Everyday racism

as/re racist
(endemic racism?)
shortly after moving to Iowa:
I had to register my children at the local grade school
on the form was the question;
To which I responded

a persons sex or race of religion or political affiliation
should be unimportant
This is an illustration of the gulf between what "should be" and what is, in America.

Meanwhile, Michael 345 is telling us all that race doesn't exist. It makes you wonder why all these forms ask about it, doesn't it?
Who wanted to divert this thread onto the topic of race, anyway?
Inadvertent, on my part - sorry about that.

The grease for the slide, in my case, was the common base in a presumption that the dubiously behaving individual embodies and controls their society's norms and the justifiable reactions of the people they are dealing with, moment by moment - that whatever implications or meanings they did not consciously intend thereby did not exist, or at least are none of their responsibility.

(That also helps to explain the otherwise odd correlations of the common manifestations of racism and sexism - they predict each other, in a given person, far better than chance allows)
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Your wife knows you well.

Suppose you were in the bank, say, being served by a person of Fijian background who did not know you. I wonder whether, if they were slow in attending to you, you would say to them "Bloody Fijians. Always working on bloody Fijian time!"
Yes 100% without a second thought. Fijians have a sense of humour and they are able to laugh at themselves as far as being on time is concerned.
I'm guessing that, if you were to do this, you'd come away with yet another story about how the bank teller and you had a good old laugh and nobody was offended, and you'd make the point to anybody who would listen about what a great banterer you are.
:D Exactly James! It's a standing joke in Fiji. You need to get out more! ;)

Something seems to have set you off.
Are these people that you refer to the same as those who use the term "white male" with no comprehension that it is both sexist and racist and fail to recognise that they use the term in a hateful manner ( evidence available within this thead) which is of course consistent with their hypocritical judgemental out of touch approach to anything they have on their trivial list of nit picking.
Can you please explain to me why you believe the term "white male" (or "white man") is racist and sexist, rather than merely descriptive?

Race is a cultural construct that people use. As far as I can tell, using terms like "black" and "white" is just a recognition that race is relevant in certain discussions. Similarly, sex is important in certain discussions - hence the terms "man" and "woman", or "male" and "female".

Racism and sexism, to me, imply discriminatory and often abusive behaviour towards a person on the basis of their sexual or racial classification. While I can see that "white male" could be used to discriminate or abuse in some circumstances, for the most part I think it the kind of neutral term that would be hard to avoid in any discussion where sex and race is relevant.

What form of language do you propose we use instead to refer to a "white male" like me, for instance?

The same ones who bully and abuse old people with out any recognition that their behaviour is deplorable, the same ones who reject your personal observation of an event if it does not fit with their predictions of doom and gloom...well I say just ignore them as discussion is beyond them and hate controls all their action..they love to hate..its all they have.. hate
It sounds to me like your trying to defend everyday sexism or racism on the basis that "old people" don't mean anything by it, or something like that. Is that what you're upset about - that people like me are looking at visible behaviours rather than hidden intentions?

...clearly one of the troup who has bent to the abuse and bulling brought to bear on anyone who dares to offer an opinion not scripted by the head wanker...
Who is the head wanker in your scenario?

,...the tacticts are so slimey they make me sick...and as to calling a lady "love" lets change that and be factual and call her "woman" that should go down much better.

"Thank you woman"

Context is entirely lost on these fools.
Why add "woman" at all. Why not stop at "Thank you"? Why the need to add "love"? Can't you see that some people might take offense at the liberties being taken with that form of address?

And calling on Paddo "to grow a pair"...nothing wrong with that I can see...
Certainly not sexual abuse and all references to him being old..nothing wrong with that ?????
I don't recall the "grow a pair" comment myself. As for his age, calling people "love" does seem to be more prevalent in certain older Australians, in my experience.

Do you think it is an insult to refer to somebody's age accurately? Is "old white male" even more offensive to you than "white male"? What descriptive term do you propose we should use instead of "old", when age is relevant in a discussion?

