Donation to Abort Black Babies


Morning in America
Registered Senior Member
Planned parenthood is embarrassed about recordings that have been released in which a donor calls wanting to make a donation with the stipulation that the money only be used to abort black babies because "the fewer blacks, the better".
On the recording provided by The Advocate, an actor portraying a donor said he wanted his money used to eliminate black unborn children because "the less black kids out there the better."

Kersey laughed nervously and said: "Understandable, understandable. ... Excuse my hesitation, this is the first time I've had a donor call and make this kind of request, so I'm excited and want to make sure I don't leave anything out."

On Tuesday, The Advocate released transcripts and audio recordings of this phone call and another to fundraising representatives in Ohio.

The student editor-in-chief of The Advocate said she's not surprised by Planned Parenthood's response and that the unedited recordings speak for themselves. The activist students think Planned Parenthood targets minorities and minority neighborhoods.
So, here's the question. Should this type of donation be allowed? If abortion is a right, isn't this donor simply helping black women fully enjoy their rights?

Does the fact that his motivation is to decrease the number of black children disqualify him from donating? I mean, doesn't his desire for fewer black children compliment the desire of black women seeking abortions? What's the difference, really?

I realize this donation was a joke, but the fact is that abortion has resulted in millions of fewer blacks being born. Black women are three times as likely to abort their babies as whites. So any donation to planned parenthood is really a donation in the name of fewer black children.

It's interesting that the number of Hispanic immigrants in the last 30 years is pretty close to the number of aborted black children. If not for abortion, blacks would still be the largest minority group, by far.
Mad im not sure about the way your laws are written but surly this could be concidered a hate action which would be illegal under law (im not sure though). Of course if the foundation is that poorly funned they may have no choice BUT to take the donation and then ignore the directives atached to it
You must not have read the article. This was an anti-abortion group calling and pretending to want to make such a donation and recording the call. The guy from Planned Parenthood was "excited" about the donation, which is pretty embassing for them.

The purpose of this was to tangibly illustrate the effect of abortion. Planned Parenthood fell for it hook, line, and sinker.
your right i didnt read the artical im sorry (trying to do a few differnt things at the same time so i only glanced at your quote and read your post). Still im not sure how desprate these places are for money, sometimes when an organisation needs money they will deal with people who would be concidered unethical while getting the money and then ACTING ethically. I guess it goes back to the old argument of the ends justifying the means. Of course they may have just got a bigot who was acting against policy or the situation may have never arised before so there WASNT a guiding policy to deal with it. Who knows?
your right i didnt read the artical im sorry (trying to do a few differnt things at the same time so i only glanced at your quote and read your post). Still im not sure how desprate these places are for money, sometimes when an organisation needs money they will deal with people who would be concidered unethical while getting the money and then ACTING ethically. I guess it goes back to the old argument of the ends justifying the means. Of course they may have just got a bigot who was acting against policy or the situation may have never arised before so there WASNT a guiding policy to deal with it. Who knows?

abortion clinic i think are used to weird calls i had a friend who used to call abortion clinics and ask if he could purchase a six-pack of aborted fetuses
abortion clinic i think are used to weird calls i had a friend who used to call abortion clinics and ask if he could purchase a six-pack of aborted fetuses

I've done telephone work for a few years AND volunteered for Planned Parenthood for a stint. You get a script. Most of the time, the call can be handled according to the script. A fair five percent of the time, it can't but you can easily ad lib. And then there's the one percent of the time - like when I called a woman's husband to update his insurence information and she thought I was his girlfriend - that you have no idea what to say.

So I don't know what this is supposed to mean for the religious whackjobs. That Planned Parenthood has some poorly trained staff? That they freaked some poor volunteer out? Not much of a political statement.

That said - how much DOES a six-pack of aborted fetuses go for?
I've done telephone work for a few years AND volunteered for Planned Parenthood for a stint. You get a script. Most of the time, the call can be handled according to the script. A fair five percent of the time, it can't but you can easily ad lib. And then there's the one percent of the time - like when I called a woman's husband to update his insurence information and she thought I was his girlfriend - that you have no idea what to say.

