Definition of God - one thread to rule them all

You yourself agreed the universe came in the Big Bang. Are you back-pedalling now?
Lying again Jan or a terminal case of dementia?. The BB applies to the "OBSERVABLE" universe.
But hey! feel free to discus in the BB thread, without your mythical claims of course!
Lying again Jan or a terminal case of dementia?. The BB applies to the "OBSERVABLE" universe.
But hey! feel free to discus in the BB thread, without your mythical claims of course!
Do you really want me to fetch the post where you admit the universe came from the Big Bang?
On another topic, if you and paddoboy must discuss the big bang and stuff, could you take it to a separate thread? This current thread is not about that. I'd be happy to try to answer your questions about the big bang elsewhere.
It seems you lack the courage, intestinal fortitude and knowledge to discuss the BB in the appropriate thread Jan.
Go there and ask some questions...I'll do my best to answer in as dumbed down fashion that I can muster.
See how logical and overwhelmingly supported it is, you may even [as the Catholic church has done] see the BB as well as Darwinian evolution as irrefutable fact and solidly supported scientific theory. Don't be afraid of knowlwdge!
Do you really want me to fetch the post where you admit the universe came from the Big Bang?
Oh and of course when you find what you are looking for, please include the thread it came from, and the post number, OK? Not that I don't trust you, but you have told many lies so far ;)
Not that I don't trust you, but you have told many lies so far
One lie and I never trust that person again because if they lie once they will lie over and over and that has been well evidenced here.
Moreover discussion is useless because you can never tell what is a lie and which is not.
One lie and I never trust that person again because if they lie once they will lie over and over and that has been well evidenced here.
Moreover discussion is useless because you can never tell what is a lie and which is not.
Granted. It just seems to roll off Jan's tongue so bloody easily though...the lies, the redefining, the obtuseness, the hypocrisy. Seriously, I don't believe I have ever dealt with a religious nut as hypocritically indentured as he is.
Granted. It just seems to roll off Jan's tongue so bloody easily though...the lies, the redefining, the obtuseness, the hypocrisy. Seriously, I don't believe I have ever dealt with a religious nut as hypocritically indentured as he is.
I don’t need to lie.
You do.
Granted. It just seems to roll off Jan's tongue so bloody easily though...the lies, the redefining, the obtuseness, the hypocrisy. Seriously, I don't believe I have ever dealt with a religious nut as hypocritically indentured as he is.

And no shame...Jan just does not care and yet one could think Jan risks the ticket to the good after life and given Lieing is a sin apparently, seems to have no fear of going to hell...perhaps Jan just cuts out the bits Jan does not like but overall Jans behaviour seems hypocritical.

And Jan claims Jan enjoys a discussion but I notice Jan avoids the science section in particular your thread where Jan could have a sensible discussion..but no.

Jan's game is to have us focus on god even if it is to the effect that god does not exist Jan I suspect is know any publicity is good publicity.

Fortunately my astronomy is getting back on track so I won't have time to amuse myself crushing Jan on a daily basis and my visits will be confined to reading the latest science news you post...which was always the main reason I came here.

And even if you don't see me logged in you can know that I read all the news you post which I expect is the last thing Jan would do.

I finally conclude that Jan has been shown to be a liar and a troll who indulges in what Jan claims to be discussion for no other purpose than feeding Jans ego and searching for Jan's almost non existent self esteem.

In fact I think I will join the likes of Michael and W4U and put Jan on ignore because I admit Jan is very good at trolling and I will bite on Jans nonsense.

It became apparent as my involvement in astronomy returns I simply don't have time to play games with Jan. However Jan should stay on as Jan must generate site traffic...clearly Jan gets the attention Jan craves and does not care if Jan lies or makes a fool of Jan.

And I am starting to think Jan is not a man..I mean there is a patten in the behaviour that gives me visions of, and you have seen them I bet, the lone female who teases the guys at the bar having each think they are making progress while she says little things to each to keep the attention on her... They seem like they are in conversation but no substance.

And when you think about it Jan lies about so many things it could be a safe bet to think Jan is not a man at all.

One very telling comment Jan made was that Jan had no idea what a carburettor was only that it did its if you think about it how many men would not know about a carburettor...almost every guy you meet either is into cars and even those who are not are sufficiently interested in cars to at least know about a carburettor ... I don't know maybe fuel injection has changed that but Jan must have been around long enough to know about a carburettor.

Further this sulking behaviour with me seems more the thing a female would know it was Jan who was trolling and I called the bluff now it's all my fault and hence the sulking ...that is telling.

Anyways the most wonderful news, not withstanding leaving an important piece of astronomy equipment in the city I have been able to work around that issue such that hopefully by tonight I should have two rigs in service, and with the trees cleared and the clouds going away I am very happy.

I don't usually put people on ignore but the reality is there is no point in talking with someone who lies continually with out shame.

I feel Jan is perhaps a female who thinks all men are fools and gets some bizarre satisfaction in being the centre of attention.

And the general lack of knowledge is, male or female, simply tiresome.

I hope to contribute to the site with some photos in the next week all going well.

And no shame...Jan just does not care and yet one could think Jan risks the ticket to the good after life and given Lieing is a sin apparently, seems to have no fear of going to hell...perhaps Jan just cuts out the bits Jan does not like but overall Jans behaviour seems hypocritical.

And Jan claims Jan enjoys a discussion but I notice Jan avoids the science section in particular your thread where Jan could have a sensible discussion..but no.

