Do You Know Who's Watching You?

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Registered Member
Yes it is true, for savy users that they may be able to control this issue but that is a rare individual and the 50.00 dollars is well worth it for someone who just wants piece of mind.
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Some Backround that may help

There are over 180+ undetectable (without SpySentry) computer-monitoring products available to anyone with no questions asked. Some of these products are freeware and can be quickly downloaded and installed on any computer, anywhere, at anytime! The most sophisticated versions allow the snooper to be sent remotely through email and covertly install itself on your hard drive. They also (unlike some mis information being offered) Do NOT show on your application processes and many will even delay sending the information while you are not using your computer so that you won’t notice the email system sending the information.

What does this mean to you?

They could:

Capture & record your personal medical, banking and insurance information.

Capture & record every email you read or write (even if you change your mind and delete it)

Capture & record both sides of every chat session you enter (Including, AOL, YAHOO, ICQ and MSN Messengers)·

Capture & record every image you view (even while “not” on the Internet.)·

Capture & record every keystroke you make including the pause time, between them.

Capture & record everything you type or click on your computer.

Whether you are a personal pc user or a Fortune 100 Corporation, you can now get protected with SpySentry. Your intellectual property and privacy will be protected from prying eyes.

“SpySentry focuses on snoopers and spyware used for malicious purposes rather than on monitoring programs used for marketing. The product performs more in-depth scanning than antiviral software, Aware and spyware software. There is no other program in its market that even comes close.

Now you’re getting it “ Everything you do on your computer can be transmitted to anywhere in the world, instantly, to anyone, anywhere. You can put a stop to the worry. The scary part is, you don’t even know whether it’s happening right now…How much will it cost if you need to get a new batch of credit cards, a new license number, change all of your bank

Don't wait until you have lost something you can't replace...

Get Spysentry NOW!
everyone who doesn't want to pay 50$
and fears from self extracting email attachments
can configure their mail receiving software to delete all attachments allready on server without downloading them to your pc.

/that soft anticrimeunit talks about is really interesting, but I have no excess 50$ to give. student[points at himself]
of course the soft may give you security, but it can also been done without using it. this applies for home_users only.
if I worked in an office I would have considered buying tht soft and I think tht maybe even bought it/

so this soft is good for office_users, but you may live without it if you are a home_user/master/hacker/programmer
And anticrimeunit, as you have observed this is no add, no banner, no advertisment forum. If you want to promote your soft, ok, but do it in one thread, not spread to three different forums.
Yes.for home users no need.and BTW nothing is shit proof. even those stupid promises about SSL and 128-bit encryptions are"ll take small amount of time to decrypt or intercept the whole stuff.No site(as i have seen)on the internet is just need some good network knowledge.some C-socket programming for making Ping-flooding,IPspoofing programs.

when you"re dealing with home users the internet is great fun.but for system administrators its a nightmare.Hacking Cisco routers is becoming a great trend amongst hackers...ehm...ehm far softwares like these can stop them,off course they can erduce the attacks and all those stupid things.for Lamerz and script kiddies will surely be left out but this world deals with wacko Hackers and they"ll do anything to gain access sell the passwords etc...



why dont you send your soft to cnet or tucows...i am sure the guys are gonna help you out...

they are very popular sites.BTW.

Originally posted by Avatar
everyone who doesn't want to pay 50$
and fears from self extracting email attachments
can configure their mail receiving software to delete all attachments allready on server without downloading them to your pc.

/that soft anticrimeunit talks about is really interesting, but I have no excess 50$ to give. student[points at himself]
of course the soft may give you security, but it can also been done without using it. this applies for home_users only.
if I worked in an office I would have considered buying tht soft and I think tht maybe even bought it/

so this soft is good for office_users, but you may live without it if you are a home_user/master/hacker/programmer

I have to point out one major issue that I think is being over looked. It is not only by email but by direct installation that snoopers can be installed and there are thousands of people doing it, Spouses, bosses, roomates you name it. Just wanted to be sure that people were aware that it is far more than self extracting email attachments.
Originally posted by zion


why dont you send your soft to cnet or tucows...i am sure the guys are gonna help you out...

they are very popular sites.BTW.


Yes, I agree and we have. It is listed as a popular demo and a couple thousand people have downloaded it. Thanks for the suggestion.
Originally posted by Avatar
And anticrimeunit, as you have observed this is no add, no banner, no advertisment forum. If you want to promote your soft, ok, but do it in one thread, not spread to three different forums.

This is true but when i tried to remove the post, the admin had locked it. So i will follow it to be sure that people are kept in an honest debate over it.
What exactly are the features of your softwares.Technical part i mean?and how it works...??

zion ...

If you're interested:
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And it won't cost you a cent.

Take care.
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