Definition of God - one thread to rule them all

:rolleyes: Now that might have some credibility, if you yourself had any credibility.

Again repeating....The concept of god/s is "Mythical entities dreamed up before science reared its head, to explain the wonders of the universe around him/her."

or perhaps....God/s are unscientific, unevidenced mythical concepts, ignorantly fabricated to avoid the reality and finality of death, by substituting a warm, inner pleasurable feeling.
The definition of God is “the transcendental origin of everything”. The thread is quite specific.
Science enquiry begins at some point after the initial explosion. So yes God Himself maybe unscientific, but not God’s effects.
For the Big Bang (universe comes into being) to have occurred, there must have been some transcendental cause. Even if that cause was nothing.
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The definition of God is “the transcendental origin of everything”.
Except they are just words and have no meaning as far as science and the scientific methodology is concerned. Particularly when it is supported by the evidence as well as history and the superfluous nature of such a creature, as science has shown.
The thread is quite specific.
Science enquiry begins at some point after the initial explosion. So yes God Himself maybe unscientific, but not God’s effects.
For the Big Bang (universe comes into being) to have occurred, there must have been some transcendental cause. Even if that cause was nothing.
Nonsensical gobbldydook and again an insideous attempt at redefining words to support your baggage.

The concept of god/s is "Mythical entities dreamed up before science reared its head, to explain the wonders of the universe around him/her."

or perhaps....God/s are unscientific, unevidenced mythical concepts, ignorantly fabricated to avoid the reality and finality of death, by substituting a warm, inner pleasurable feeling.

Obviously you the lack the courage and the knowledge to discuss the BB in a scientific fashion in the appropriate thread I started.
I also remember reading somewhere a more precise definition of god/s.....
"the God Hypothesis – is untenable. God almost certainly does not exist".
Richard Dawkins:
In contrast Dawkins offers a definition also of Atheism....
"An atheist in this sense of philosophical naturalist is somebody who believes there is nothing beyond the natural, physical world, no supernatural creative intelligence lurking behind the observable universe, no soul that outlasts the body and no miracles — except in the sense of natural phenomena that we don’t yet understand".

I also find the following relevant to the thread title...
"the God Hypothesis comes in many versions. Historians of religion recognize a progression from primitive tribal animisms, through polytheisms such as those of the Greeks, Romans and Norsemen, to monotheisms such as Judaism and its derivatives, Christianity and Islam"
The preceding Quotes defining god/s are from Dawkin's book, "The God Delusion"
The concept of god/s is "Mythical entities dreamed up before science reared its head, to explain the wonders of the universe around him/her."
When did “science” rear its head”?
Obviously you the lack the courage and the knowledge to discuss the BB in a scientific fashion in the appropriate thread I started.
We’re not discussing the Big Bang here.
You said the universe came about because of the BB. That being said, there must be a cause.
Either God (per definition), or nothing.
I am sure, even you do not believe it was nothing (why would you?), but are afraid to discuss the remaining one. This is high grade denial, and rejection. So you can dance all you like. But everyone, can see you are running.
"the God Hypothesis – is untenable. God almost certainly does not exist".
Richard Dawkins:
"An atheist in this sense of philosophical naturalist is somebody who believes there is nothing beyond the natural, physical world, no supernatural creative intelligence lurking behind the observable universe, no soul that outlasts the body and no miracles — except in the sense of natural phenomena that we don’t yet understand".
IOW stay ignorant.
And you are a model student.:rolleyes:
"the God Hypothesis comes in many versions. Historians of religion recognize a progression from primitive tribal animisms, through polytheisms such as those of the Greeks, Romans and Norsemen, to monotheisms such as Judaism and its derivatives, Christianity and Islam"
How is this relevant to the thread?
This thread asks for a definition of God. Not an explanation.:D:D:D
When did “science” rear its head”?
It was a gradual process and examples have been given, which like any lying creationist, you chose to ignore.
We’re not discussing the Big Bang here.
You said the universe came about because of the BB. That being said, there must be a cause.
Why do you lack the courage do discuss the BB in the appropriate thread?
Either God (per definition), or nothing.
I am sure, even you do not believe it was nothing (why would you?), but are afraid to discuss the remaining one. This is high grade denial, and rejection. So you can dance all you like. But everyone, can see you are running.

The usual pretentious nervous laughter again, to cover the lies, obtuseness and general dishonesty.
IOW stay ignorant.
And you are a model student.:rolleyes:
Without science my friend, and without the basis of the facts of Darwinism and the theory of evolution, you would still be swinging in the trees!
How is this relevant to the thread?
This thread asks for a definition of God. Not an explanation.:D:D:D
Wow! Perhaps a disprin and a good lay down before you get any more frustrated and excited?
Oh, and it is very relevant to the thread...if you object, you know what to do.
You said the universe came about because of the BB. That being said, there must be a cause.
Either God (per definition), or nothing.

My grandma, what narrow minded vision you have.

Jan's worldview = God or nothing. Are you sure you're actually offering a choice there, Jan?

Or, is your statement more along the lines of: "It's my way or the highway!"
My grandma, what narrow minded vision you have.

Jan's worldview = God or nothing. Are you sure you're actually offering a choice there, Jan?

Or, is your statement more along the lines of: "It's my way or the highway!"
Well said! and isn't that the way with most fanatical creationist nuts that generally infest science forums?
It was a gradual process and examples have been given, which like any lying creationist, you chose to ignore.
Stop lying.
You don’t know what you’re talking about.:rolleyes:
Why do you lack the courage do discuss the BB in the appropriate thread?
We’re in this thread!!!:D:D:D
And you did say the universe came about as a result of the BB.
The usual pretentious nervous laughter again, to cover the lies, obtuseness and general dishonesty.
Aw! You want me to feel hurt, like you feel it.
So much so, you have to tell yourself that I do.
Do you have any idea how pathetic you’re being?:D:D:D:D
Oh! My nervous laughter just got an upgrade.:rolleyes:
Without science my friend, and without the basis of the facts of Darwinism and the theory of evolution, you would still be swinging in the trees!

Dats da tooth, da whole tooth, and nothing but the tooth” Nebraska Mann

Oh, and it is very relevant to the thread...if you object, you know what to do.
Yeah! Let my hair down and have fun with fools.
Stop lying.
You don’t know what you’re talking about.:rolleyes:
I'll stand by the recognised judgement of all that have contributed to threads you are involved in.
We’re in this thread!!!:D:D:D
Wrong again. You have failed to heed my advice by taking that disprin and having a good laydown, havn't you?
Aw! You want me to feel hurt, like you feel it.
So much so, you have to tell yourself that I do.
Do you have any idea how pathetic you’re being?:D:D:D:D
Oh! My nervous laughter just got an upgrade.:rolleyes:

Dats da tooth, da whole tooth, and nothing but the tooth” Nebraska Mann

Yeah! Let my hair down and have fun with fools. tiresome arguing with recognised fools and charlatans.
In the end, no matter how we chose to define god/s, the one underlying undeniable fact is that "god/s did not invent man: Man invented god/s" ;)
I'll stand by the recognised judgement of all that have contributed to threads you are involved in.

Dont be concerned he is just projecting yet can put it down to low self esteem from being continually brain washed by the cult and presumably being conned out of his cash.

Anyways so far I have you way ahead ..if it were a race you would be showered and on the way home and Jan just rounding the first bend.

You do know if we went back over the years and dug up a god definition that Jan had provided and put it up now as if it was something you had arrived at we would find Jan disagreeing simply to help bolster his low self esteem and take his mind off all the cash he has given to the cult.
