Authors are Ghosh and Ruud. Relativity and the World of Molecules May-June 2023 American Scientist Among chemical statement is that lead battery for car starting would not work.
Astronomer Wan Franton once worked at the US Naval Laboratory, mainly engaged in consulting work on the Global Positioning System. He once said that he discovered a dirty secret: According to Einstein's theory, moving objects produce a "time delay" effect. Therefore, the time on the GPS satellite needs to be constantly adjusted to synchronize with the users on the earth. . But that's not the case, and GPS programmers don't need relativity. "They've basically given up on Einstein," he said.
Aerospace technology has begun to abandon the technical foundation of Einstein's special theory of relativity."

We should listen more to the opinions of these professional GPS workers.
I think I'd like a citation for this.

It's possible this guy doesn't know what he's talking about, but it's more likely that you are misunderstanding what he was trying to say.
Astronomer Wan Franton once worked at the US Naval Laboratory, mainly engaged in consulting work on the Global Positioning System.
Looks like you have run out of arguments and are just repeating yourself, because you have nothing else. I accept your surrender.
I think I'd like a citation for this.

It's possible this guy doesn't know what he's talking about, but it's more likely that you are misunderstanding what he was trying to say.
Looks like you have run out of arguments and are just repeating yourself, because you have nothing else. I accept your surrender.
My personal experience is this: I did my entire education at MIT:
SB Physics, SM EE, PhD in Physics.
My doctoral thesis was about using quaternion algebra in SRT.
Then I got a job at Draper Lab, then part of the MIT Aero Dept.
There, they were working on the Apollo program to the moon.
Draper nobody believes in SRT. They are right!
SRT does have one big problem.
When I told my PhD thesis advisor, he apologized profusely!
He suspects that physics does have some big problems.

I really can't stop you from continuing to be stupid, and I can't stop you from continuing to fool the world. As believers in a cult, you are qualified.
Draper nobody believes in SRT.
I worked with Draper for two years after undergrad. You are lying.

Looks like you have just plain given up and are now fabricating lies. That generally doesn't work. (Unless you work for FOX News, of course. Maybe give them a call!)
I worked with Draper for two years after undergrad. You are lying.
Are you trying to convey that "Draper" is doing research work through SR/GR? Please present your evidence!
You first. Lets see that citation, puffer.
OK. I can show this email, and I can swear that this email is real, Dr. CKW worked at Draper until he retired.
We have communicated for a long time, and I also learned these facts through her.

You can come up with your evidence to refute!


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Are you trying to convey that "Draper" is doing research work through SR/GR?
They are indeed, although that has nothing to do with what I just said.

You're not really following the conversation, are you. I thought you were lying, but now it looks like you are simply confused and lost. You have my pity.
They are indeed, although that has nothing to do with what I just said.

You're not really following the conversation, are you. I thought you were lying, but now it looks like you are simply confused and lost. You have my pity.
I've produced my evidence, you went from thinking I was lying to "You have my pity." Talking to you is really a waste of time. But I'm not surprised by your behavior like this, you have the characteristics that cultists generally have.

I worked with Draper for two years after undergrad. You are lying.
Please show your evidence!
Sorry, are you hoping that we're going to believe these are written by two different people?

My personal experience is this: I did my entire education at MIT:
SB Physics, SM EE, PhD in Physics.

You plagiarized yourself. You're not even trying.

And yes, none of that undermines SR; if anything, it undermines the Sagnac Effect.

This is silly. I'm not going engage in a debate with a sock puppet.
I've produced my evidence
Nope. You produced an email from a friend of yours with a lot of words but no evidence. But then the friend turned out to be you, so your proof is you . . . quoted yourself?

Evidence would be "I ran an experiment where a clock on a rocket was orbited for a day, then landed, and the clock showed no change in time."

What you did is the classic logical fallacy "appeal to authority" - a quote from a supposed expert who presents no evidence, but just says "Tony is right." The poster hopes that people will conflate the claimed expertise of the poster with the poster himself.

Please show your evidence!
I did. With numbers and everything. Clocks on GPS satellites run exactly the amount faster that GR/SR predicts - and the system is designed to compensate for that, by setting their clocks to run more slowly before they are launched. That is hard evidence that GR/SR is real.
Clocks on GPS satellites run exactly the amount faster that GR/SR predicts - and the system is designed to compensate for that, by setting their clocks to run more slowly before they are launched. That is hard evidence that GR/SR is real.
And they don't need to be in orbit.

This guy detected GR time dilation by driving to the top of Mt. Rainer for a weekend. Incredible shoestring experiment, by the peeps, for the peeps.

"According to Einstein ... and high-elevation clocks run fast ... the prediction was that these clocks would gain about 22 nanoseconds ...

... the clocks experienced a lower gravitational field by being 5400 feet above sea level for two days. ... the clocks undergo positive time dilation ... around 23 nanoseconds.
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This is silly. I'm not going engage in a debate with a sock puppet.
I often wonder what these people get out of such interactions.

Do they imagine that they are perceived as intelligent, and the interactions therefore boost their egos?
Do they crave any human contact, even negative contact?
Do they honestly, actually believe their own woo and feel it is their "mission" to get the word out?
Is it a deeper dysfunction that makes them unable to NOT post, something like a written Tourette's?

And one odd thing is that there are undoubtedly forums they could get onto and get all the attaboys they could possibly want. I mean, Tony here could just go on Truth Social and decry the liberal progressive relativity lie, and he would get all the positive comments he could ever want.
I put it down to:
  • field/professional isolation
  • echo chamber effect
  • a lack of boost to the ego from the promulgation of already-established knowledge.
I think he's an electrical engineer :
who feels a need to reduce the universe to those parts of physics that he, personally, has mastered - an ego issue, probably linked to insecurity and awareness of being second-rate. I've come across others just like him.
Nope. You produced an email from a friend of yours with a lot of words but no evidence. But then the friend turned out to be you, so your proof is you . . . quoted yourself?

Evidence would be "I ran an experiment where a clock on a rocket was orbited for a day, then landed, and the clock showed no change in time."

What you did is the classic logical fallacy "appeal to authority" - a quote from a supposed expert who presents no evidence, but just says "Tony is right." The poster hopes that people will conflate the claimed expertise of the poster with the poster himself.

I did. With numbers and everything. Clocks on GPS satellites run exactly the amount faster that GR/SR predicts - and the system is designed to compensate for that, by setting their clocks to run more slowly before they are launched. That is hard evidence that GR/SR is real.
You let us see what is shameless again, you go on, as relativity cultists, you are qualified.


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