Controversial AZ Immigration Bill is now Law

What slave immigrants? Slaves do not willingly go to another country or get paid so saying that is not even close to truth.

whoops. i meant to say the above but posted in the wrong thread.

It worked out for you :)

And weather they came there are not, most of them are working like slaves, for bare enough to eat.

so companies can save on labor and government can pay true Americans welfare.

They might not completely fit the definition of a slave exactly, but the end result is the same damn thing.
It worked out for you :)

What worked out for me?

And weather they came there are not, most of them are working like slaves, for bare enough to eat.

so companies can save on labor and government can pay true Americans welfare.

And where did you get that from?

They might not completely fit the definition of a slave exactly, but the end result is the same damn thing.

You know it is not the same thing. So we should not need to address fabrications.
What worked out for me?

I made a reference to Immigration in the post you acidently Quoted, number 29 i think. :)

And where did you get that from?

"They slave in our lettuce, fruit and vegetable fields for a pittance of wages. They live 30 to a house, eat horrid food, suffer financial degradation so pathetic that no American would live or work like that. They work at ski resorts and live 20 to a trailer. They work in hotels and restaurants. They work landscape, dry wall, fast food, construction, painting and as maids. They are not legal. They are illiterate. They are not citizens. They form a subclass, yet are happy because it's better than their native Mexico. They make up American's 21st
century slave class."

Just one of a ton of refereces,

You know it is not the same thing. So we should not need to address fabrications

Lmao, If they were brought in legally and giving official slave citizen ship against there will by Government, guess what i would still call that Costing true Americans there jobs, The Negative affects are the same, can you prove me wrong?
Seriously, i dont read links that are editorials so you are just wasting time. May as well just read what comes from peoples opinions here. You are capable of forming your own?

So 20 million people WILLINGLY coming to a country are slaves? I think they would disagree with you and would not want you speaking for them.

"They slave in our lettuce, fruit and vegetable fields for a pittance of wages. They live 30 to a house, eat horrid food, suffer financial degradation so pathetic that no American would live or work like that. They work at ski resorts and live 20 to a trailer. They work in hotels and restaurants. They work landscape, dry wall, fast food, construction, painting and as maids. They are not legal. They are illiterate. They are not citizens. They form a subclass,

I would not have much problem with making some of the ones here citizens. Providing it is done the right way and they are law abiding AND even other nations recognizing this as needing to take some responsibility as well. Mostly for financial compensation.
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make them citizens then and give them all the rights an American, has OK cool,

I bet Businesses down there will just get more up so they can continue to enjoy the destructive cheap labor while all of you suffer.

I don't care how they think, If you think it is right for People to be treated like that, then you have lost all touch with Humanity.

and wrong.

And sure i will give to compensation.
, i have, we sent some of our Canadian jobs to mexico, let them go home and work them.
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..Of course, "freedom loving" suckers of Bushdick having been rejoicing that the Oxymoron Act AKA "Patriot" allows just such issuance of warrants for any cause under the sun.

Yeah, that stupid Patriot Act stopped/prevented TWO hits on Obama.

so does that mean i get to say fck americans and to go back to spain? your forgetting that WE STOLE this land it was never ours we just forcefully took it from the natives. so maby go back to the holy land? this isnt our land keep that in mind when you make thoes huge racist sweeping statements...hell part of this country belonged to mexico before we just came in and took it. they just want back whats rightfully theres so i this case sandy wouldnt you be the criminal alien?

We didn't steal anything. Do your homework.
Meanwhile, the criminal aliens are going to stage huge rallies all over the country tomorrow. Perfect opportunity for ICE to get the big nets, scoop their parasite asses up, and send them COD back to Hell, MX or wherever they came from.
I have an idea, Why don't we just have and enforce really nasty laws against employers for hiring illegals??? That way the job market for illegals will dry up and they will stop coming, and employers will hire expensive lazy citizens for all the great jobs like dish washing and fruit picking, etc, that illegals take. It just seems really stupid to me when these people get in like water through a sieve that we have to waste so much tax dollars in garbing them off the streets and shipping them back. It just seems like a smoke screen to keep the racist police lubricated and conservatives appeased while the status quot remains and nothing actually improves in reducing illegal immigration and job loss.
We didn't steal anything.

You and I didn't, but a great number of our ancestors did. People were systematically exterminated and forced from their land.

There is a--call me crazy--middle ground here! Americans can actually own up to their past while still being proud of their country. Admitting to one's history doesn't mean you have to be an America hater, it simply means you recognize the sins of the past with equal doses of pride for past achievements. Doing so doesn't mean having to relocate every non-indigenous American rather it just means you're mature enough to avoid doing the same thing over again.

