Earths Magentic Pole - APOD

Discussion in 'Astronomy, Exobiology, & Cosmology' started by (Q), Sep 19, 2004.

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  1. Starthane Xyzth returns occasionally... Valued Senior Member


    given your obviously extensive learning in Earth sciences and chemistry, have you considered devoting a day or two to the study of proper English spelling?

    Maybe I'm being a bit simplistic here: but if magnetic pole reversals are so destructive to biology, changing the fundamental properties of water and the nitrogen/oxygen balance in the atmosphere, surely mass extinctions would happen at virtually every reversal? And since the reversals occur on timescales of only a few hundred millennia, one would think that advanced life could never have evolved on Earth at all.
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  3. DwayneD.L.Rabon Registered Senior Member

    Your right I think I should increase my spelling, I don't really have a excuse other than I use a dictionary when I think that the spelling is to far from familuarity. I see things more phoneitcal, so as long as the words give the near and right sound I figure its ok, they will at least be able to understand me with a little effort.

    I think that current human intelligence or advanced life is a beautiful thing that is for sure. I also see it that the motion of the electromagnetic feild is responsible for the gain of human intelligence and advancement in writting and math, and a faster thought proccess. The deminishing electromagnetic feild will cause a decrease in human growth and thinking ablity, nearly reducing humans to a primate capacity.
    The level of inportance that the magnetic feild plays in human intelligence and growth, leads me to belive that in the past on earth there was advanced intelligent life, wheather/if they where destroyed in the last magnetic reversal or we are a result of, what is remaint of that former intelligent life is a question that could be looked at closer. it is the magnetic feild that raises the intelligence of life and then destroyes it in a magentic pole reversal. I know that humans at one time looked nothing like what we do today but that does not define the point of human advancement in a world prior to the last magnetic pole reversal.
    The biblical story of NOAH, is one that has a remarkable simularity to a magnetic pole reversal, so it has a tend to lend to the idea that present humans are a off shoot from a world exsiting prior a magnetic pole reversal. For some time i was under the inpression that the current alien sightings ect.... could actually be a former race from earth that remained for the most part hidden either in water or in the sky, which adpated differently due to their ablity to contain themselves in a controlled enviroment of a period of 500 or so years, in which they adapted seperatly from others of their type namely humans, as humans had to adapt with out a controlled enviroment, which would cause much more adaption and change in structure and namely appearnce as opposed to what would be experience in controlled enviroment.
    Given the different popular pictures it defintly became clear to me that they fit the picture if anything as the physical design of there bodies ect... carried biological signatures that are primarily of this solar system. So then as the chimpanzee and other apes, are considered to be genetically simular by 5% ect.., humans would be 5% simular to those aliens. It is hard for me to see the body form of aliens in popular pictures as from another planet or solar system.
    in addtion it seem to me that the last polar reversal was probably a little more gentle in atmosphereic terms than the one are present race will exsperince. The survial rate for them was probably higher making adaption easier and therefor current human exist. they more than likly had a stronger magnetic feild than we do so there would have still been some difficult holes to jump through.
    As well I guess I should mention that from what I can understand of the our motion though the galaxy life has only been possible for about say 40,000 years, and we have about 10,000 more years on this earth, before chemistry changes making life possible only by artifical means, meaning with out natural enviroment. In that remaing time humans must learn to controll the motion of the earth its planets and its sun and are closest solar neighbor Alpha Centauri, thats a lot to wrap up in 10,000 years.

    This magnetic pole reversal is the proving ground that decides if humans get to be come a space empire, to actually make it to that foot hold the human race would have to carry the entire current world population through a magnetic pole reversal,given are current design of civilization, and propelling over the next 10,000 years would take every single body on this planet today, without becoming a completely artifical species such as derived from clones ect.....

    Little better spelling

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    Dwayne D.L.Rabon

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    Last edited: Nov 16, 2004
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  5. Starthane Xyzth returns occasionally... Valued Senior Member

    So the next reversal will either kill everyone, or turn us all back into apemen?

    Interesting thoughts about UFOs: but if there were much earlier civilisations on Earth, highly advanced technological societies existing before the last pole reversal (and maybe yet others before the previous one?), surely we would have found fossilised traces of their cities, machines, and civil engineering?

