

Hi there. It was explained to me that Canines are so fast because they have four legs so run horizontally, not as an erection. When playing some humans (myself included) crawl on all-fours. This seems silly now, although I'll still do it because I love dogs (and also most animals.) All except Spiders! Eight-legged freaks. Just don't let your dog lick your mouth until you've brushed their teeth! Four legs? Probably been stamping on someone's head. ☺
Hi there. It was explained to me that Canines are so fast because they have four legs so run horizontally, not as an erection. When playing some humans (myself included) crawl on all-fours. This seems silly now, although I'll still do it because I love dogs (and also most animals.) All except Spiders! Eight-legged freaks. Just don't let your dog lick your mouth until you've brushed their teeth! Four legs? Probably been stamping on someone's head. ☺
Why not like spiders? Eight legs is twice as good as four legs. Is it because you don't have eight limbs? Don't let jealousy rule you. :)
Perhaps it's because they are hand-esque. Psychologically speaking Spiders are a Maternal figure: the front-legs look like a woman with her legs spread; /\/\ (M). ☺ Also arachnids can move in any direction, as with the Queen in Chess. This is also true of Helicopters. In psychology Horses represent a Paternal figure. I like Snakes, but hate Spiders. W ☺

^ is a dagger, x is dagger meeting dagger, v is the middle of the Maternal symbol, k is dagger from the starboard, and z is a timeline. ☺
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Perhaps it's because they are hand-esque. Psychologically speaking Spiders are a Maternal figure: the front-legs look like a woman with her legs spread; /\/\ (M). ☺ Also arachnids can move in any direction, as with the Queen in Chess. This is also true of Helicopters. In psychology Horses represent a Paternal figure. I like Snakes, but hate Spiders. W ☺

^ is a dagger, x is dagger meeting dagger, v is the middle of the Maternal symbol, k is dagger from the starboard, and z is a timeline. ☺
You hate women, gotcha

It doesn't seem like a good reason to hate spiders but what do I know.
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Actually, no. I FEAR them. ☺

"Hell hath no fury like a Woman scorned."- Unknown.

When Arachnids mate, the female bites off the head of the male. Make of that what you will (rape?) Also female Spiders are larger. I don't mind little Spiders, but any as large as a hand...*shakes head* ☺
Actually, no. I FEAR them. ☺

"Hell hath no fury like a Woman scorned."- Unknown.

When Arachnids mate, the female bites off the head of the male. Make of that what you will (rape?) Also female Spiders are larger. I don't mind little Spiders, but any as large as a hand...*shakes head* ☺
Are you sure you have had enough sample to make a conclusion to say that all women are scary? Perhaps only some women are scary, or just the women that live in your particular area?
Excellent arguement Akoreamerica. Some women I trust, when they are trustworthy. Otherwise I just wonder. ☺

Incidentally, your name. I believe, "America" was a Woman. She should have been a God, like, "Nike" or, "Thor" but I have yet to discover if she was. There's a CAPTAIN America. Perhaps her true name was Erica, like Eliza-Beth (Bethany.) ☺
Excellent arguement Akoreamerica. Some women I trust, when they are trustworthy. Otherwise I just wonder. ☺

Incidentally, your name. I believe, "America" was a Woman. She should have been a God, like, "Nike" or, "Thor" but I have yet to discover if she was. There's a CAPTAIN America. Perhaps her true name was Erica, like Eliza-Beth (Bethany.) ☺
Nope, I believe America was named after some dude. Amerigo Vespucci
The founder should have named the continent after a, "God." America was the final frontier: Man traversed the world entirely when it was dis-covered. It's the youngest country on the face of the Earth (The UNITED.STATES.) There will never be another country like it (unless we colonised Mooney.) It's also a world leader. ☺
The founder should have named the continent after a, "God." America was the final frontier: Man traversed the world entirely when it was dis-covered. It's the youngest country on the face of the Earth (The UNITED.STATES.) There will never be another country like it (unless we colonised Mooney.) It's also a world leader. ☺
Posting stuff while high can be fun once in a while I guess
As I said, Mooney is to be explored. But those countries are not on Earth. The United.States. is the last country on Earth. Now I'm not saying it will remain, "for all eternity" but it was a Bastion. ☺ And by, "on EARTH" I mean that. Have you tried calculating what this means to us?
As I said, Mooney is to be explored. But those countries are not on Earth. The United.States. is the last country on Earth. Now I'm not saying it will remain, "for all eternity" but it was a Bastion. ☺ And by, "on EARTH" I mean that. Have you tried calculating what this means to us?
You are gonna need therapy for all that paranoia
I thought this thread was about dogs? My favorite breeds are huskys just cause they look cool and I like cold climates