Color Of Crime!!!

Discussion in 'Ethics, Morality, & Justice' started by Azrael, Aug 1, 2002.

  1. prozak Banned Banned

    Re: Oh please

    Can we avoid the typical apologist crap in your post?

    There are more impoverished white people in America and in American cities than there are black; yet blacks still dwarf whites in terms of crime.

    I am not interpreting this, but I think the data's valid. What next?

    Why is any racial division such a taboo?

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  3. prozak Banned Banned

    Re: Color of justice

    There are more impoverished whites than impoverished blacks in America. Yet the crimes committed by those whites, and the nature of those crimes, is fundamentally different.

    Of all races in America, blacks lead in terms of violent crime, disproportionate to their numbers in comparison to whites, asians, to some degree Hispanics, and native americans.

    It's interesting I haven't seen anyone here debate the statistics themselves -or- offer a plausible explanation otherwise.
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  5. shrrbro Registered Member

    ALL people do crime

    Does your STATS include the COPS that have beaten Blacks sice our being freed from slavery? Does it include the fear set up by the KKK (and the KKK spell america with a K). Doe your stats include the ghettos made by the white men when Blacks moved from the segregated south, because the poor whites didnt want to live with the poor blacks? Does your stats include the Jobs blacks did not get while your white poor brothers found jobs to get off their feet? Does your stats include the many court cases where evedence CLEARLY pointed to the lynch mobs, and BLACk Eye witnesses were dismissed from court or ignored? Does your stats include the government itself actually passing LAWS AGAINST blacks as being equal? YOUR people NEVER HAD to Fight against ANYONE in order to live a general life, day to day, 9-5. BLACKS did and still do have to be Martin Luther King in order to just have a common life. If WE commit crimb the punnishment is WORSE than when YOU do regardless of past history. If We buy a car the credit rating is higher than you regardless of rating. Whites control the media and the so called "black" media as well BET and EBONY JET are WHITE owned. They are only going to say what is Politically acceptable about black issues. They always will. Whites can paint a picture of a race being evil if they choose and rarely cover thier own issues. If not for the gays rising up, the priest would be mollesting without coverage. (usually white men are mollesters and serial killers... MALVO was an unusual event and the media makes a point to bring up his color often)
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  7. Adam §Þ@ç€ MØnk€¥ Registered Senior Member


    Right on Bro. Fight the power! Down with Whitey!
  8. Xev Registered Senior Member

    Apparently, proper punctuation is a racist lie.
  9. Adam §Þ@ç€ MØnk€¥ Registered Senior Member


    Please read this:
    Are you referring to Affirmative Action?

    This shows you to be a complete fuggin idiot, entirely ignorant of history. Whites endured thousands of years of slavery in Europe. That continent had its own internal slave trade for millennia, as did Africa, as did Asia. Then what happened? The lands of my own ancestors were invaded and conquered by Rome and Christianity, new ways forced on them.

    You mean like Samuel Jackson, Colin Powell, or these?


    That sounds remarkably like what those neo-NAZI wankers say about Jews. Do you by any chance have a swastika tattoo?

    You're seeming incredibly racist, you know.
  10. prozak Banned Banned

    "YOUR people NEVER HAD to Fight against ANYONE in order to live a general life, day to day, 9-5."