Of course not... anything on our side (their side) is ok in fact perfect...they are perfect..we know that and more than entitled to judge others...and if not for them there would not be "sides" but thats what haters do....choose sides..oh you choose the wrong side.
We now hate you.
In a different thread, I have had a discussion about so-called "cancel culture". I'm not a fan of "cancelling" people who do the wrong thing. I'm in favour of showing them what was wrong, so they can try to do better in future.

Would you prefer that nobody is ever criticised when they behave poorly?

Look how calm Paddo has remained whilst suffering irrational abuse and blatant bullying. What hypocrites...
Poor paddoboy.

Even before I split the "everyday sexism" thread off from the original one where all this started, I suggested to paddoboy that he might not want to open up his sexist behaviour for yet another round of careful scrutiny. Please be aware that he wanted to take this matter further.

I note that you have pointed out nothing irrational so far (from me, for instance). As for bullying, I'm not sure what makes you feel like you need to protect paddoboy from the evil PC brigade. If he has done nothing wrong, why does he need your protection? Why are there now two active threads discussing the ins and outs of sexism and racism? Why are some people (old white males, I might venture) getting so defensive and angry about all this? If you have nothing to apologise for, why are you getting so upset?

Then there's the hypocrisy you mentioned. Please explain what is hypocritical about anything I have written. I really want to know, so I can try to be better in future, if there's a problem. Many others here, you will notice, are making no apologies or promises of that kind. You might ask yourself why that is the case.

you and Paddo are good people its most of the others who have problems.
While in many other respects paddoboy might very well be a good person, it is quite clear that he has a certain blindness when it comes to recognising power dynamics in everyday interactions such as customer and service provider. That he takes inappropriate liberties in some situations is quite clear. That he discriminates on the basis of sex is also clear. Previously, he might have been able to claim that he just wasn't aware of the effects of his behaviours, but he can no longer legitimately plead ignorance as an excuse.

But I'm still a bit puzzled as to why you are so upset about what's going on with paddoboy in these threads. Is it because you worry that, if the PC brigade turned out to have a point after all, it might reflect poorly on your own behaviours towards women in certain contexts? Are you worried that you might not come out looking like a "good person" if the PC brigade has any valid points about old white males?

Pity the left cant get rid of all the snowflakes and get back to issues of concern to real people.
Who is "real people"? Old white males? Who's not "real people" in your book, Alex?

"White male" is as offensive as niggar because it is so racist but it beats niggar because it is sexist too... Yet the idiots just have no idea.
With a comment like that, I think you have no idea, if you're actually serious and not just blowing off steam.

Want to rethink it, calmly?
:) Thanks for your thoughts Alex...this imo and perception involves more then my imagined sexism.
It's not imagined. It's as reported by you. You keep providing more and more examples, regularly.

There have been though a couple of exceptions, where the debate by a couple of members did maintained civility while still disagreeing with me [I mentioned them earlier] a shame that those that should no better, decided to let emotion rule over any common sense.
Whatever self-protection mechanism works for you, I guess. Rather than own your behaviour, acknowledge the criticism and try to be better in future, you wave your hands and dismiss valid criticisms as groundless emotionally-motivated attacks on your good character. Ego intact, you try to walk away with head held high. While you pat yourself on the back, you leave your public reputation in tatters. Again.
It's not imagined. It's as reported by you. You keep providing more and more examples, regularly.
Only by your imagined standards. In my community, the standard that applies is normality, by both men, women, young and old.
Whatever self-protection mechanism works for you, I guess. Rather than own your behaviour, acknowledge the criticism and try to be better in future, you wave your hands and dismiss valid criticisms as groundless emotionally-motivated attacks on your good character. Ego intact, you try to walk away with head held high. While you pat yourself on the back, you leave your public reputation in tatters. Again.
I'm OK James and my behaviour is OK and has been civil.
Oh, and of course no ego, no pats on the back, just the continuation of normality in casual banter with strangers of all persausions and ages and sexes. I prove it everyday. ;)
And as far as reputations go, two of them certainly have been tarnished, whether you can see it or not.
Have a good Chrissy James :)
It's a pity they cant address, say, domestic violence or the many many pressing issues that real people have to face ....
"Real people" again?