I love my country. I'm proud of it to the point of tears at times, but that pride doesn't mask the realization that many (if not most) our accomplishments were achieved on the backs of many unfortunate people.

I can still think of Washington and Jefferson as great men while still recognizing that they were enormously flawed, even for their time. Taken off their white washed pedestal, I'm still awed by much of their character but very aware that they were just men.

I have an idea, Why don't we just have and enforce really nasty laws against employers for hiring illegals??? That way the job market for illegals will dry up and they will stop coming, and employers will hire expensive lazy citizens for all the great jobs like dish washing and fruit picking, etc, that illegals take. It just seems really stupid to me when these people get in like water through a sieve that we have to waste so much tax dollars in garbing them off the streets and shipping them back. It just seems like a smoke screen to keep the racist police lubricated and conservatives appeased while the status quot remains and nothing actually improves in reducing illegal immigration and job loss.

That law is already on the books however they rarely enforce it. If they did, everyone would be going to jail. Almost every corporation I've worked for the janitorial staff could barely speak any english. Now I'm positive those folks didn't wait 10+ years to become naturalized citizens. It's very easy in California to get fake legal documents that will allow you to get a job. So it's hard to prosecute the employers because most of the working illegals have these fraudulent documents.
So it's hard to prosecute the employers because most of the working illegals have these fraudulent documents.

Horse shit. I'm a regional HR manager, so don't try to sell that bullshit.

Basic criminal background checks--that verify credit activity, SS# and local + federal criminal history--cost $25 per head. You can prepay for mass quantities like my corporation for much less per person. It's relatively difficult to fake and would clear the vast majority of the illegals.

It isn't perfect, and for the criminally intelligent quite possible to fake, but most illegals don't have access to that level of sophistication. Employers who do risk having their business seized, so your standard illegal employer simply wouldn't.

And is actually included in the AZ bill along with a few other. . . ah. . . controversial things.


Thank you for stating that. People are so damn quick to scream foul play that it's never occured to them to actually read the bill (which I've linked to in this thread).

And anyone who wants to buy land to donate to Native Americans is certainly free to do so. However, that's a different topic isnt it?
Horse shit. I'm a regional HR manager, so don't try to sell that bullshit.

Basic criminal background checks--that verify credit activity, SS# and local + federal criminal history--cost $25 per head. You can prepay for mass quantities like my corporation for much less per person. It's relatively difficult to fake and would clear the vast majority of the illegals.

It isn't perfect, and for the criminally intelligent quite possible to fake, but most illegals don't have access to that level of sophistication. Employers who do risk having their business seized, so your standard illegal employer simply wouldn't.


It's actually very easy to circumvent the very system you're using. In California, an illegal can purchase real birth certificates of American citizens and use that to attain a drivers license, and other legal documents.

False Birth Certificates Let Immigrants Outwit System

It was not long before Mr. Bieri discovered the little secret that for years has helped some illegal immigrants stay in the United States: in some states, like California, it is possible to adopt the identity of an American citizen by simply walking into the right government office and paying a few dollars for someone's birth certificate.
It's actually very easy to circumvent the very system you're using. In California, an illegal can purchase real birth certificates of American citizens and use that to attain a drivers license, and other legal documents.

Odd, since the system we use has been recognized as reducing the vast majority of illegal applicants. It's currently used by state and local governments and a huge portion of the industry where security matters.

Even the slight chance of being caught causes most illegals to run. Requiring all applicants to have their photos taken, provide a recent bill to their address and then forwarding that information to a clearing house--accessible to the FBI and INS--usually scares most illegals away. I trust the system and while it isn't perfect, show me a single illegal who'd submit to that level of background check.

True Christians obey our laws. True Christians want others to obey our laws, too. True Christians are patriots and do not want these parasites taking over our country. Jesus does not care if I abbreviate swear words. Stupid little manmade words mean nothing to Him. He loves me no matter what I say/do. That's the cool thing about "JC". You don't earn His love. He is perfect. I am not.
Meanwhile I stand on my post. We should deport ALL criminal aliens. Yesterday.

Gee -- the Constitution and the laws of the land are "stupid little manmade words."

This Jesus must be one of those "criminal aliens."
Did no one respond to my previous post where I clearly spelled out that having Jesus, a convicted felon, in your heart in AZ was conspiring with an illegal alien?

Jesus was born overseas and was not the child of even one American citizen. The INS has no visa applications from him. According to the Mormons, Jesus has a record of previously entering the US without paperwork.

Perhaps my point was too subtle for a True Christian. (Since when has Sandy been Catholic?)