    Tell that to the Mongols, untermensch.
  11. shrrbro Registered Member

    You people are talkin about people in other countries. Whites in other lands in order to show that whites have suffered? I thought the post I replied to was talking about AMERICA! Im sorry, if you people wish to try to show how YOUR people were in slavery in some other friggin country, so as to justify YOUR SLAVING OUR PEOPLE, then I am mistaken in thinking this was about AMERICA. And the white poeple love to say that blacks were involved in slavery. THEY were involved in SLAVERY as much as the INDIANS were involved in Land trading with whites. YEAH the white man didnt STEAL the land from the indians, they TRADED had it sold to them fair and square right? THOSE INDIANS are just complaining, and the whites did NO wrong in their dealings. The Whites did NO wrong in their having slaves, and the slavery of blacks UP UNTIL THE LAST SLAVE WAS FREED BY THE POLICE just before 1901 has ABSOLUTELY NO EFFECT on the social status or financial placement of blacks today. After all, that was 100 years ago. And the jim crow laws had NO effect on the economic situation. And ALL those peole in news clips HOLLERING and protesting AGAINST blacks voting and attending school with them in City after city, ALL of them INSTANTLY LOVE blacks now and they now treat the blacks they meet EQUALLY, and they raised their KIDS fair and EQUALLY, instantly after Jim Crow was removed. I am sorry for troubling you guys. Perhaps I am out of date. WHEN did the White man start treating us EQUALLY? I must have missed it. I always thought the white people ware made to treat others fairly by force, and never once in AMERICAN history did the whites ever Change policy without protest by whoever they were kicking. I guess I was wrong about your people. Thanks for everything. Like that gubment handout. You KNOWS how weez LUV dat WELFARE. And when the white, Ah meens MULTICULTUAL media, put on TV how weez sit on the gubment and Buy big new cadlac cahs and pimp cloths on welfare checks (you know deh give THOUSAND AND THOUSANDS a month, and car dealers give credit to Welfare peeps all the time), I can see how MAD dat make yall. Aftu all, YALL doin ALl du Workin, And I just sit on dis here computa and COMPLAIN bout slavery and all. Aftu all that was 400 YEARS ago. I thinks Ima just Git over it, Get off Crack, Sell my benzo get off welfare, sell all my jewlry from the Drugs I beez sellin, Move out da ghetto, and do what Colin Powel did and Oprah, and Michael (both of them). By the way, Ima goto College and gets ma degree. When I gits it, (it'll be because of affirmative ackshun dat I gits in)Ima go to da bosses in the BLACK neighborhood(who will be a white man in all likelihood) and begs foe a job. And then Im gonna go to the bank in ma BLACk hood and begs foe a loan (the loan officer is no doubt a white man as well). Oh well, I guess I will go to the Mexican hood to THAT bank, Woops THEY WHITE TOO! OH WELL. Can I gits a job here wit Yall folks?
  12. Adam §Þ@ç€ MØnk€¥ Registered Senior Member


    1) Learn punctuation and grammar, please, so it may be easier to read your posts.

    2) Separate your points in paragraphs.

    3) You seem very racist to me, with your hatred of whites.
  13. shrrbro Registered Member

    as far as the "stats" goes, the stats say just what the stats would read when the WHITES were broke in NEY YORK. "gangs of new york". Take a look. UH OH the whites in GANGS? THAT is not shoking. Give me the stats of the violence of White on blacks by COPS without the same provications that white criminals provide. Lets look up the stats of the Blacks selling DRUGS ! YEAH LOOK AT ALL THOSE BLACKS SELLIN AND TAKIN CRACK!!! WOOPS WHO IS THAT DRIVING UP TO THAT DEALER? A WHITE MAN BUYING CRACK!!!!!!!!WEED!!!White people GROW their drug of choice in the everglades here in florida. The Police only destroy the plot and take very little effort in arresting and giving HARD TIME to the crop growers. They are COMMON people like MY FORMAN! They drink Beers and get pulled over. SOME get arrested, SOME dont. Depends on if you are drivin a Pickup and you are a Good ole boy, being Pulled over by a good ole boy. But Lets be real. I KNOW there are MANY MANY instances where 5 BLACK cops beat the SNOTS out a WHITE FEMALE that was pulled over on a simple traffic stop. I am SURE that there are MANY stats of the BLACK MUSLIMS killing and threatening Whites and Walking out of court as there are vice versa. WHAT am I thinkin?
  14. Adam §Þ@ç€ MØnk€¥ Registered Senior Member


    Ever heard of the Zebra Killings?
  15. shrrbro Registered Member

    hate WHITE PEOPLE?

    Why is it that when people talk about what WHITE PEOPLE have done to other people in America, they are called "hatin whitey?" Hello? do the white people actually Deny they have kicked everyone next to them? Does the white people in the Usa think they have been fair to others? Equal? Or were they MADE to be fair after protest?
    Why is it that if a person says, "perhaps the American Government has policy that is making other counties pissed at us" he is called ANTI AMERICAN?
    BLIND is to not look at what is ACTUALLING HAPPENING! LOOK at what is happening and stop thinking that a group of people is mearly complaining. Could it ACTUALLY BE that white poeple HAVE done things against others?
    The Muslims are now being bashed. Abd the republicans like to use this as a tool to get away with saying little nasty comments about THEM now. now THEY are being attacked. NOT by Blackas, or any other American people. But the WHITE people are the ones once again, doing the main kicking. Do you deny THIS as well? I am sure there is yet some other reason for why THAT is not true or justified as well, right?
  16. Adam §Þ@ç€ MØnk€¥ Registered Senior Member

    Some facts

    1) The Africans sold into slavery in the Americas were sold into slavery by Africans.

    2) The African slave trade still exists.

    3) It was white people who ended the slave trade in the Americas and Europe, while the trade still goes on in Africa.

    4) Black people commit crimes. White people commit crimes. All sorts of people commit crimes.

    5) Nobody, not even the dreaded Whitey, is forcing black people in the USA to use or sell drugs, guns, or anything else like that. People have free will, they do it by choice.
  17. static76 The Man, The Myth, The Legend Registered Senior Member

    shrrbro = dumbass

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