Eating your greens


Valued Senior Member
It is said to be very good to eat leafy greens. Does this mean that the outer leaves are more nutritious than the inner leaves.

These inner leaves are great for eating raw and you can of course also cook them but are they less nutritious than the outer leaves and is it a question of palatability versus nutritional value?
Eat both: young ones in salad, older ones, sauteed with garlic or pureed in a sauce or chopped up in a soup.
Yes but are the outer leaves more nutritious? I am curious to know

And are the inner leaves basically just flavoured water or do they also contain nutrients?

They have not had sunlight and so I guess they may not contain some nutrients (vitamins? I am no nutritional expert)
As far as I know they both contain the same nutrients. The benefits of the sun and of the root system flow throughout the entire plant.
As far as I know they both contain the same nutrients. The benefits of the sun and of the root system flow throughout the entire plant.
Actually the inner leaves of many lettuces (like iceberg) do not get as much sun, and hence do not contain as many sugars and nutrients.