Do you talk to GOD?

I have a understanding of MY definition of "what it means to be human"
Ok, let's go with you having a definition. Why do you have a definition or think you need one?

Or is it that defining what it means is important to humans, even though they already know they're human? Knowing isn't enough for some reason, so definitions become important?
Perhaps people who convince themselves God isn't real, just don't understand what being human "really means".

Ok, let's go with you having a definition. Why do you have a definition or think you need one?

I have a definition from my Registered Nurse/Midwife training

Not needed now but it hangs around

You appear to be evasive

But if you are not going to give a (your) definition so be it

I have a definition from my Registered Nurse/Midwife training
Nice. But are you sure it's relevant to understanding what it means to be human?

You appear to be evasive
Yeah, perhaps. However I could say you're being evasive too. Instead, I'll say that a clinical or medical definition of a human evades the question, "what does it mean to be human?".
But if you are not going to give a (your) definition so be it
I don't need a definition. I'm sure there are plenty though. As I infer, a definition isn't really relevant--do you need a definition of breathing to be able to understand why you breathe or what it means? I bet you don't.

And yes, typically with this kind of subject matter it's hard not to appear like you're being dismissive or patronising, or something.
This is not my intent. I'm just trying to, ah, understand something about why people think certain things.
are you sure it's relevant to understanding what it means to be human?

Well it is in the law books so it has that going for it. Guessing you are considering more the spiritual aspects

, "what does it mean to be human?".

Bottom line for me there is NO meaning. LIFE (capitals indicating the fundamental form) came into existence, because it was able to. It could have been able to and not happen, but it did

Our life form has no more relevance than any other life form

Belief in Santa is OK as a child. As an adult weird

Belief in god even weirder, but it is what it is

a definition isn't really relevant--do you need a definition of breathing to be able to understand why you breathe or what it means? I bet you don't.

Agreed definitions serve a purpose of ensuring effective communication

I bet you don't. It helped during sitting exams. Not needed now :)

Bottom line for me there is NO meaning. LIFE (capitals indicating the fundamental form) came into existence, because it was able to. It could have been able to and not happen, but it did
Ok, that's all very cosmological and everything, and sure, maybe the universe itself has no inherent meaning.

But humans want meaning; humans need to understand what being human means. I'd say most people can accept that in terms of cosmological implications, why would there be any? On the other hand, humans and other forms of life are a part of the cosmos, so, y'know, maybe . . .

Our life form has no more relevance than any other life form
Again, that's a global or cosmological perspective; it certainly isn't true for us humans, unique among the animals 'coz of our big inquisitive brains. Perhaps the search for meaning is just some consequence of this human evolution which, as you say, is no different than evolution among the other forms of life we know about.

But of course, evolution isn't unique, lifeforms are. We humans see ourselves as different; animals, we believe, don't look for meaning because they don't need to.
Agreed definitions serve a purpose of ensuring effective communication
Quite. But that might not be relevant when it's just you who wants to understand something about yourself; talking to other people might be some help but in the end surely, it's your mission, should you decide to accept it?
maybe the universe itself has no inherent meaning

My 2c worth, it doesn't

But humans want meaning; humans need to understand what being human means

I'll go with WANT, NEED not really. Those who get taken with with impossible stories, mine started with Dan Dare comics moving through Captain Marvel, Superman, Batman

Never went to, these are real people / stories

On the other hand, humans and other forms of life are a part of the cosmos, so, y'know, maybe . . .

Well again the the Comos is what it is in its totality. No other hand

lifeforms are

Again because physics allows, and again physics allowing did / does not mean it would happen, but it did

animals, we believe, don't look for meaning because they don't need to.

I would go more for lack of capability. Our capability comes out from thinking ABOUT thinking

But that might not be relevant when it's just you who wants to understand something about yourself

Ummmmm not sure about any entity being able to understand "about themselves"

To much pulling yourself off the ground by your boot laces :)

Our capability comes out from thinking ABOUT thinking
An unfortunate byproduct.

We can think about better ways to hunt, which helps the species survive. But we can also think about better ways to kill in general, including our own species.

And we can think about "why", which has no obvious evolutionary advantage.

Too bad we can't turn it off when it isn't helping.
I don't talk to strangers, so I gave a read to the Bible to know the god of such a religion, before trying to say a prayer or just talk to him.