    Your suggestion about the unknown human prehistory reminds me of another recent thread.
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  7. DwayneD.L.Rabon Registered Senior Member

    Well i think that if humans prepare we have a good chance of making it, through this next pole reversal and into the next 5,000 to 8,000 years, we have the technology to do, we just need to apply it.

    Well maybe a few pieces, but a magnetic pole reversal would be very hard on any fixed structure to the point that any pieces would probably be like a broken glass.
    absorbed by the earth and weathered to the point that they look like mineral ore, or natural deposits, are now mined and apart of somes car or toaster.
    The best bet would probably be on the ocean floor, which would be badly erroded by the corrosive sea water.
    But in looking at humans we could look at some trait that has been present in social behavior for centuries. such as brick with high phosphate content, used as a solar cell, they are long shots that don't give a physical relic.

    To mention a prior advanced race would have a enviromental atmosphere that contained one of the following elelments in abundance either argon,neon,krypton, xenon, given the vaules of precentages Argon is the element that was a condtion of their atmophere. i have yet to look at argon and its effects in the human body.
    it may just be that a argon nitorgen atmopshere was there condtion of life breathing gas and with argon evaported they didied off, and humans that where more like seals living on oxygen and nitrogen ect......
    As nitrogen is a key element in DNA nitrogen seems to have been a predominate condtion of enviroment, so i assume that a previous species must have been based on nitrogen to say the least.

    once again traces of enviroment, but no relic

    I would have to assume though in the condtions of a magnetic pole reversal that a advance race would either jump into the sea with its hardware or travel to the moon and dig in but atmopheric pressures would seem to push them upward, nitrogen and argon atmophere oriented would force them sky ward, however a hydrogen oriented species could function on all levels underpressure at the bottome of the ocean, in space, or in the sky or land.

    Question, its a lot to actually look to form a solid opinon. but a human relative would have nitrogen orientation.

    what would be your view.


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    Last edited: Oct 27, 2004
  8. geodesic "The truth shall make ye fret" Registered Senior Member

    Nitrogen could not possibly work as a 'breathing gas', the n-n triple bond is too stable.
    And, as guthrie points out, nitrogen and oxygen are not separate in the atmosphere.
    By the way, if the oxygen content of the atmosphere is above ~40%, the human body is flammable. I think that's the kind of thing we'd notice.
  9. DwayneD.L.Rabon Registered Senior Member

    Ok, Geodesic
    Well according to my surgens manual "Clinical experience suggests that oxyeg concentrations of 50% or higher are likly to produce serious pulmonary damage due to "oxygen toxicity" when used for more than 2 days."
    "Pulmonary oxygen toxicity- Pulmonary toxicity from O2 does not occur with inspired air concentration of less than 50%. Since it is difficult or impossible to achieve higher concentrations for a significant length of time without tracheostomy or with an endtracheal tube in place, pulmonary toxicity is not a concern with the standard meathods of oxygen administration."
    "Oxygen from a cylinder or wall supply is completely dry and must be passed through a humidifier to prevent drying of the airway mucosa."
    "Flames and sparks must be kept away from high oxygen atmospheres"

    I have a complete description of various meathods of the applications of oxygen to the human.

    Well i did not refer to nitrogen as a sustainable breathing gas, even so humans breath nitrogen with every breath normal dry air(ordinary air) is composed of 78% Nitrogen and 21% Oxygen however at the ocean side the oxygen content is inceased slightly to a range of 35% Oxygen and 65% Nitrogen. In the general balance of the day nitrogen and oxygen percentages changes in the air we breath, but the most significant chnage in that balance is the differences between night and day, where during the day as the atmophere warms up from sun light the nitrogen exspans and rises to higher elevations leaving a atmosphere of higher concentrations of oxygen during the day, as the atmosphere cools during the evening the nitrogen settles and there is a increase in the % of nitrogen in the air we breath.
    A situation in which a person is trap in a high nitrogen % content atmosphere and breaths servral gusts of that purer nitrogen will suffer from suffication, as nitorgen pushes oxygen out of the lungs.

    Clothing will increase in fammablity as well probably many other substances.

