Controversial AZ Immigration Bill is now Law


Gov. Jan Brewer ignored criticism from Obama and signed into law a bill supporters said would take handcuffs off police in dealing with illegal immigration in AZ, the nation's busiest gateway for human and drug smuggling from Mexico.

Finally! AZ has become a Hellhole from the massive, unchecked criminal alien takeover. Brewer will win reelection in a landslide. AZ residents have wanted a crackdown for years.
This is another example of the Republicans increasing the size and the power of Government. I'm for small Government, we don't need a bureaucrat telling small business owners who they can hire. We need less Government not more.
This is another example of the Republicans increasing the size and the power of Government. I'm for small Government, we don't need a bureaucrat telling small business owners who they can hire. We need less Government not more.

I agree . . . when it comes to the federal government.

But, I see no issue enforcing immigration laws on the state level. I think the police should verify that people aren't here illegally. Check points? Random stops? Profiling? Maybe not. But the notion that there are cities within the USA that are "haven" cities (LA, for example) where the mayors have ordered the local police refuse to enforce federal immigration laws is ridiculous.

Arizona hasn't ended up with nearly half a million illegal immigrants without the assistance of Arizona businesses - a lot of them.

It's hardly to be expected that people will be overly concerned about working (and by extension, living) in the US illegally if their employers aren't.

The finger of blame needs to be turned away from the illegal immigrants who are, after all, only making the most of an opportunity opened up to them by their American employers, and pointed in the right direction.

However, it seems unlikely. While this bill has penalities for employers (which already exist under federal law) public anger remains primarily (and illogically) directed at the immigrants.

The illegal immigration situation is now so large and endemic that this kind of "solution" will backfire.

In the meantime, it's a vote-getting exercise that's essentially closing the barn door after the horse has bolted - thanks to employers.
I agree . . . when it comes to the federal government.

But, I see no issue enforcing immigration laws on the state level. I think the police should verify that people aren't here illegally. Check points? Random stops? Profiling? Maybe not. But the notion that there are cities within the USA that are "haven" cities (LA, for example) where the mayors have ordered the local police refuse to enforce federal immigration laws is ridiculous.


I know, I'm just being a facetious smartass:)
Isn't Arizona also trying to enact a law to prove US citizenship by President Obama if he wants to re run in 2012? Seems like they think that Hawaii is not part of the USA. Maybe they can elect their new president as well... Rick Perry and a Vice President Liz Cheeney?
Damn if Hawaii is not part of the USA, we will take them up north here, them belly dancing chicks are hot :D
AZ should deport every criminal alien they can. That state is a Hellhole now because of them. You can't even go to Phoenix without worrying about being killed by them. AZ is a prime example of what happens when illegal immigration goes unchecked. It's about time someone did something. Kudos to the governor.
The problem , as I see it, is that when they remove the illegals back to Mexico, those illegals will just find another way back across the border in a few months thus starting the problem all over once again. :shrug:
How is this law "controversial" to begin with ?
Arizona is just trying to enforce laws that already exist in some form or another.

There's absolutely nothing wrong with immigrants using legal channels to migrate to the U.S., but illegal immigration is just that... illegal.
I particularly appreciated the requirement that everyone in Arizona carry proof of citizenship status satisfactory to the local police at all times, on pain of possible arrest.

As I see it, that creates a Constitutional obligation to issue such identification, at minimal cost, to any citizen of the US planning to travel in the State.

And I need another form of ID, so I don't have to carry my passport around to get money, apply for jobs, etc.
I particularly appreciated the requirement that everyone in Arizona carry proof of citizenship status satisfactory to the local police at all times, on pain of possible arrest.

That's not true. Only brown people need to carry papers. I hope all the natural born remember to keep their birth certificates on them.
I'm for small Government, we don't need a bureaucrat telling small business owners who they can hire.

Let's say you are an electrician who usually charges $30 an hour. Then suddenly you lose your clientele (and business) because immigrants do the job for $8 an hour.

Since you don't like to tell to your clientele who they should hire for a work...
pandemon said:
That's not true. Only brown people need to carry papers.
From what I hear, there's going to be special training to avoid the appearance of harassing only brown people - some kind of quota system seems likely, de facto.
From what I hear, there's going to be special training to avoid the appearance of harassing only brown people - some kind of quota system seems likely, de facto.

Let's hope so.

The law says illegals should not be here.

I love that about dems, they are folks of laws.

So, the law says illegals are breaking the law.

Dems says wall street should obey unwritten laws.

Dems says illegals should not obey written laws.

Why do dems love illegals and hate wall street?
Let's hope so.

The law says illegals should not be here.

I love that about dems, they are folks of laws.

So, the law says illegals are breaking the law.

Dems says wall street should obey unwritten laws.

Dems says illegals should not obey written laws.

Why do dems love illegals and hate wall street?

As someone very much pro-Wall Street, clearly, the argument would be that when illegals break the law they cross an imaginary line to perform jobs and add to the American economy. Unlike with Wall Street no one loses their retirement savings, and the behavior is Pareto optimal.

Wall Street, on the other hand, engaged in non-Pareto optimal redistributions of wealth, from pension plans, insurance companies, and average investors, and into the pockets of their executives (in the form of billion dollar bonuses).

In many cases, Wall Street's position is more defensible than what that suggests, but that is, clearly, the theory.

Why do Republicans hate redistributions of wealth from the people initiated by the government, and love them when they come from the people initiated by a CEO?

I like Arizona a lot, but I hate the thought of any State adopting the unofficial motto "Your papers, please."
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As someone very much pro-Wall Street, clearly, the argument would be that when illegals break the law they cross an imaginary line to perform jobs and add to the American economy. Unlike with Wall Street no one loses their retirement savings, and the behavior is Pareto optimal.
Wall Street, on the other hand, engaged in non-Pareto optimal redistributions of wealth, from pension plans, insurance companies, and average investors, and into the pockets of their executives (in the form of billion dollar bonuses).
In many cases, Wall Street's position is more defensible than what that suggests, but that is, clearly, the theory.
Why do Republicans hate redistributions of wealth from the people initiated by the government, and love them when they come from the people initiated by a CEO?
I like Arizona a lot, but I hate the thought of any State adopting the unofficial motto "Your papers, please."
The line is not imaginary. It is clearly marked. Criminal aliens don't come here to add to our econ. That's the LAST thing on their minds. They want money to send back home. They want to live the good life without earning it. They steal ID's and SS#'s. The take food stamps, welfare, unemployment, housing, education and 2 trillion dollars from the US economy. They are parasites who ALL need to be deported. Yesterday.
Many liberals hate the evil rich CCRs. The only rich they like are the Hollyweirdos, sports/music people etc.