That said - how much DOES a six-pack of aborted fetuses go for?

never got answer
I've done telephone work for a few years AND volunteered for Planned Parenthood for a stint. You get a script. Most of the time, the call can be handled according to the script. A fair five percent of the time, it can't but you can easily ad lib. And then there's the one percent of the time - like when I called a woman's husband to update his insurence information and she thought I was his girlfriend - that you have no idea what to say.

So I don't know what this is supposed to mean for the religious whackjobs. That Planned Parenthood has some poorly trained staff? That they freaked some poor volunteer out? Not much of a political statement.

That said - how much DOES a six-pack of aborted fetuses go for?

And when it comes to stewed prunes: Are three enough? Are four too many?
Or they were humoring the caller and wanted to get as much information as they could to turn over to their legal staff.
... So, here's the question. Should this type of donation be allowed? If abortion is a right, isn't this donor simply helping black women fully enjoy their rights?

Does the fact that his motivation is to decrease the number of black children disqualify him from donating?

After all, abortion decreases the number of children, period. The donor's desire to help Negro women is in accordance with such a desired outcome.
As goes Idaho, so goes the nation

One thing people need to bear in mind is that Planned Parenthood has, in its history, affiliations to eugenic ambition. This, for them, is a bit of a throwback.

However, having listened to the call, I think there's something seriously wrong with the folks at The Advocate. Especially since this whole thing is calculated for a propaganda campaign.

The real question—

"A fundraising employee violated the organization's principles and practices when she appeared to be willing to accept a racially motivated donation," said CEO Rebecca Poedy in a written statement. "We apologize for the manner in which this offensive call was handled. We take full responsibility for the actions of the fundraising staff member who created the impression that racism of any form would be tolerated at Planned Parenthood. We took swift action to ensure that each of our employees understands their responsibility to communicate clearly with donors about the fact that we believe in helping all individuals, regardless of gender, race, or sexual orientation, make informed decisions about their reproductive health care."


—is how Planned Parenthood intends to train their employees and volunteers to deal with both legitimate racists and hatemongering provocateurs.


Forester, Sandra. "Response to caller 'a serious mistake,' says Planned Parenthood of Idaho". Idaho Statesman. February 28, 2008.
—is how Planned Parenthood intends to train their employees and volunteers to deal with both legitimate racists and hatemongering provocateurs.
So now they won't allow donations for only black women? How about donations to a certain geographic area? Suppose some racist group decided to fund planned parenthood facilities in inner cities, would they accept that donation so long as the donor didn't reveal their true intentions?
So now they won't allow donations for only black women? How about donations to a certain geographic area? Suppose some racist group decided to fund planned parenthood facilities in inner cities, would they accept that donation so long as the donor didn't reveal their true intentions?

Would it be so terrible if they did?

My bias being that easily available birth control and STI services are a good thing, would it be wrong to take money from a group that had a unpleasant ideology to do something beneficial? I mean, if the Klan decided to fund research into an HIV vaccine, why would it be wrong to accept?

While legalized abortion may have caused fewer Black babies to be born, it almost certainly kept a lot of poor Black women from having to resort to back-alley abortions, saving thousands of women's lives.

Since our current government is unwilling to properly fund birth control services, why shouldn't organizations like Planned Parenthood take money from racists?
Would it be so terrible if they did?

Since our current government is unwilling to properly fund birth control services, why shouldn't organizations like Planned Parenthood take money from racists?
Well, I'll bet that's a huge untapped source of funding! Send a representative from Planned Parenthood to KKK meetings and make the case! You want fewer blacks, we need funding for birth control and abortions in the inner city. It's a win-win!
Would it be so terrible if they did?

My bias being that easily available birth control and STI services are a good thing, would it be wrong to take money from a group that had a unpleasant ideology to do something beneficial? I mean, if the Klan decided to fund research into an HIV vaccine, why would it be wrong to accept?