    The event of of which I mention the seperation of nitrogen and oxygen from the atmosphere, is in regard to the function of the atmosphere without a magnetic feild, without a magnetic feild the two different moleclues will seperate. They where never a single molecule, nitrogen and oxygen have always been seperate molecules that are are mixed in the atmosphere.
    given the event of a remaint magnetic feild the mixture of oxygen and nitrogen will occur at surface level but in such a way where the mixture is unstable. meaning that at any time pure oxygen my be inspired, and in the nect breath pure nitrogen and in the next a mixture. The rate of this variable condtion will be different at different places on the earth, in most places pure oxygen, at other places a variable balance, and other places strong gust of pure nitrogen that may last for 20 minutes to a hour followed by variable balances of oxygen and pure oxygen. The general condtions will change with each valley, basin, mountain, hill, and hill side.
    The compression of atmosphere as a result of oxygens magnetic attraction to the remaint feild, will cause for high concentrations of oxygen and nitrogen. Where the event of oxygen and nitrogen to become magnetic will cause a increase in atmospheric pressure,this occurs as the remaint magnetic feild travels vertical, and is localized to a given area, Square mile, basin, mountain ect... .and oxygen and nitrogen are polarized/polar responsive to this vertical remaint feild.

    Magnetic pole reversals

    Dwayne D.L.Rabon

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    Last edited: Oct 28, 2004
  10. DwayneD.L.Rabon Registered Senior Member

    As mentioned before the result of increased pressure cause by the polarization of nitrogen and oxygen by the remaint magnetic feild, will cause a large increase in atmosphereic pressure making it difficult for survial, and difficult as well for the intergity of capsules designed for sheltering humans through the magnetic pole reversal.
    in addtion to the increase in pressure the the presence of these atmospheric gases in purity will cause problems in respiration for humans, and at least oxygen will be under conversion to water. and it is quite possible that nitrogen in its denstiy may be out of reach of humans to maniuplate to form a breathing gas sustaining life.
    These fact of events in a magnetic pole reversal make the distribution of atmospheric gases one of inportance, It then takes place that humans must devise a means to safe guard life, and to increase the chances of survial, here in regards to atmosphere it becomes key to events that steps be taken to reduce the weight of atmosphere and produce a means by which to produce a breathing gas. As oxygen will be under converstion into water and the oxygen in our atmophere will be contained by the over proccess in the reservoirs of the oceans, to some exstent nitrogen will be dissolved and fall in to the reservoirs of our oceans, how this proccess will take some time to occur and the in the remaining time a large atmopsheric pressure will be the event to contend with. As the earths atmosphere is composed mostly of nitrogen some 70% plus it serves to the beneift to to remove nitrogen from the atmopshere and dissolve it in the world oceans reduceing the cause of increased pressure in a magnetic pole reversal and suppling humans with a reservior of nitrogen to exstarxt and manipulte for a breathing gas. this is the reasonable appraoch as the the worlds oxygen will be converted in to water by occuring forces of the pole reversal requireing humans to exstact oxygen from the oceans, it is there for best suited to place the nitrogen in the oceans with the oxygen provideing one place for the source of breathing gases.
    Over time this will prevent losing nitrogen burnt off into space and will overtime replace the same elements to the atmosphere for breathing when the magnetic pole reversal has been completed.

    In general the atmosphere contains about 717,590,016,000,000,000,000 cu. ft of atmosphere. removing the entire atmosphere to the oceans would require 951,290 years removing 22,000,000 cu.ft a minute. to the oceans.
    Fourtunately the removal 23% of that value is not nessacary as oxygen will be converted naturally by the proccess of the pole reversal. still it would require 713,467 years at the rate of the above stated removal per. min.
    The removal of 40 to 50% of the nitrogen in our atmosphere would allow a balance for current life on the surface of earth and provide protection from exsterme atmospheric pressures in the onset of the magnetic pole reversal. still this would require 356,733 years to complete.
    Overall the rate of removal of nirtogen from the atmosphere can be greatly increased from its early given rate of 22,000,000 cu.ft per. minute.
    Where the need rate for removal in one year is 7,848,142,000,000 cu.ft. per. minute.

    Magnetic pole reversals

    Dwayne D.L.Rabon

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    Last edited: Nov 2, 2004
  11. geodesic "The truth shall make ye fret" Registered Senior Member

    Oxygen, phosphorus and hydrogen are also key elements in DNA, must previous species have been based on those elements as well?
    As to using nitrogen as a respirative gas, I thought I read that in one of your posts, but can't find it now. Ooops

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    Finally, you mention the compression of the atmosphere with the collapse of the Earth's magnetic field. Where is the energy for this process coming from?
  12. Starthane Xyzth returns occasionally... Valued Senior Member

    Since all living organisms on Earth use nucleic acids based on nitrogen, phosphorus & hydrogen, I think we can assume that all past organisms also used them. Ultimately, all Earthly life may have a single origin - from viruses to bacteria to humans to trees to toadstools - but there is no common ancestor of all 5 kingdoms in over 3.5 billion years. Plus, they all use the same nucleic acid bases: guanine, cytosince, adenine, thymine, and uracil (for RNA) - but completely different bases could work just as well. A separate genesis somewhere might have been expected to involve others.

