Everyday sexism

How does your thinking go on this one? Let's see if I can reconstruct a thought process...

There are women who perpetrate domestic abuse against men. I am upset that those cases don't seem to get reported as prominently as the much-more-prevalent cases of men perpetrating domestic abuse against women. This is probably the fault of evil "feminists", whom I don't like because they force me to confront certain behaviours and attitudes that I engage in or condone. It is also "feminists" who complain about sexist behaviour. This thread is about sexist behaviour. So it would be entirely appropriate for me to insert a "joke" at the expense of the feminists I hate, thus scoring a rhetorical point for my "side" in this culture war. With luck, this should also distract from the thread topic, and annoy the "PC brigade".
Would that be an accurate representation of the kind of decision-making process you went through before posting your little "joke" at the feminists' expense, Michael?

It's really interesting how many men are popping out of the woodwork, eager to show their true colours, in this thread. And which men.
There shared by all I have interacted with, and that's what matters.
That's just an assumption on your part, and you know it. You have no excuse.

If that makes you happy James you keep believing it..it affects me not.
You're proud of your sexism. I get it. Believe me, you've hammered it home enough.

Don't you dare tell me to stop it!
Don't threaten me.

You ought to be ashamed.
If you see anything wrong with it, then become a politician [you should be good at that] and change or add some laws. In the mean time, the status quo will continue.
It has been clear from the start that trying to appeal to some moral sense in you is a waste of time. Apparently, you only respond to the threat of force, legal or otherwise. It's sad.

Except the theme is common throughout society in general, and I find nothing at all even remotely sexist.
You just don't get it. How many times do you need to be told that arguing "everybody does it" does not excuse you, even if that were true?

:D I'll let you stay whatever you chose, and I'll stay the arsehole I am, OK? :D
I'm not stopping you from being exactly who you want to be, paddoboy. I pity the poor women who have to put up with you.
Exactly that.... "Not all men"! the same can be said? "not all women" "Or not all Politicians" nothing sinister, nothing under handed...no sublime messages, just simple comprehension.
What's your argument?
Surely we can all agree that everyday sexism is - almost by definition - normal and standard and so forth. That's the problem, essentially.

Meanwhile other people do not share your confidence in your mindreading skills, or your self awareness. In particular, the conclusions you draw from those presumed skills and that assumed awareness do not have good supporting evidence.
Another "joke" at the expense of women. Ho hum.

Oh yeah. If you post a sexist joke about men, too, that makes it acceptable to post sexist jokes about women.

You just don't get it, do you?
You want to abandon Jokes James? Gee, my Irish mate, the best teller of Irish jokes in Australia, would have fun with you! :p
Try reading my posts for what they are and what they state
I did. You said you called women "love." You said it was not offensive and that no one was ever offended by that. I asked five women here if they'd be offended by that. Three said yes. Wegs also noted that you may not see how you are coming across.

That is based on what you posted. Since I'm not a woman, I asked for women's reactions to what you said. Wegs also weighed in. Again, feel free to ignore their reactions.
That's just an assumption on your part, and you know it. You have no excuse.
A far more likely assumption then your own philosophical claptrap...afterall I was there, and as per the paramedics, the banter was initiated by them...one young woman and one middle aged. You just fail to get it James.:rolleyes:
You're proud of your sexism. I get it. Believe me, you've hammered it home enough.
Proud?? Not really, more indifferent and unstartling interactions that were never given a second thought, other then by the fanatical PC brigade..
Don't threaten me.

You ought to be ashamed.
:D Wow!! I didn't and I'm not. I said don't you dare tell me how to act, the same similar talk you have applied to me when you have been angered.
It has been clear from the start that trying to appeal to some moral sense in you is a waste of time. Apparently, you only respond to the threat of force, legal or otherwise. It's sad.
I don't respond to bullying, never have, never will. And my morals are first class and beyond question.
You just don't get it. How many times do you need to be told that arguing "everybody does it" does not excuse you, even if that were true?
It is true, and I'll continue arguing "everybody does it" while the PC brigade keep attempting to ram their nonsense down my throat.
I'm not stopping you from being exactly who you want to be, paddoboy. I pity the poor women who have to put up with you.
Thank you that's good to know...brings a tear to my eye and a lump to my throat.:)
Oh, and the women who I have interacted with, need no pity, in fact they are just as jovial and indulge in every day banter as I do.
What's your argument?
Surely we can all agree that everyday sexism is - almost by definition - normal and standard and so forth. That's the problem, essentially.
My argument is that it is not sexist and the people I interact with all feel the same way.
Meanwhile other people do not share your confidence in your mindreading skills, or your self awareness. In particular, the conclusions you draw from those presumed skills and that assumed awareness do not have good supporting evidence.
That's OK...those people were not involved or present. I was, and some of the banter was initiated by women. [the two paramedic officers, both female for example]
My argument is that it is not sexist and the people I interact with all feel the same way.
Let's try again: What isn't sexist? How are you arguing that claim? If you find it necessary to drag in the opinions of other people who are not here, how do you know what they think?
That's OK...those people were not involved or present. I was, and some of the banter was initiated by women.
The fact that you would post that as evidence or support of your perceptions is evidence against them.
And then you drive the point home:
It is true, and I'll continue arguing "everybody does it" while the PC brigade keep attempting to ram their nonsense down my throat.
. The "PC brigade"?
Ok, you have convinced me: your perceptions of other people's thoughts and feelings are pretty much worthless as evidence of them.