How would you like us (me) to address domestic violence, Alex? What would you have me do that I'm not already doing? What are you doing to address it?

but lets judge Paddo and dribble on about a situation we did not witness.... sounds reasonable..to them.. idiots.
paddoboy told us about what happened. He invited us to "dribble on" about it.

Rebels without a cause...
The relevant cause here aims to reduce the incidence of everyday sexism. In case you missed it. You think there's no problem?

Their problem is, you see, they probably dont get out and meet real people..they have no idea of how real folk talk..
Sounds like the "everyone does it, so it must be okay" defence.

Are these the same "real people" who used to bash gay people, or just hiss at them and call them "poofters" in the street? Are you equally upset that people like me found that behaviour unacceptable?

all they have no doubt is their little computer world where they follow pretend causes...all this talk about BLM...you know not one word about the number of black females who die in domestic violence..would you not think that deserves heaps more attention.
It is a fallacy to say "Stop looking at that; this other thing is a much bigger problem, so forgot about the original thing". It assumes that people can't walk and chew gum at the same time. It also dismisses issue A when you say leave issue A alone until you've dealt with issues B through Z. And what happens when somebody starts talking about issue B? Well then issue C is a much bigger priority. And so it goes, and it's all an excuse never to change anything.

They have no idea of context or what the world is like outside their bedroom...I mean what have any of them done in their lives..zip mate.
Let me get this straight. People like me shouldn't be listened to on the topic of sexism because we've never done anything of note in our lives? Is that your argument? Instead, we should listen to you, because you have presumably Achieved Great Things?

I recall the van was a gift from a lady who called me love..should I have called her out for sexual abuse..no thats the way she speaks and the judgement of losers wont change that...who are they to judge...really where are their heads?
Can you appreciate that other people don't necessarily share all of your preferences?

paddoboy doesn't understand how that could be the case. Do you?

Crime is about evil intent ..they hold evil intent ..you do not.
No. In a court of law, certain crimes require specific intent, but plenty do not. If you overstay your parking meter, you get a fine, regardless of whether you intended to overstay or not. Your lack of malice doesn't excuse you. Most of the law relating to torts is based on the concept of negligence, which does not require malicious intent.

In life, when dealing with "real people", you need to understand that, often, it is by your actions that others will judge you. They can't see into your heart to know your intent, for good or evil.

so you post a joke, which you did not create, and out comes the hate...
Does the originator of the joke matter when you choose to repeat it, repost it, or otherwise pass it on? Or is the content what is important? Or your intent? Or what?
Race with regard to humans is fictitious since we are only one - singular

With regards to any discrimination, with so called racial profiling, stupid people use skin colour as a marker and incorrectly divide humans into various non existent races
You contradict yourself.

On the one hand, you say that "people use skin colour as a marker" - which would be what "race" entails, roughly speaking - but on the other hand you claim that race is fictitious.

Which is it?

retending they are, to avoid your responsibilities - OK I give up. Please provide me with details of
  • how many races there are
  • may as well provide a list of how many genders
  • please provide the medical treatment for each race
  • please provide the medical treatment for each gender
  • please provide the medical treatment for each mix of race + gender combination
and I will attempt to treat everyone equal while attending to their individual needs as per your kindly provided list
In America, the most common racial designations (and self-identifications) include such things as: caucasian, African American, hispanic, native American, Asian. Why do you pretend to be unaware of this?

As for gender, that can be quite fluid. Like race, it is largely a social construct (as opposed to sex, although even there we run into certain complications). Are you really unaware that there are male, female, transgender, people who don't identify as male or female, etc.? I doubt it.

Medical treatments, in many cases but not all, work equally well for all kinds of human beings. Since I am not a medical professional - and apparently you are - I suggest you seek qualified experts to assist you in matters where human variation is particularly sensitive.

Probably you are aware that men and women differ somewhat anatomically. If you are not, please seek further training to learn about medical procedures that are applicable to people of different sex or gender.

The gray region is where the militant PC set up camp maintaining each gender they produce is distinct. Further the claim is made gender can be changed just by them deciding to feel different today
Your failure to appreciate how "gender" is not the same as "sex" is not the fault of any "militant PC".
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Why add "woman" at all. Why not stop at "Thank you"? Why the need to add "love"? Can't you see that some people might take offense at the liberties being taken with that form of address?
Why is your name James? I interact with men and women the same as they interact with me...no hidden agenda, no double meanings, just casual banter which of course will continue.
I don't recall the "grow a pair" comment myself.

