Dumb Question About Trees Falling in a Fores

Discussion in 'General Philosophy' started by lixluke, Sep 29, 2006.

  1. S.A.M. uniquely dreadful Valued Senior Member

    Straw dogs.
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  3. superluminal I am MalcomR Valued Senior Member

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  5. S.A.M. uniquely dreadful Valued Senior Member

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  7. superluminal I am MalcomR Valued Senior Member

  8. cole grey Hi Valued Senior Member

    Not acceptable.

    Try wrapping your mind around this one (you too sam)-

    Our conception of a "sound" is a neuronal activity which occurs in the brain, a particular organization of synaptic impulses which humankind has collectively agreed to call, an "idea", and furthermore, "the idea of sound". It is in this way much more similar to the concepts of "tree", "animal", and "forest", for example, which are also organizations of activity in the brain, than any soundwave, or physical movement of cilia, could ever be.
    This concept describes energy which is organized in a paricular way, i.e., a wave transmitted through a medium, which is capable of being heard.
    Nobody can effectively argue that this is not one of the acceptable definitions of "sound".
    The energy in a soundwave is intrinsically different than the organization of energy within the brain which is the "concept" of sound. Soundwaves consist of pressure variations in a medium, brain activity consists of electrical impulses transmitted between neurons.
    Sonic energy can be converted to electrical energy by any number of devices which can reorganize electrical states to produce changes based on the input of the pressure wave - microphones are one example, an eardrum is another - but by no means can we say the pressure waves and electrical impulses are the same thing, but rather that one is a representation of the other in a different medium.

    Definitions -
    Electrical energy is not pressure.
    Pressure is not electrical energy.
    Concepts are not sounds.
    Sounds are not concepts.
    Concepts are concepts.
    Sounds are sounds.
  9. S.A.M. uniquely dreadful Valued Senior Member

    So you differentiate between the pressure waves and electrical impulses interpreting the waves?
  10. cole grey Hi Valued Senior Member

    My ideas here are of little importance to anyone obviously, so you must ask Samcdkey, (and Leo must ask Leo), the same question.

    Do you think electrical impulses and pressure waves are the same, or different, forms of energy?

    Of course I know what your answer is already.
    Different, of course.

    Therefore brain activity is different from any form of energy which might be swirling around us. In some cases it is the best representation available to us, in other cases machines do a much better job at the conversion process, either way - the conversion process is a conversion process which is occurring even when there is total silence, the mental process is a mental process, and the physical process is a physical one.
  11. S.A.M. uniquely dreadful Valued Senior Member


    Then we are in complete agreement.

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    Interesting how we "accept" that there are ranges not accessible to us and at the same time "accept" that they also belong to the same phenomenon (ultrasound as sound) once converted by us.
  12. cole grey Hi Valued Senior Member

    Unless you would say that the tree doesn't make a sound, haha.

    I was personally fascinated by the article about birds seeing uv light, and how while we can map a bee's experience of sight into 3 levels and approximate its depth of vision, we cannot even translate what a bird would see into a visual that we can process.

    We can't even convert that phenomenon into anything but a concept.
  13. leopold Valued Senior Member

    it doesn't.
  14. cole grey Hi Valued Senior Member

    I know YOU don't think so.
    And I know YOU don't think the answer is "maybe", either.
    You have expressed a very strong opinion.

    Please read my definitions again.
    And ask yourself the question about differing forms of energy.
  15. S.A.M. uniquely dreadful Valued Senior Member

    You're contradicting yourself. The perception of sound (electrical impulses) is separate from the tree falling and generating the soundwaves.

    You said it yourself: what we cannot translate is meaningless.
  16. imaplanck. Banned Banned

    Bingo! maybe you are approaching enlightenment Daniel son. The big question is - "Will your ego allow you to behold you were wrong?"
  17. S.A.M. uniquely dreadful Valued Senior Member

    Cogito, ergo sum.
  18. imaplanck. Banned Banned

    You cant be pretty and expect to think aswell, surely?
  19. S.A.M. uniquely dreadful Valued Senior Member

    That attitude is the reason most men end up with a foot in mouth syndrome when arguing with me.

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  20. (Q) Encephaloid Martini Valued Senior Member

    You need to take a break from here, you're delirious.
  21. imaplanck. Banned Banned

    Is that the only male appendage you put in your mouth Sam?

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  22. S.A.M. uniquely dreadful Valued Senior Member

    Are you my mother now ? :bugeye:
  23. S.A.M. uniquely dreadful Valued Senior Member

    It has been the bane of my existence to see in a second what it takes people years to conclude.

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