    And only nitrogen-fixing bacteria use gaseous nitrogen in their metabolism, as far as I know. To all other life, it is inert.
  13. MRC_Hans Skeptic Registered Senior Member

    The most amazing thing about all this is that Dwayne has been at this for over a year, now. Writing long gibberish posts filled with technobabble.

    I cannot help wondering how such chaotic minds manage to survive everyday chores, like eating, not bumping into things (and avoid being run over, assuming they are free to walk the streets).


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  14. Starthane Xyzth returns occasionally... Valued Senior Member

    Chaotic minds meander like that because everyday chores do not provide sufficient stimulation to use up all their attention. Dwayne is obviously pretty smart, though his ideas are somewhat unconventional - and not very well systemised.

    You oughta tidy your thoughts up into a coherent theory, Wayne, and publish it! There is always a market for the unorthodox.
  15. DwayneD.L.Rabon Registered Senior Member

    Well Uh, Intresting opinions

    In general I would suppose that a event such as the magnetic pole reversal, is quite Chaotic, and there are many points even to just one event occuring, whats worse is that there are more than just one event. plenty of means to go astray. even what i have said already in my various post is subject to several changes, for example the role of gravity and its changes during a magnetic pole revesal, as a event it would change certain condtions for example the role of nitrogen and its effect in atmospheric pressure, and its seperation from oxygen, and it elevation.

    I am sure that pumping 40% of earths nitrogen into the oceans is considered unorthodox, but the fact remains that no matter how unpopular it would be to politicans and the general public, it is a means to provide a way for a increase in the number of people that could survive during a magnetic pole reversal, there really is no alternative in considering the survial of the people of the world. I am sure that some would mention something like the CO2 levels and nitrogen levels will provide a means for plant life as plant life thrives on such a atmosphere, but this will not satisfiy the need or security of humans trying to survive in a magnetic pole reversal, it might how ever reduce the dependance of humans on aquatic life such as fish, so such a inferrence is warrented only in subscribing that the levels of nitrogen to be pumped into the oceans be reduced to say 30%. Others may argue that pumping the 40% of earths nitorgen into the sea is unpractical because it would rise the worlds oceans, sea level some 1,400 ft. however what is to happen when due to the increase in solar energy arrival the nitrogen of the earths atmosphere is elevated some 30 miles out of human reach, and nitrogen can not be found to provide the balance and inspiration exspansion pressures of the lungs. Still others will say the earths oceans can not hold 40% of the earths atmospheric nitrogen where in the nitrogen would then be subject to tempiture increases, and compose 1/11th of the oceanor so. well to ofer a allternative and a means by which to inprove survival of humans in thier capsules it would seem feasable that pumping the nitrogen into the polar water regions of the world will decease the escape ratio of the gas and exist to cap it in the artic and ti matintain it in circulation in the antartic current.
    Moving the atmopshere may seem unconventional but much of the earths atmopshere could be moved by some of are humans jet engines, mounted on a ocean oil platform, a electric arc, with a simple tube to the oceans sea floor. this is by no means costly to any organized goverment, really the largest water pump in the worl pumps 22,000,000 cu.ft. of water per minute. moving air is over 500 times faster.

    So actually I think the proper word is unusal rather than unconventional, but however a magnetic pole reversal is unusal after all.

    As for being at this for a year, if i was not otherwise preoccupied i be building a capsule prototype for the survial of such a event, if not for my use then for my childs use that my child may survive such a event and if not him then my grand childs ect... under any event i see the magnetic pole reversal as happing in my life time. And before i am done i will have sent a letter to various goverments of the world with repsect to the insueing magnetic pole reversal and survival of thier populations. As to my postion i see it that presently it seems goverments do not take the event seriously and many scientist wish to argue, therefore i know that i need to build my capsule for the worse condtions that may exist in a pole reversal, as it is appearant that the goverment being aware would act in precation to safe garurd life but as they are scattered and exsiting to be rendered in a chaotic state due to reference and those that inform them, I have to look out for my self and mine.