In order to know that god took me years, because the several translations were so contradictory is some aspects that I went to the Hebrew version, which is assumed to preserve some originality.

Reviewing the Hebrew and ignoring the traditional interpretation of these scriptures, I found things that made me think a lot about the biblical god.

Then, I attempted to follow the words given in some part of the scriptures and I can express the result of this attempt saying "my eyes were opened".

Aha! I said to myself, there is something here in the scriptures that really provide something more than belieiving in a god and worshiping.

So, I still don't talk or pray to a god yet, but in my experience, by being interested in knowing those scriptures provides a reward in your life, it is not magic, but acquiring wisdom.
Lots of people say God has to be a hallucination, or some imaginary being; God doesn't exist because, they tell you with firm conviction, they've seen no evidence of God.
Those people aren't doing critical thinking properly. Absence of evidence is not evidence of absence, the saying goes. Good critical thinkers know this.

You'd think, though, that if God really did exist, as lots of believers claim, then some believers would have found at least some evidence for that proposition by now, wouldn't you?
But I think to myself, no, such opinions are those of people who just don't know what or who God is, and this appears to be, to me at least, because they don't know what or who they themselves "really are".
Please tell us what or who God is. It sounds like you think you know.

I notice you tried to deflect that question when michael asked it, by the way. We can get to whether you're right about us atheists after you have explained what your God is, and how you came to know it. Please go right ahead.
Being human is part of this whole conundrum, of course. Perhaps people who convince themselves God isn't real, just don't understand what being human "really means".
Perhaps. But that seems to be a subsidiary issue. Let's talk about your understanding of God first, shall we?
"When I've gotten myself into trouble, I think: 'what would Jesus do?' .
So, I pretend to be dead and hide out for 3 days."
Please tell us what or who God is. It sounds like you think you know.
I bet you think that's clever.

It sounds like you think you don't know who or what God is. But wait, you do know something about God after all; well, actually you believe something even though you don't know it's true, something like "God is probably a myth". Brilliant.

I bet you think you're pretty damn smart, eh James? No self delusion in your little world, huh?

I just answered your question about who or what I think God is, even if you don't think so!

See this:
James R said:
You'd think, though, that if God really did exist, as lots of believers claim, then some believers would have found at least some evidence for that proposition by now, wouldn't you?
And say some believers did find evidence, why would they tell you or anyone else about it? If no true believer claims any such thing because they of course realise they don't have to (unless maybe they also felt some need to help or save people from ignorance), how would someone like you who admits they don't know, um . . . know about it?
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And say some believers did find evidence, why would they tell you or anyone else about it? If no true believer claims any such thing because they of course realise they don't have to (unless maybe they also felt some need to help or save people from ignorance), how would someone like you who admits they don't know, um . . . know about it?
If they had evidence they would be obligated to share this. It is called "witnessing".

All true religious witness is an exteriorization of inner commitment; it transmits truth to others in a living way. A witness is a person totally given to God and his fellow men. There are three elements in this Christian witness: message, signs to convince, divine helps to awaken and draw others to God. Christ.
If they had evidence they would be obligated to share this. It is called "witnessing".
Obligated by what? Are you saying something compels people who know what the word "God" means, to tell people what they know? Like, as many people as possible?

I wonder what it could be, this thing-that-compels . . .

One possibility I think can't be excluded, is hubris. Another might be genuine, honest belief in one's knowledge of . . . something or other.

Neither of these shows up here, though \sarcasm.
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Obligated by what? Are you saying something compels people who know what the word "God" means, to tell people what they know? Like, as many people as possible?
I wonder what it could be, this thing-that-compels . . .
I am an atheist and I don't give a damn what anyone has to say about god. I was quoting from religious text that "witnessing" is expected from the faithful.

Whatever you have to say about that, don't tell me, tell them!

I'll repeat it here to clear up any confusion you may have about what I posted in response to your question; "And say some believers did find evidence, why would they tell you or anyone else about it?"


All true religious witness is an exteriorization of inner commitment; it transmits truth to others in a living way. A witness is a person totally given to God and his fellow men. There are three elements in this Christian witness: message, signs to convince, divine helps to awaken and draw others to God. Christ.
I am an atheist and I don't give a damn what anyone has to say about god. I was quoting from religious text that "witnessing" is expected from the faithful.

Whatever you have to say about that, don't tell me, tell them!
I guess you missed the tongue-in-cheek part; I did tell "them".