Data Management

Discussion in 'Physics & Math' started by StanyBecker, Dec 26, 2019.

  1. StanyBecker Registered Member

    (Also via "setting up theories" ...)

    Be welcome on my article about "data management".
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    Data management - article:

    A uniform and generally usueable way to store and manage data.

    Stany Becker

    In this article, we propose a uniform and generally usueable way of storing and managing data.
    In this article, we give a way to describe reality starting from a `founding proposition´. (see SettingUpTheories, text `Data Management´ - first occurence)
    As `founding proposition´, we take “all data-management is done via assignments”.
    Based on that ‘founding propositon’, we see we can store the data using the assignments of those data.
    We store these assignments in binary trees instead of in coupled tables with rows and colmuns using some so-called datamodel.

    How can we get an easy, uniform and generally useable way to store and manage data?

    computer sciences – data sources (databases)

    Finding an easy, uniform and generally useable way to store and manage data would be quite helpfull.
    This is because storing and managing data now-a-days is a complex and expensive business.
    This is mainly due to the coupling of tables, coming from a (usually difficult to build) datamodel and all the problems of normalising that model.
    The presence of a datamodel also makes it rather hard to store and manage data.
    So, not needing a datamodel to store data would make it a lot easier.

    So, this article is about exploring a method to get an easy way to store and manage data.

    The question is “How can we get an easy, uniform and generally useable way to store and manage data?”.

    In this article, another way is proposed to store and manage data:
    We propose the use of binary trees to store assignments instead of storing data in tables with rows and columns to do this.

    Because of the ‘founding propositon’ “all data-management is done via assignments”, it makes sense just to store those assignments!

    Like that, we have all information available without having to think about datamodels and other (difficult) things (like e.g. building one, normalisation or implementing changes).

    Of course, to be able to store assignments, we do also need a datamodel, but that datamodel is hidden from its users (like datamanagers and developpers), as it should be.
    Furthermore, our datamodel for storing assignments is a bit special in the sence that every “table” in it has exactly two “columns”: a reference and a value.

    Using that kind of model, we can store the assignments in binary trees.
    Do actually do this, we can build an application that does just that.

    To ease up storing and managing data, we store assignments in binary trees.
    To do this, an application ‘AssSet’ (for ‘Assignment Set’) was built.

    So, we store and manage data using this application ‘AssSet’.
    The term ‘Assignment’ is obvious (it’s what we store).
    The term ‘Set’ means there are no doubles stored, so there is no redundant storing.

    This all means: by using the application ‘AssSet’, we can store and manage data efficiently without having to construct and maintain a (constraining and difficult) datamodel!


    As we have seen, using the application ‘AssSet’ simplifies the storing and managing of data.
    To store and manage data, we use operarotors put at our disposal by the application ‘AssSet’.
    This means we can start the storing and managing data immediately after installing ‘AssSet’.
    There is no need te build and maintain a so-called datamodel.
    (Of course, there is a datmodel, but it is hidden!)

    Now, by just storing assignments as they come, we cannot do very much maintenance.
    That’s why we use the described assignment as a base to store the delivered assignment in parts (object, property and value), enabling the adding of so-called metadata.
    The metadata that is standardly added is ‘creation moment’, ‘deletion moment’ (set to `later´) and ‘reference’ (providing the internal reference of the assignment).

    If we want to know what the meaning of the data is, we should give an explanation on the level of properties of object.
    We can do this trying to describe to meaning of the values informally.
    We can however also give (formally) the so-called ‘value determining routine’!
    Now, the problem is shifted to giving a uniform and generally useable specification of an application (an informatics-routine).
    To do that, we could use the so-called `routine-proposition´ (to be helt valid by the specified informatics-routine). (see Process management, text `founding proposition´ - second occurence)

    This can be the subject of some further research.

    Storing and managing data is at the heart of most of human activity.
    If we can simplify that, we can make quite a jump ahead.

    The propositon “all data-management is done via assignments” can serve as an example of a `founding proposition´. SettingUpTheories, text `Data Management´ - first occurence (current article)

    So, to conclude: In this article, we have pointed out a way to store and manage data an easy, uniform and generally useable way: store assignments in binary trees.



    About me:

    My name is Stany Becker.

    I have a degree in mathematics and as such, I am interested in study of space and in "theoretical studies of knowledge".

    Because I am new in the subject of publishing articles however, my first article is about a methematical construction to uniformly compute sums. ("Sum via Integral")

    After that, I will publish my view on the way theories could be set up. ("SettingUpTheories")

    That way is then used in the next articles to point out an alternative way to contemplate reality and to manage data and processes.

    The articles having equations (like "Mathematical description of reality" and "Description of reality") will be postponed until I have found a way to properly publish equations (like in “pdf”-format).
    I will test this on the articles in thread “Sum via Integral”.

    If you have any ideas about this, please let me know …

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