    I wrote a few web post for those that are or might be concerned, have a question of what is the occurance of a magnetic pole reversal what might happed can i take a precaution. I will write another one!!!!!

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    magnetic pole reversals


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    Last edited: Nov 4, 2004
  16. geodesic "The truth shall make ye fret" Registered Senior Member

    What has gravity got to do with a magnetic pole reversal?
  17. DwayneD.L.Rabon Registered Senior Member

    Ok, geodesic

    In a magnetic pole reversal the earth with shrink, have a collaspe that results in the decrease of the earths diameter. The earth diameter will shrink about 80 miles, 40 miles in each hemishpere. As well the surface of the world(circumfrence) will shrink about 250 miles. The earths atmosphere will shrink as well, about 10% or 6 miles. (depending on where you consider the end of the earths atmosphere, for some that is 600 miles above the earths surface which would give a collapse of 60 miles.)
    These events increase the density of materials on earths including thremal properties, but in relation to gravity , as mass to a given square centimeter increases so does the function of gravity increase.
    The increase in density and gravity will cause increased pressure on materials in the interior of the earth causeing it to become plyable, or molten, this inturn allows crustal plate movement, and causes volcanic activity. In general crustal plate movement and deformation uplifts,such as that resposible for many of the earths mountain ranges like the Rocky Mts. range or the Himalayan Mts. ect... are 3 times as strong as as that of volcanic forces.
    The event of decrease in circumfrence of the earth is like a slice of the earth about 250 miles wide and exstending to the earths core. This action regarding shrinkage of the circumfrence is destroted over the surface of the earth, causing land masses to rise as contients, and mountian ranges.
    The event of a decrease in diameter of the earth of some 40 miles, is the offset of land mass riseing in the earth due to circumfrence forces, but is responsible for the volcanic activity, such as super volcanos, and volcanic ranges as well sinkage of land masses, and increased ocean depths.
    It will also be responsible for the permanet failure of earths magnetic feild at some time or eventually. As eventually it will cause thermal tempitures to increase within the core of earth to disrupt formation of the magnetic feild. (melt the earths core.)

    Is average per cubic mile, the mile will decrease 52.8 ft in lenght and 17.6 ft in height. a more appliable avergae would be decrease the length by a factor of 2 giving length and width at some 22 ft in length by 22ft in width,providing a varible height of 9 ft in lift and 9 ft in decent to the cubic miles as a average of mass in motion per mile under change.
    The cumlative change would require multipying this one variable factor of a cubic mile time the number of cubic miles in the earth. (50% up 50 down?)
    To find the total displacment of mass that will occurr take the cube 22 by 22 by 17 and multiply by the cubic miles in the earth. Total mass of earth displaced should be about 2,598,756,200 cubic miles. Overall the up ward push shoud be 3 times that of the downward collaspe.

    Gravity as a function of density and mass will chnage in this manner.

    *Area equal to 250 miles is about the size of the width of Sweden and Norway combined.

    Gravity has other effects as well based on its force rather than displacment of mass such as atoms under a increase in density as occurrs in land disuptions.

    Magnetic pole reversals

    Dwayne D.L.Rabon

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    Last edited: Nov 5, 2004
  18. DwayneD.L.Rabon Registered Senior Member

    To provide some presective,

    The Earths surface is about 196,937,600 Sq.miles, And the mass of earth to be displaced is 2,598,756,200 cubic miles,Thats about 13 times the surface area of the earth. If the total force was applied to the surface one inch or centimeter would be pushed up to a hieght of 13 inches or centimeters.

    Understanding this effect of a magnetic pole reversal, it is easy to understand the formation of hills and mountains, valleys and rolling landscapes of earths surface. it also shows that the earths surface is rearranged nearly completely with each magnetic pole reversal.
    Currently in my opinion it seems that the majority of the collapse travels in one direction north to south , having a self induced motion or secondary motion that travels east to west? It would appear as well that most new land formation as a result will occur in the southern hemisphere.?

    The point to keep in focus is that in addtion to the earths land reformation, the earths oxygen atmosphere will be converted to water in a period of 46 years flooding the earth in 2,400 ft water world wide. And that as a result of land formation and volcanic activity the earth atmopshere will contain sulfur and CO2 in large percentages.

