"Earthquake Los Angeles"

Discussion in 'Politics' started by Baron Max, Sep 3, 2005.

  1. Fukushi -meta consciousness- Registered Senior Member

    What about the ozone hole,...what can we do? what should we do? What about the fishes in the sea? should we just let the fisherman deal with them, it's their bussiness anyhow right? What about nuclear waste? Oh well, let's sell it to libia, they have enough medical nuclear waste already to make thousands of dirty bombs, yet they didn't, so they can handle this too right? what about insurance? Oh, well, just raise it, and make it obliged to have one by law, heheheh sick hé?! No, not at all,....

    Uh-oh: there's a flooding,...

    Oh well: fuk'em don't send food, water or anything else,..oh no, wait: SEND TROOPS: KILL EM !!!! :|
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  3. TruthSeeker Fancy Virtual Reality Monkey Valued Senior Member

    Baron, I was responding to your implicit argument that the Katrina disaster could not have been prevented. That is an assumption, so I apologize if I'm not correct.

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