I'm in favour of showing them what was wrong, so they can try to do better in future.
No, you need to apply your own standards without giving a second thought to what has been normal every day banter between consenting adults, men and women, young and old.

Would you prefer that nobody is ever criticised when they behave poorly?
The only poor behaviour is obviously by two others with unfounded accusations and disgusting inferences, in line with there own questionable pretentious standards.
Poor paddoboy.
I'm OK James, truly. :D
Even before I split the "everyday sexism" thread off from the original one where all this started, I suggested to paddoboy that he might not want to open up his sexist behaviour for yet another round of careful scrutiny. Please be aware that he wanted to take this matter further.

No legitimate scrutiny just claims and accusations based on standards the majority do not accept. And I'll take it wherever you like James, despite your disguised threats.
Why are some people (old white males, I might venture) getting so defensive and angry about all this? If you have nothing to apologise for, why are you getting so upset?
It's not the white old males that started the threads, rather yourself for reasons pretty obvious.
That he takes inappropriate liberties in some situations is quite clear. That he discriminates on the basis of sex is also clear.
Nup, they are false claims backed up by nothing more then your own ignorance on all the cases I have raised, and the usual philosophical claptrap we here so often in these silly PC arguments.
Previously, he might have been able to claim that he just wasn't aware of the effects of his behaviours, but he can no longer legitimately plead ignorance as an excuse.
The ignorance rests with you James...simply because you were not there...and many other reasons already stated.

Want to rethink it, calmly?

Have you thought it through James?
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Inadvertent, on my part - sorry about that.

The grease for the slide, in my case, was the common base in a presumption that the dubiously behaving individual embodies and controls their society's norms and the justifiable reactions of the people they are dealing with, moment by moment - that whatever implications or meanings they did not consciously intend thereby did not exist, or at least are none of their responsibility.

(That also helps to explain the otherwise odd correlations of the common manifestations of racism and sexism - they predict each other, in a given person, far better than chance allows)
I only just read your reply after writing the posts above. Exactly the point I have been trying to make, only you made it more concisely. Mind you, the people who need to hear this seem to have simple language fly over their heads, so I find I usually have to repeat things in simple words and in different ways to have any hope of getting a message across.
Yes 100% without a second thought. Fijians have a sense of humour and they are able to laugh at themselves as far as being on time is concerned.

:D Exactly James! It's a standing joke in Fiji. You need to get out more! ;)
More proof in the pudding.

Only by your imagined standards. In my community, the standard that applies is normality, by both men, women, young and old.
By "normality", you mean "tradition". Women have historically put up with everyday sexism. It has been going on forever, so why change anything now? You have no problem with it. It's sad.
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I don't think Alex needs you to reply on his behalf.

No, you need to apply your own standards without giving a second thought to what has been normal every day banter between consenting adults, men and women, young and old.
What standards do you think I'm applying here?

Your argument that you're excused because lots of other people behave just as badly as you do doesn't fly, I'm afraid. It didn't work before and it's still not working now.

No legitimate scrutiny just claims and accusations based on standards the majority to not accept.
And again with "the majority". Not that you've even done any polling. Again, you make whatever assumptions are necessary to try to excuse yourself. Your logic is fallacious; even your facts are dubious.

It's not the white old males that started the threads, rather yourself for reasons pretty obvious.
If I hadn't split these threads off, the original discussion would have been completely submerged in your bullshit on this topic.

The ignorance rests with you James...simply because you were not there...and many other reasons already stated.
You're now telling me that I shouldn't take your word for how you behaved, are you? Are you saying you've lied to us all? Surely not.
Follow though

stupid people use skin colour as a marker and incorrectly divide humans into various non existent races

It doesn't matter that there's no sound biological basis for "race". Race exists as a cultural phenomenon. It's actually counter-productive to pretend that it doesn't exist, as you are.

Follow through on your own line. If there's no race, there can be no racism, right? How is that helpful in addressing present realities of people's current lived experiences?