Background: Most people on this and similar forums have met self-identified Muslims who "argue" that the treatment of women under Sharia law or Kuwaiti practice or the like is not sexist. That "argument" quite often - a large majority of the time - devolves into claims that it is normal and standard in their society, that the women don't object, that the women often enforce the rules themselves, that the women cooperate cheerfully and join in and initiate the social banter, etc. These claims are perfectly true. Do you find them persuasive?
Let's try again: What isn't sexist? How are you arguing that claim? If you find it necessary to drag in the opinions of other people who are not here, how do you know what they think?
iceaura: My and other's behaviour, as per the examples I have given here, were not sexist.
If you have lost track of those in all this nonsense, I can relay them again if you like.
It's also not a matter of knowing what they think...it's amtter of the facts that on occasions they initiated what you may call sexist, but what I am sure [and they are sure] is not sexist.
The fact that you would post that as evidence or support of your perceptions is evidence against them.
And then you drive the point home:
. The "PC brigade"?
Ok, you have convinced me: your perceptions of other people's thoughts and feelings are pretty much worthless as evidence of them.
That's your prerogative and you are welcome to it.
The rest of your extreme nonsense I will disregard, as I'm sure you should know my thoughts on such.
I am all for progress and the elimination of unjust practise against people, both male and female in all walks of life.
Just don't ram your pretentious nonsense with regards to common banter in a civilised country like Australia down my throat, because I will not stand for it.
What's good for the Goose, is good for the Gander.
Just giving back what I get Beery!
I don't really care.

Who are you anyway? Cam you teach something other than recite personal anecdotes?
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TIL: This is called the Deconstruction of a trope.

"The simplest and most common method of applying Deconstruction to tropes in fiction among general audiences and fan bases, and the method most relevant to TV Tropes, takes the form of questioning "How would this trope play out with Real Life consequences applied to it?"
I don't run so deep..I just don't think it's particularly funny and move on.
TIL: This is called the Deconstruction of a trope.

"The simplest and most common method of applying Deconstruction to tropes in fiction among general audiences and fan bases, and the method most relevant to TV Tropes, takes the form of questioning "How would this trope play out with Real Life consequences applied to it?"
It's also a joke, with the butt of the joke being the political correct brigade.
We cant let this thread die.

Although my comments upon our culture and the negative influence of the church and Hollywood appear more in the racist thread it surprises me how no one comments upon it.

Anyways today I was watching clips from old Westerns and various movies that show violence is the only way to settle anything ..John Wayne westerns, Clint Eastwood..Charles Bronson..and the like...now the image they present as hero material perhaps illustrates the point that these hero's must cause those watching to see violence as part of the requirement to be a tuff man... and when violence is the goto fix knowing how to respect others becomes non existent..clearly for other males and probably more so for females because after all they are justcweak and only tuff and strong counts..the movies say it is so...needless to say the role women get in these movies does not help to reduce sexism...not one movie today, clips, showed a woman who was not a who're in a saloon...remember this is Hollywood delivering this over and over..just think how that corrupts decency, care for respect and non violence..and all these guys are American hero's...can anyone see that having these folk as hero's could be a big part of the problem..oh yes but that was so long ago...yes..yes..so what does Hollywood give us these days...here you will have to tell me because I will not watch the crap...but this is how young folk learn stuff...and the church..no one comments upon their negative input...but Paddo posts a relatively inoccent joke or tells of what can only be his positive interactions with women we find all are ready to jump in laying in the boot....but ask for a comment on the negative impact of the church or Hollywood nothing..not a peep...I can only take that everyone is in total agreement such that not one thing need be said..perhaps jumping on Hollywood or the church just is not as much fun as jumping on Paddo.

Of course the other thing..it could be that no one bothers to read anything that an insane person posts...or worse still most find the truth just too uncomfortable.

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