dreams, who can help me with what some of my dreams mean


Registered Senior Member
i know dreams are very symbolic and most things mean something totaly different
i used to take my dreams pretty literally until i foudn what some symbols meant, and they really made sense with what was going on with my life

i would like to get more into lucid dreaming but it takes alot of work for me
ive gotten to the point wehre i can remember my dreams for the entire night and all that
but havent really bean able to do much lucid dreaming yet

but anyways just the other nigth i had some pretty messed up dreams if anyone is interested
johny_israel said:
i know dreams are very symbolic and most things mean something totaly different
Dreams tend to mean you are either
1. Asleep
2. Lazy
johny_israel said:
i would like to get more into lucid dreaming but it takes alot of work for me
We all know how much work it takes to be asleep
johny_israel said:
ive gotten to the point wehre i can remember my dreams for the entire night and all that
Of all the skills you could aquire, what is the point!!!

THE hard part.... is reaising that you are dreaming... while asleep.

once you wake up... without waking up.... you can lucid dream.

Dreams are wonderful, dreams open doors to new perceptions and ideas. Dreams should be the second life we all live, there is so much biological purpose in dreaming. Dream and make that dream come true in this world some called "real". For me both world are just as real.
I can analyse dreams if you'd like to elaborate about what you were dreaming, I need the following information:

specific memorable imagry however seeming irrelevant: ie colours, plants, objects, animals, sensations, every detail.

meanwhile do you take drugs?
Are you asking me if I take drugs? lol.... no I dont take drugs. Why? If someone like me declares that dreams are awsome part of life, that means that person takes drugs?
Noooooooooooooo, I wouldn't be dream analyst if I thought that now would I?

It's just that drugs may affect your dreams, so not much that I can help you with if your mental state has been altered, so tell me about your most puzzling dream.
Theoryofrelativity said:
Meanwhile I guess you are being attacked in few of your dreams right?

huh? attacked in my dreams? no, never. In fact I love dreaming so much because I dream of beautiful things, and no not just sex, I dream of beautifull architecture, mountains, water, planets. I dream of flying, I often become part of a developing storyline, and never does it include anything violent. My dreams do tend to be a bit gloomy, meaning not many people are there, but the dreams are revelations themselves, there is so much I see in these dreams and I love what I see because it is something new I havent thought before.

I had many dreams that I remember. In one of my dreams I and my friends are traveling in a car that uses railroad tracks to travel, and I decide to stay behind them and catch up to them by flying. The whole dream is about this. Another dream is where I am a student in a university and I am curious and walk around the many hallways in the university and come upon an elevator. I come inside the elevator and press an unfamiliar button K3 or something like that and the elevator is made of glass, so I see everything around me, all the levels of the building. The elevator at first ascends to the topmost floor but then after it does so it moves horizontally away from the building very fast at speed of jet plane and I realize that the elevator is moving in a specially designed bridge that connects two separate buildings.
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Theoryofrelativety I never said my dreams were messed up. I think you are referring to johny_israel the maker of this post.
draqon said:
I In one of my dreams I and my friends are traveling in a car that uses railroad tracks to travel, and I decide to stay behind them and catch up to them by flying. The whole dream is about this. QUOTE]

Ok, these dreams are kind of related in terms of your sense of self and your peers.

I would say that in your student life, you feel that you 'hide your light under a bushel' this means that while you feel you have have greater 'gifts' than your friends you generally prefer to let the group lead than lead it yourself but this is your choice not a weakness and when you wish to lead you do so subtly in a way that is not obvious to them but you still achieve your aim. You may not get any recognition though as a result of your 'subtlety'.
draqon said:
Theoryofrelativety I never said my dreams were messed up. I think you are referring to johny_israel the maker of this post.

yeh, correct sorry! let me know view re first dream interprettaion and then i'll do second.
Theoryofrelativity said:
draqon said:
I In one of my dreams I and my friends are traveling in a car that uses railroad tracks to travel, and I decide to stay behind them and catch up to them by flying. The whole dream is about this. QUOTE]

Ok, these dreams are kind of related in terms of your sense of self and your peers.

I would say that in your student life, you feel that you 'hide your light under a bushel' this means that while you feel you have have greater 'gifts' than your friends you generally prefer to let the group lead than lead it yourself but this is your choice not a weakness and when you wish to lead you do so subtly in a way that is not obvious to them but you still achieve your aim. You may not get any recognition though as a result of your 'subtlety'.

:eek: ur good...that exactly how I am.
well I havent finished that dream... After travelling in that glass elevator. The building I came from is far away that I cant see it and the elevator stops in another building that as I discover is some sort of federal building, I then walk and look around and see many people busy in their office rooms. Then a man tells me that if I dont want to be caught I better come with him, so I go with him and we jump from the 1st floor open window and go into a car, and as he drives away I can sense that we are being chased. He then brings me to the other side of town and tells me it is safe and then drives away leaving me there.
draqon said:
Another dream is where I am a student in a university and I am curious and walk around the many hallways in the university and come upon an elevator. I come inside the elevator and press an unfamiliar button K3 or something like that and the elevator is made of glass, so I see everything around me, all the levels of the building. The elevator at first ascends to the topmost floor but then after it does so it moves horizontally away from the building very fast at speed of jet plane and I realize that the elevator is moving in a specially designed bridge that connects two separate buildings.

This is a good dream, shows your ambition and desire for uneartly and earthly knowledge of things around you, you have an attitude of 'there's more to life than this' about you, which is good.
You feel you see 'more' than others see, you feel you see 'beyond' what others see and you wish to see more, but also there is some insecurity in that you feel others 'see' you in same way that you see 'inside' them. (This will make sense to you but not to other posters!)

Now while you crave greater knowedge you are being grounded in the form of another institution that is equally meaningful to you to your universtiy life? perhaps religious building? home? You don't tell me how you feel in your dream when going horizontally, if its good feeling or bad? But your ambitions are being limited by this second physcial or mental institution. Whether this is good or bad or not depends on your feelings and what is going on in your life at present time.
How do I feel when I travel horizontally in that elevator? I feel amazed and delighted, a bit scared thou, but certainly delighted that I have discovered this elevator.
draqon said:
well I havent finished that dream... After travelling in that glass elevator. The building I came from is far away that I cant see it and the elevator stops in another building that as I discover is some sort of federal building, I then walk and look around and see many people busy in their office rooms. Then a man tells me that if I dont want to be caught I better come with him, so I go with him and we jump from the 1st floor open window and go into a car, and as he drives away I can sense that we are being chased. He then brings me to the other side of town and tells me it is safe and then drives away leaving me there.

ah only just saw this after posting above reply, so basically then you feel your ambitions are being restricted by some expectation that you settle for a job that you will find restrictive and confining and you do not seek it, maybe you want more than your student course offers you?
Theoryofrelativity said:
ah only just saw this after posting above reply, so basically then you feel your ambitions are being restricted by some expectation that you settle for a job that you will find restrictive and confining and you do not seek it, maybe you want more than your student course offers you?

well thats what I am trying to do, do more then the courses. I organized a team to work on a project on aerospace engineering competition so that NASA recognizes me and I get to work in NASA someday. It's a competition, I am hoping me and my teammates will win.

You know you interpret very well, but what you say is exactly what I am, don't dreams supposed to teach me something and not just state what I am in life. I see dreams for two purposes: because they are very interesting and second because they reveal something to me. But what you have said tells me everything about myself and nothing into what I should change about myself. Or am I expecting too much from my dreams?