    A few additional notes for comparison, the average height of land is about 2,500 ft and the average ocean floor depth is 11,500 ft, the total land contour from height to depth is a average of 14,000 ft, showing the rate of chnage since the last magnetic pole reversal, This does not consider the reshaping of depth and eleveation due to massive ice age that occurs during the magnetic pole reversal.

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    Here in the above map is a very good example of the redistribution of land during a magnetic pole reversal, where in the higher elevations of land are in one hemisphere of the globe.
    On earth the event of flooding caused by atmosphereic oxygen being converted to water from solar particles will result in ice sheet and glacier coverage across much of the earths surface, to about the 30 latitude, later when these ice bodies melt they will carve out the surface terrain in the high elevation, and in lower elevation deepen the terrain to form ocean beds/ocean floors.

    Magnetic pole reversals


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    Last edited: Nov 9, 2004
  19. DwayneD.L.Rabon Registered Senior Member

    Skipping a few chapters, and taking a look at when we can exspect the event of a magnetic pole reversal.
    The magnetic pole reversal occurs when the magnetic pole of earth reaches the rotational axis of the earth. currently the magnetic poles is located about 8 degrees from the geographic notrh pole, the actaul axis of the earth earth remains unspecified, some refer to its location at 87 degrees northwest, and some 87 degrees northeast, as the earth wobbles it is assumable that the axis must wobbles as well, changing its locations.
    What has been made clear is that the magnetic poles are increaseing in motion as would be exspected with its proxcimity to the earhts rotational axis. which given the daily motion of the earths wobble would make the axis ruffly about 9 miles by 9 miles, or 81 miles sq. as a assumed figure of its physical boundries. it would be at this point of intersection that the magnetic poles would collapse causing a magnetic pole reversal.
    At the current postion of the magnetic poles so 8 degrees(560 miles) from the physical axis, it becomes clear that no matter how it is looked at the magnetic pole reversal will occur soon. The present motion of the magnetic pole(correct me if I am wrong) is about 12 kilometers a year or 6.8 miles a year, giveing a time frame of 82 years before reaching the physcial north pole, giving a addtional 10 years for curviture of the magnetic poles travel due to induction by the axis, some 92 years. this period of 92 years is undoubtly reduced by the increase in motion of the magnetic poles motion as it motion will increase as it gains proxcimity to the earths rotation axis. there are many calculations for the rate of increase due to induction by the axis of earth, the most reasonable figure would give a date of about 2039, with the earliest occuring in 2012.

    Magnetic pole reversals

    Dwayne D.L.Rabon

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    Last edited: Nov 9, 2004
  20. MRC_Hans Skeptic Registered Senior Member

    Psssst! Dwayne! The lower map is from Mars.

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  21. DwayneD.L.Rabon Registered Senior Member

    Yes i know, but it best descrides the effect of land redistibution in a magnetic pole reversal.

    I have to assume with out doubt that mars had a magnetic feild, and exsperinced a magnetic feild reversal, which was either its last or that it might have a possiblle return. The signture of land redistribution in a magnetic pole reversal is quite distinct you can't really miss it.

    The present topoagraphy of earth is strikingly simular, althoguh each land redistrbution of land is in oppsing hemispheres, this aspect leads me to belive that there might be a slightly different pattern in earths next magnetic pole reversal given present land distribution, but thats not a given in any sense.

    For those intrested you can make a comaprison of the two maps, the one below and the one in the previous post. You have to remember that earth has water that has carved out various areas by means of glaciers and ice sheets melting ect....

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    Magnetic pole reversals

    Dwayne D.L.Rabon

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    Last edited: Nov 9, 2004
  22. mercurio 9th dan seppuku sensei Registered Senior Member

    "The Earths surface is about 196,937,600 Sq.miles, And the mass of earth to be displaced is 2,598,756,200 cubic miles,Thats about 13 times the surface area of the earth. If the total force was applied to the surface one inch or centimeter would be pushed up to a hieght of 13 inches or centimeters."

    Ahem. Square miles and cubic miles are slightly different properties...

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  23. mercurio 9th dan seppuku sensei Registered Senior Member

    So your calculations are only off by a factor thousand or so (your original 'calculation' was also having it totally backwards there - even with your error in mind it would have 'made' 1.3 centimeters) . Make it 13 meters. Or yards. Does your theory suffer, or does it take such minor book-keeping details in its stride and make even bolder statements possible?

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