While legalized abortion may have caused fewer Black babies to be born, it almost certainly kept a lot of poor Black women from having to resort to back-alley abortions, saving thousands of women's lives.

Since our current government is unwilling to properly fund birth control services, why shouldn't organizations like Planned Parenthood take money from racists?

That makes sense to me.
Well, I'll bet that's a huge untapped source of funding! Send a representative from Planned Parenthood to KKK meetings and make the case! You want fewer blacks, we need funding for birth control and abortions in the inner city. It's a win-win!

It'd be a public relations disaster, but when you think about it, it's not such a bad idea. If you stipulate that Planned Parenthood provides a useful service for economically disadvantaged Blacks (and unless you are hardcore "pro-life" I think you can easily stipulate that) it's poetic justice to take money from racists and use it to help Black people.
I think you can easily stipulate that) it's poetic justice to take money from racists and use it to help Black people.
The funny thing is, the KKK would feel the same way. It's amazing it hasn't happened already. Actually, how do we know it hasn't? I wonder what an audit of the donors to Planned Parenthood would show?
The rugged country 'twixt decency and exclusionism

Madanthonywayne said:

So now they won't allow donations for only black women?

I think the standard questions, at least, regarding racially or ethnically-targeted efforts apply. The answers might be their own, but the questions apply.

Geography and demographic considerations could be targeted like map coordinates and nearly accomplish the same thing.

Suppose some racist group decided to fund planned parenthood facilities in inner cities, would they accept that donation so long as the donor didn't reveal their true intentions?

That would be pretty much like anything else, wouldn't it? In fact, I'm of the opinion that the poor handling by the PPI agent, the organization's acceptance of responsibility and claim of "swift action to ensure that each of our employees understands their [responsibilities]", and the blatantly nonsensical calculation of the "donor" all suggest that the racists have been hiding their true intentions for years. If such open racism plays a significant role in Planned Parenthood, I would think we would have heard about it before, or perhaps will hear the details of it in the wake of this smear campaign.

Personally, it would be a strange moment for me to find myself agreeing with a conservative lobbyist for a "Values Alliance"—

A longtime anti-abortion activist and conservative lobbyist - Idaho Values Alliance Executive Director Bryan Fischer - called Kersey's response in July reprehensible and said she should have been fired.

"It turns out that blatant racism is alive and well in Idaho, but it's not coming from the Aryan Nation types - it's coming from way-left organizations like Idaho's own Planned Parenthood," Fischer said. "They should have stridently rebuked that donor for being a racist and a bigot and refused to take that money."


—except that I don't believe Mr. Fischer's position is genuine. Rather, I think it's convenient. Strident rebuke? Exclusion? Just three and half years ago conservatives denounced "liberal elitism"; the ongoing demonization of liberalism in the U.S. criticizes a perception of self-righteous judgment. Suddenly, though, we have a conservative lobbyist demanding exactly that from Planned Parenthood.

Nonetheless, strident rebuke is probably a bit much to ask. Simply refusing the money would suffice. And part of me says it's fine if they go ahead and accept the money, too. Putting the money into a "women in need" fund, or a minority program doesn't guarantee that particular money would be spent on an abortion. And, hell, this is the United States of America. Why not try to make the best of a challenging circumstance? The "donor" would pretend that this is about aborting black babies. In truth, the outcome could end up stabilizing or augmenting a black woman's quality of life. And I see no reason that a willing racist shouldn't be allowed to put up the money to do that.

It's a hard question, and perhaps it's time for society to settle this standard. Of course, that might lead to renewed accusations of liberal do-gooders trying to prescribe inadequate, self-righteous one-size-fits-all solutions infringing on people's liberty to resolve or avoid ethical challenges as they see fit.


Forester, Sandra. "Response to caller 'a serious mistake,' says Planned Parenthood of Idaho". Idaho Statesman. February 28, 2008.
you guys know this whole issue would go away if it was funded by the goverment?

Its sad but i agree with xev (i dont mean its sad that i agree with xev:p) as long as the funding has to be private they cant really aford to look at the motives of those providing the money, they cant aford to