crap that isn't about their lives. Habitual offenders get "hidden".