Jan's game is to have us focus on god even if it is to the effect that god does not exist Jan I suspect is know any publicity is good publicity.

Fortunately my astronomy is getting back on track so I won't have time to amuse myself crushing Jan on a daily basis and my visits will be confined to reading the latest science news you post...which was always the main reason I came here.

And even if you don't see me logged in you can know that I read all the news you post which I expect is the last thing Jan would do.

I finally conclude that Jan has been shown to be a liar and a troll who indulges in what Jan claims to be discussion for no other purpose than feeding Jans ego and searching for Jan's almost non existent self esteem.

In fact I think I will join the likes of Michael and W4U and put Jan on ignore because I admit Jan is very good at trolling and I will bite on Jans nonsense.

It became apparent as my involvement in astronomy returns I simply don't have time to play games with Jan. However Jan should stay on as Jan must generate site traffic...clearly Jan gets the attention Jan craves and does not care if Jan lies or makes a fool of Jan.

And I am starting to think Jan is not a man..I mean there is a patten in the behaviour that gives me visions of, and you have seen them I bet, the lone female who teases the guys at the bar having each think they are making progress while she says little things to each to keep the attention on her... They seem like they are in conversation but no substance.

And when you think about it Jan lies about so many things it could be a safe bet to think Jan is not a man at all.

One very telling comment Jan made was that Jan had no idea what a carburettor was only that it did its if you think about it how many men would not know about a carburettor...almost every guy you meet either is into cars and even those who are not are sufficiently interested in cars to at least know about a carburettor ... I don't know maybe fuel injection has changed that but Jan must have been around long enough to know about a carburettor.

Further this sulking behaviour with me seems more the thing a female would know it was Jan who was trolling and I called the bluff now it's all my fault and hence the sulking ...that is telling.

Anyways the most wonderful news, not withstanding leaving an important piece of astronomy equipment in the city I have been able to work around that issue such that hopefully by tonight I should have two rigs in service, and with the trees cleared and the clouds going away I am very happy.

I don't usually put people on ignore but the reality is there is no point in talking with someone who lies continually with out shame.

I feel Jan is perhaps a female who thinks all men are fools and gets some bizarre satisfaction in being the centre of attention.

And the general lack of knowledge is, male or female, simply tiresome.

I hope to contribute to the site with some photos in the next week all going well.

Aw! Feeling left out are we?:D:D:D
Want some attention?:D:D:D:D
Get satisfaction from the fact that I respond to Paddo. Technically it is non different from responding to you, as there is very little difference your outputs, and knowledge base.
See it as a broad news outlet, that even extends to Mickey boy when he reads your responses.
You don’t have to thank me, as I already know you appreciate it.
Are these talking dogs the result of darwinism?
Your efforts in evading the truth and the fact that all that have contributed recognise you as a patent liar isn't holding much water Jan.

And its also painfully obvious and regrettable that your continued rhetoric against accepted scientific fact, like Darwinism and the theory of evolution, and the now so boring pretentious laughter and ridicule you display, is typical of a 3 year old child. Is protecting your ego worth that much Jan?
Your efforts in evading the truth and the fact that all that have contributed recognise you as a patent liar isn't holding much water Jan.

And its also painfully obvious and regrettable that your continued rhetoric against accepted scientific fact, like Darwinism and the theory of evolution, and the now so boring pretentious laughter and ridicule you display, is typical of a 3 year old child. Is protecting your ego worth that much Jan?
Well.... were they?
Aw! Feeling left out are we?:D:D:D
Want some attention?:D:D:D:D
Get satisfaction from the fact that I respond to Paddo. Technically it is non different from responding to you, as there is very little difference your outputs, and knowledge base.
See it as a broad news outlet, that even extends to Mickey boy when he reads your responses.
You don’t have to thank me, as I already know you appreciate it.

I knew it, I knew it I knew it.

I have been expecting such a post for days. I knew exactly what you were doing and here's my proof.

The sulk for tension.

Boy do I have you wired and I must confess it is intensely satisfying.

And do you think I got pleasure knowing you were reading my posts but unable to respond so you could wait for this bet ...

Such fun I cant stop smiling knowing I have you pegged.

Anyways keep up the good work Jan and do yourself a favour and look into car bits ;)

However I won't be around as much unfortunately, at least that is my expectation, I have so much to do...

But I think everything has been covered, we have helped you understand evolution and how we find such a diversity with in effect a new species evolving to exploit any gap for survival. We have helped you understand that the universe is no doubt eternal and there can be no creator, we have shown you that trolling and lieing is not acceptable behaviour and we have showed you that intelligent design is not an intelligent idea after all. And most of all I expect helped you focus on the fact that it is men that create gods and that if we are to define gods we need a very long list to cover the thousands of definitions that attach to the thousands of gods. I hope all these things help you raise your self esteem and perhaps give you courage to tell the cult that you are not paying any more cash until they deliver the goods.

I think I have worked out how you fit into things around here and can only say this ..trolling and being stupid I generally find cute but lieing I just don't like. Firstly it shows a total lack of respect for others but more so for yourself..and it is just plain lazy.

Your lieing is why I really don't enjoy these games any more..I mean ok lie about your gender or stuff to protect privacy if you are that sort of person but lieing to deliver a message is not on I am afraid. You don't need to lie to argue with me and I suppose I should be flattered that you think you need lie to beat me...I guess that's what I will do..just content myself that you felt you could not win unless you had an unfair advantage ...

I hope you are surviving ok ... I am just so happy that I had you pegged I really can't stop grinning.
