Do you like people that love thereself?

Discussion in 'Free Thoughts' started by Captain_Crunch, May 23, 2003.


Do you find people that love themself annoying?

  1. yes

    10 vote(s)
  2. no

    5 vote(s)
  3. doesnt bother me, each to their own.

    5 vote(s)
  1. Dudeyhed Conformer Registered Senior Member

    they still shouldn't be going around telling the world. There's no reason to do so. Or a better thing to say would be:

    There's no reason to do that, true or not, unless you needed to. For example, for a job interview, at an emergency scene where your skills might have some purpose, etc.

    Otherwise, its just pointless babbling.
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  3. Captain_Crunch Club Ninja Valued Senior Member

    Re: Re: Do you like people that love thereself?

    My, whatever do you mean?
    Actually, reading fredx's posts inspired me to create this topic, read into that what you will.

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    Man, who rattled your chain?
    In your opinion noone should give a shit that has a healthy self esteem, its nothing to do with self esteem, people that brag all the time always find themselves taking bullshit but dont admit to it cause they are compulsive liars. They put others down and make people feel worthless even if they have no reason to feel like that - i generally know better than to listen to people like that but other can feel put down. People that feel that they need to let everyone know how cool/brainy/whatever are insecure in my opinion. I was just wanting to know what the people of this forum thinks on the matter and no this thread isnt obsolete.
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  5. Xerxes asdfghjkl Valued Senior Member

    Yeah, raven,

    I'll have to go with dudeyhead. It's great that the people who are all that know it. But what I've found with truly amazing people is that they don't flaunt it. They're generally quiet or soft-spoken, and you can feel greatness coming from them. They also realize the fact that although they may be great - it's a lot idfferent from being superior. And so, they treat everybody - idiots and geniuses alike with equal amounts of respect and compassion.
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  7. BillClintonsCigar Registered Senior Member

    Do you like people who love their-self.

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    It depends what you mean. I think it's healthy to love oneself, as long as it's not a narcicisstic love.

    And yes, it is so much more annoying when someone doesn't even know theirself, especially when someone loves the person that they are not.
    Err, I have to say I think it's healthy. There is something wrong if someone hates theirself, and an indifferent approach to the self, by a biological being, again cannot be natural. One of the two: love or hate, has to be the most natural, and I choose to love myself.
  8. The Marquis Only want the best for Nigel Valued Senior Member

    Actually BillClintonsCigar, it should have been "themselves" to begin with. Now you look even dumber than Captain Crunch did to begin with.
  9. man_of_jade Psychic person Registered Senior Member

    If its reasonable loving themself, then no problem. If its someone who seems to live purely for their ego, then yes.
  10. BillClintonsCigar Registered Senior Member

    By this I presume you mean immediate self gratification, that is what the Ego is.
  11. Captain_Crunch Club Ninja Valued Senior Member

    Its well known im not the best at spelling and grammar but i do think it was obvious to anyone what i meant and i thought it was the conversation or the point that the person was trying to make that was the most important thing. Stop the petty nitpicking. Pm me if you have a problem with the way i spell or the use of my grammar. It doesnt matter how many times this is said you always get people picking on grammar and spelling, this forum isnt exclusively people from the english speaking world.

    When i said love thereself (thats what i typed but i meant themselves

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    ) i meant the people that have a huge ego that can do nothing but praise themselves and rate themselves very highly compared to others around them that may be more intellegent and have more going for them etc.

    One of the people i know basically lost every freind he had due to this 'elitism', considering himself to be 'better' than everyone when he was not, we all eventually got sick of the selfpraise, therefore he lost the freinds that he had. To me, if you have a habit of thinking your elite you come across as a bit of a tit and people, in general, will not like you for it. Any thoughts on this?

  12. buffys Registered Loser Registered Senior Member

    "Do you like people that love thereself?"

    Most people i know (including myself) act like "they think they're amazing" but I've never known anyone (closely) who truly believed it. Arrogant people are just better at projecting their false confidence, otherwise their just like the more practical people of the world.

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