Elvis Sibilia's Philochrony theory of everything




Time is irreversible and inexorable. Time is not only the measurementes done, but all phenomena that have duration. For two relative observers time passes irreversibly and inexorably. In this sense time is absolute.

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Time is irreversible and inexorable. Time is not only the measurementes done, but the phenomena that have duration. For two relative observers time passes irreversibly and inexorably. In this sense time is absolute.



But to energy and then matter this is not true .

Both transform .
In my theory both energy and matter cycle back and forth .

Energy becomes matter , matter becomes energy . Etc... in no particular order of existence .

All forms of energy and matter have existed , have always existed . Together . For infinity .

Saint Augustine said: "If nobody asks me what time is, I know, but if they ask me and I want to explain it, I don't know anymore." We all experience what time is, but it really is not easy to understand, and of course, it is not easy to imagine a world without it, since it would be a world without a present, without movement and without rest.

Physics teaches us that time is a fundamental magnitude and that it is relative. But Physics does not tell us what is the nature of time.

Physics manages time in relation to the movement of bodies in space.

For Philochrony, time is the sequential occurrence of phenomena delimited for a start and an end. The change-interval duality, the magnitive time and the parallelochron explain time.

Saint Augustine was aware of the existence of time, but He did not know how to explain it.

a) The life of a person (changes): perceptible

b) The age of that person (duration): imperceptible and measurable.

Space-time relation:

* interval of space
** interval of time

There are thousands of definitions and meanings about the concept of time, but this magnitude has only one nature. For example, time is the physical magnitude with which we measure the duration of changeable things.

The nature of time is change. The changes of time or transchrony are:
1) Realization: from the future to the present.
2) Remembrance: from the present to the past.
3) Science-fiction: from the future to the past.

Clocks and calendars measure the changes of time directly and the duration of things indirectly. History is the study of the remembrances and Cinematography creates Science-fiction works.

To explain time Isaac Newton said: "Time is like an invisible river in which everything happens". This is a metaphor, but literally time drags everything that happens.

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A physical example of transchrony is the hourglass. The sand of the upper bulb is the future and the sand of the lower bulb is the past. The narrowing is the present.

Black holes, wormholes, parallel universes and now time gates.

1) What is a time gate?
2) Do time gates really exist?
3) Are there one or more time gates?
4) Do particles move out of time gates?

The transchrony is the time gate where realization and remembrance take place. The beginning is the entrance to the time gate and the end is the exit.

The hourglass is the physical representation of the time gate explained in the previous message.

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There are thousands of definitions and meanings about the concept of time, but this magnitude has only one nature. For example, time is the physical magnitude

Define magnitude , as you define it .

Black holes, wormholes, parallel universes and now time gates.

1) What is a time gate?
2) Do time gates really exist?
3) Are there one or more time gates?
4) Do particles move out of time gates?

The transchrony is the time gate where realization and remembrance take place. The beginning is the entrance to the time gate and the end is the exit.

The hourglass is the physical representation of the time gate explained in the previous message.



There is no gate of time . Time does not control anything . Because time is the consequence of physical things movements . Without physical things , time could not exist in measurement nor in thought .

Define magnitude, as you define it .

Magnitude is the property of things in which a unit of measurement can be established.

river said: "There is no gate of time".

Welcome to the time gate.
The time gate is the physical structute present in the universe and which gives origin and death to all things.


Define magnitude, as you define it .

Magnitude is the property of things in which a unit of measurement can be established.

So magnitude is the measurable of a physical thing . That has come into our awareness .

But before this , of the physical measurable , is what . ?
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Define magnitude, as you define it .

Magnitude is the property of things in which a unit of measurement can be established

So magnitude is the measurable of a physical thing . That has come into our awareness .

But before this , of the physical measurable , is what . ?

You can't measure " nothing or no-thing " . Then logically Something exists , Physically . Since Galaxies , Quasars , exist and so does Life exist . All which have Physical Qualities about them ; down to the minutist detail .

To me your thinking is based on the BB ( big-theory of Our Universe ) . Out of nothing comes something . Nothing exists until that point of being able to Measure , IT .

Which I totally disagree with .
Asexperia said:
Magnitude is the property of things in which a unit of measurement can be established

I believe that property is called "a measurable mathematical value" .

And nothing more .

And Which is not extended into understanding reality . Because this " measureable mathematical value " has no real physical existence .
And nothing more .

And Which is not extended into understanding reality . Because this " measureable mathematical value " has no real physical existence .
IMO, it does have a real, albeit relative value. This is why we can represent it with a symbolic number.

The actual number we use to represent the value is a human invention. But an intrinsic value does exist.
river said:
And nothing more .

And Which is not extended into understanding reality . Because this " measureable mathematical value " has no real physical existence .

IMO, it does have a real, albeit relative value. This is why we can represent it with a symbolic number.

The actual number we use to represent the value is a human invention. But an intrinsic value does exist.

Yes but not on its own .

The Symbolic Number represents a physical object and it can represent an imaginary concept .
Yes but not on its own .

The Symbolic Number represents a physical object and it can represent an imaginary concept .
No, the symbolic number represents the actual measurable values (properties) of a physical object. The values are a property of the object, the symbolic cyphers are man-made.

The object itself does not have an awareness of it's inherent value(s) of course, but when interacting with other objects the relative values of each object are critical to their interaction.

Witness; gravity and the behavior exhibited by each object dependent on their individual relative masses and momentum.
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